The Cowboys season ended today


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I said it after the AZ game, but 100% believe it now. We are now with 100% certainty NOT winning the division, so PLEASE stop trying to dream up far fetched scenarios in which we could do so. It's Wildcard time. And we do NOT have a clutch HC or QB capable of winning three (3) straight post season games against great teams....with at least 2...maybe 3 on the road. All hope ended today with Dak farting, falling down, and ONCE AGAIN failing with 4 shots at the SIX yard line. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
You are right. Call up Jerry and the Press.
We are officially forfeiting the rest of the season.
I am not sure if that would punish our draft slot but who cares.
Call it now.
No need to play the rest of the season at all since there is no way we could ever win anything in the post season.
Wonder how that would work for all the other teams that cannot win it in the post season as well.

Maybe the league should look into relegation and put all of the teams who have no shot at all to win in the post season to sit out the season or in a minor league.

Only the ones that have a chance to win in the post season will be allowed to play regular NFL games.

Hyperbole and sarcasm off


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Then quit. Stop watching them. Stop posting here. Find another team or read a book.

I have watched this site go from spirited debate years ago to this whine fest by the hurt feeling fans.

If this is enough for you to be a quitter, then do it.

This site is like therapy for some of these guys. It's pretty ridiculous, and definitely lessens the site.

I get being upset and posting about it, but it gets taken way out of perspective. This game showed how close we are. We should've won. It took a few inches and what I consider some questionable reffing to lose today. By no means does this loss mean the season is over lol.


The Labeled One
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I said it after the AZ game, but 100% believe it now. We are now with 100% certainty NOT winning the division, so PLEASE stop trying to dream up far fetched scenarios in which we could do so. It's Wildcard time. And we do NOT have a clutch HC or QB capable of winning three (3) straight post season games against great teams....with at least 2...maybe 3 on the road. All hope ended today with Dak farting, falling down, and ONCE AGAIN failing with 4 shots at the SIX yard line. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Cowboys vs Saints.....Wildcard.......Book it.


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Season ended last year when Jerry decided to keep being GM . 27 years and counting .


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I said it after the AZ game, but 100% believe it now. We are now with 100% certainty NOT winning the division, so PLEASE stop trying to dream up far fetched scenarios in which we could do so. It's Wildcard time. And we do NOT have a clutch HC or QB capable of winning three (3) straight post season games against great teams....with at least 2...maybe 3 on the road. All hope ended today with Dak farting, falling down, and ONCE AGAIN failing with 4 shots at the SIX yard line. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
Please, man .. in this watered down NFL, with 7 games to play are you serious? It's all about making the BS tournament at seasons end. It has nothing to do with being the best team in the league this season. For that matter, the SB is no barometer of which team is the best in any given season. The 9-7 Giants ring a bell to you? What is much more of a factor is that .. as long as Jerry is the Owner, Gödel will make sure the Cowboys have to climb a hill much too difficult to get over the top. Roger didn't appreciate Jerry trying to get him fired several years ago. It is really that simple.


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Let's calm down. This was actually a good game by our offense. Philly is hard to beat when they're at home. We play them again later. Our team has looked very good. Steele and Gallup need to play better or be bounced. That said, I think the Cowboys will be okay. If anything, I'm encouraged by this game. We played Philly close on the road. I think we will beat them in the encore at home. If we can we can get on a run and win 3 of the next 4 games (not sure how we will fair with Seattle, plus ill be at a convention during that game, so ill probably miss that game) before we play them (since we are 5-3) and then beat them, then thatd give us a 9-4 record. That's not a bad spot to be in. I think we can beat Detroit at home and Washington on the road. So that's at worst a 11-6 record in that case. That is more than enough for a playoff appearance. Mind you, Miami has looked shaky of late. We might be able to win that too. So, 11-6 or 12-5 is about where I thought we'd finish. Once in the playoffs with a record like that, who knows where we go from there? I'm not ready to write off this season just yet, and we played a very good game today. I'm encouraged by this game.


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The season didn’t end today.

Unfortunately, barring an eagles collapse. The cowboys are now going to be a wildcard. Which means they are gonna have to win 2 road games to get to an NFC title game. Which unfortunately seems very unlikely.

