The Dak sucks and is to be blamed mega *merged* thread


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We went 15 rounds with what many people consider the best team in the league. On their turf. And you are calling Dak out for penalties he did not commit?
This just shows how clueless you are. On the road, loud noise, and you can't let the clock winding all the way down for the snap, that would only increase the chance of a false start or delay of game. Guess what, both happened in the same drive.


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You don’t audible with a roaring stadium 1st and 6 at the goal line. You pass into the end zone 4 quick shots. Dak did not commit the penalty directly yes but ultimately he indirectly caused it.

You couple that with taking two sacks and yes dak lost the game.
The false start has nothing to do with the play. A false start is a false start.. That's not on Dak.

And taking the sacks is pretty easy to say when you don't have time to throw the ball. If h doesn't take those sacks and forces it for an INT then you are going to be saying 'well why didn't Dak just take the sack'.


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So you gonna put this in him? 78 didn’t block anybody all day and this is the play you pick. You want to point to finger at #20 for not being able to establish any type of running game all day? How about you go find the official who picked up the flag for an obvious hands to the face call in the last minute of the game, but sure let’s point the finger at Dak on this one. Keep in mind the head coach is in his ear from the time that play clock starts.
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Well at least we got the giants next week,that makes me feel better about Dak in that game, giants suck so we'll win for sure


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Better question.. look at the players that are on Dak level $$ contracts.. do any of those lose this game today in the same situation? That is the real key.. not just what Dak is and isn't but how much of our cap is invested in him. Maybe our OL would be able to replace Steele or upgrade our rush defence or have more depth at corner. The reality is that you HAVE to consider the cap hit when evaluating Dak. It is not enough for him to be 'good'..

The delay of game, the audibles.. stepping out of bounds, taking two sacks in a row (one saved through penalty) and basically finding a way to lose.. that is all on Dak. And ALL those things matter more than some nice stats racked up in the first half.

All the time you see Dak compared to Aikman and how his stats are better etc etc.. but the reality is that Troy was a winner. he found a way to win. Dak just doesn't have it.


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You don’t audible with a roaring stadium 1st and 6 at the goal line. You pass into the end zone 4 quick shots. Dak did not commit the penalty directly yes but ultimately he indirectly caused it.

You couple that with taking two sacks and yes dak lost the game.
Dak-stans will make all types of excuses. But you are 100% on point.


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That was Steele’s fault
Dak is supposed to throw the ball away.

Then when the cowboys go 3 and out. They’ll blame the QB for that.

Nevermind the countless plays that were made today because the QB was able to scramble and extend the play.