The Dak sucks thread **merged**


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Dez is still upset like a little schoolgirl. That's why he was tweeting about the Cowboys yesterday instead of playing football. Dez gives emotional schoolgirls a bad name.


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Dez is still upset like a little schoolgirl. That's why he was tweeting about the Cowboys yesterday instead of playing football. Dez gives emotional schoolgirls a bad name.

You do have to give Dez some credit though. It was not all his fault for last season and Dak's underwhelming performances haunt. Very few WR's can catch a ball thrown by Dak Prescott. He is just "that" bad.


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Dak had a past his prime broken down Dez. Let's don't confuse what he had with what Romo had. He throws to tight ends, slot guys and running mean they few guys that are open? LOL.
There is nothning wrong with Dez. Hes gonna throw up the X multiple times before this season is over


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I don't think it has anything to do with trusting his arm. It has more to do with panicking and not trusting what he is seeing with his eyes. He is less comfortable now than he was as a rookie.

They need to simplify things for him so the game slows down a little. Also his line doesn't have to hold forever but it needs to be slightly more consistent in how long it is holding the pocket.

When he was a rookie, teams were playing him straight up. Once they diagnosed his weaknesses, they crowded the line and dared him to throw deeper. That won't change until he starts beating that front.


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I think Dak is bad but there has to be much more wrong here. Ryan Fitzpatrick absolutely torched the Saints today. Ryan Fitzpatrick. Dak is not the answer but the coaches are a bigger problem.
When is the last time you saw Dak drop a long pass into a receivers hands like Fitz was doing yesterday? Absolutely beautiful arching dimes in stride he was dropping.


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Dak has been completely neutered by this coaching staff. The things he was good at have all but been taken away. He will rarely run anymore or roll-out which he is good at. They are asking him to be a pocket passer which he is not.

Dak sucked today but the scheme and Linehan don't exactly put him position to succeed. The recievers routes are terrible and repetitive, every team can see what is coming.

I said I would not judge him until seasons end to see if he is worth a contract but today doesn't help.
Dak is doing all the neutering around here.


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The big problem with Dak Prescott is that he is off the charts in intangibles (character, leadership skills, work ethic) and well down the charts in tangibles (accuracy, arm strength, overall production). He also showed a glass jaw last year when he was faced with pass rush pressure, and that problem reared its head yesterday. At some point, you have to be able to deliver the ball on time and with accuracy under duress. Right now, he doesn't seem to be able to do that. He also is risk averse, and won't push the ball down the field. This results in a compressed field for his receivers to run shorter routes into, and also a tighter box for the running game to have to attack.


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Let’s be real, Dak doesn’t “suck”. He led the team to a 13-3 record his rookie year and played well last year until T.Smith went down.

But something is off. He certainly “sucked” today. His mechanics were off. He missed wide open receivers. He held the ball too long.

I’m willing to write this game off as an anomaly considering the pressure he was under the entire game. If there’s a repeat performance next week, it’ll be time to start getting worried.
Well I am happy for you. Give him another week but we have already come to the conclusion that he sucks last year


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Dakota Prescott's last 4 games dating back to week 15 last year:

18/27 202 yds 2 INT
21/34 181 yds 2 INT
17/30 179 yds 1 TD
19/29 170 yds

Keep living off of 2016, ya sound like RG3 stans living out his 2012 glory days. The jig is up. That bs from Dak last year is what got Dez cut. But his play this year is whats going to get Garrett the axe, and Im here for it.
That and I am happy jerry will not be able to enjoy the season


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I bet the crickets are going join the fire Dak crusade. He sure killed enough of them with his throws yesterday. I think the ball boy and coaches had more catches than our WRs not named Beasley.


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Dak needs to take some shots down field. His fear of throwing a pick is hurting him. Coaches need to threaten to bench his arse if he doesn't get it done. Plus need to feed Zeke more.
Its hard to feed Zeke when teams have 11 in the box lol. They aren't afraid of Dak and the way teams play D let you know that.


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To be fair, Dak taking over was more Garrett's choice than Jerry's. So, as stated, this may be what gets Garrett his pink slip if Dak continues to disintegrate under his "coaching".
I find it funny how we read that Garrett is just a puppet and Jerry runs the team, yet Garrett was allowed to make the most important decision in regards to cowboys future, not Jerry. So which is it? Puppet, or decision maker for JG?