its cause of the Knicks and Heat of the 90s. Those two teams played the ugliest basketball ever. All they did was go thug on everyone. It was because of those two teams that Stern got stricter with the rules as far as physical play and perimeter defense.
Imagine little Ray Ray having to work for his shot like Reggie Miller, Michael Jordan, Joe Dumars, etc. and still being as effective...It wouldn't happen. He is too much of a crybaby. If anyone D's up on him, he turns into a camel toe right before your eyes.
Bruce Bowen isn't dirty. He is a throwback. He plays defense the way they did in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. The difference is, in this era, only the Spurs and Pistons have consistently year after year played real defense. The Showtime Lakers played defense. The Bad Boy Pistons played defense. The Bulls played defense....but then all those rule changes happened and defense disappeared except for the two franchises I stated earlier.
What we have been left with, is a bunch of finesse, sissified players, who flop everywhere and whine over every little call.......on offense if they don't get a call and on defense if they are called for any type of violation.
Another thing that has helped to sissify the league is the influx of international players. While I like the diversity, the international players for the vast majority have been floppers, finesse players, and lack defense.