Philly's schedule is a bit tough tbf. They have KC and Buffalo before they play us again. I could see them dropping one or both of those games. We probably split with them in the regular season. Assuming that is the case, then, as long as we have a better division/conference record than them, then we might win the division anyway. If anything, I think our race to take the division crown has begun today.


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Philly's schedule is a bit tough tbf. They have KC and Buffalo before they play us again. I could see them dropping one or both of those games. We probably split with them in the regular season. Assuming that is the case, then, as long as we have a better division/conference record than them, then we might win the division anyway. If anything, I think our race to take the division crown has begun today.
Sure. But the cowboys have some tough games too. The bills and dolphins.

The commodes twice which are not guaranteed even though they’re bad. It’s a divisional game.

I just have a hard time seeing them win the division unless the eagles take some major key injuries sometime soon.


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Sure. But the cowboys have some tough games too. The bills and dolphins.

The commodes twice which are not guaranteed even though they’re bad. It’s a divisional game.

I just have a hard time seeing them win the division unless the eagles take some major key injuries sometime soon.

I get that, but I do think we beat Washington at home, and I think we can beat Miami. Their oline doesn't look very good, and I think we can beat their secondary. Buffalo turns the ball over a lot. With our team's knack for getting takeaways, I think we can beat them too. They'll be tough games, but I think we can beat both of them. We probably split Buffalo and Miami, but I can see us winning both. With my 11-6/12-5 overview, that was assuming we lost both games. If we beat Seattle and Miami or Buffalo (along with Philly), then we would be 13-3 going into the game with Washington to close out the season. Who knows if they even bother that last game? They might not even have Rivera by then. It'll be tough, sure. But the division is far from won.


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I get that, but I do think we beat Washington at home, and I think we can beat Miami. Their oline doesn't look very good, and I think we can beat their secondary. Buffalo turns the ball over a lot. With our team's knack for getting takeaways, I think we can beat them too. They'll be tough games, but I think we can beat both of them. We probably split Buffalo and Miami, but I can see us winning both. With my 11-6/12-5 overview, that was assuming we lost both games. If we beat Seattle and Miami or Buffalo (along with Philly), then we would be 13-3 going into the game with Washington to close out the season. Who knows if they even bother that last game? They might not even have Rivera by then. It'll be tough, sure. But the division is far from won.
Bless your heart.

I hope you’re right.

I’m just going to hope the cowboys manage to get to an NFC title game even as a wildcard team.


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Bless your heart.

I hope you’re right.

I’m just going to hope the cowboys manage to get to an NFC title game even as a wildcard team.
As someone who's never seen us in the NFCC game, I'd be happy to see us get there, however we do. That said, I don't think this division race ended today either. That's my point.


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I said it after the AZ game, but 100% believe it now. We are now with 100% certainty NOT winning the division, so PLEASE stop trying to dream up far fetched scenarios in which we could do so. It's Wildcard time. And we do NOT have a clutch HC or QB capable of winning three (3) straight post season games against great teams....with at least 2...maybe 3 on the road. All hope ended today with Dak farting, falling down, and ONCE AGAIN failing with 4 shots at the SIX yard line. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm:
I learned today what I have said all year. The Eagles are not the team they think they are. Refs and luck saved them once again today. I feel so good after that game because if the Eagles meet us in the playoffs they are done. We out played them and Dak was outstanding. Did Aj brown play today.? Shut him down. Eagles now go into a spiral losses starting next week. Dec 10 in Dallas they will get their *** kicked badly.


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so you're counting on injuries and other teams being bad to give you hope? whatever happened to your team winning because they are good?
it’s in regards to the odds / seeding. the gulf got widened today as far as playing catchup even playing well and winning. pointing out that there are additional circumstances that may mitigate the difficulty of catching up given our conference and head to head losses isn’t counting on those things, it’s acknowledging factors


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Philly's schedule is a bit tough tbf. They have KC and Buffalo before they play us again. I could see them dropping one or both of those games. We probably split with them in the regular season. Assuming that is the case, then, as long as we have a better division/conference record than them, then we might win the division anyway. If anything, I think our race to take the division crown has begun today.
If only Arizona was an AFC team. The Eagles are going to go 5-1 in the division. So it will require SF and Seattle to beat the Eagles, and the Cowboys, too, of course.