News: The Dallas Cowboys are in love with Kyle Pitts and have spoken to him already


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Great but to move up further into the Top 10, he's likely looking at his other premium picks which he clearly needs to then fill defensive holes if he's going to try to take a TE in the first round.

So what's the plan then? Trade your 2nd to move up to grab Pitts and then solve defensive issues with your abundance of picks in the 3rd round and lower?

Good luck with that strategy.

I'm not sure Jerry cares all that much about defense. Defense doesn't sell tickets and if he can build an offense to hang 40 burgers every week, he will win his share of games and fill his safe with gold.


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Yep...Pitts is Gronk on steroids.
Hate to be Debbie Downer, NOBODY is Gronk. Kid will be special in his own right, but will never be Gronk. He's more Calvin Johnson and Darren Waller than anything.


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Pitts will be gone at 4. No way ATL passes on him. This is Ryans last hope here and they will go all in this year like Tampa did last year.
That’s my thought and restructuring his deal pretty much says he’s there for 2 years


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What’s to gain from a smokescreen on a player you have to trade up for?

Id save the smoke screens for players like Collins or Parsons.

I guess if he falls a little other teams my think you are out of the mix and avoid trading up.

I dunno. I think smokescreens in general are kind of non-influential. Each team spends millions upon millions researching players, developing a board, reading the tea leaves. I think teams would be better off by not being too excited about any particular player, and not being too down on any particular player. Focus on developing your board for all possible outcomes in the 1st round. Seems like a better idea than trying to fabricate a potential outcome that won't happen.


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We just HAVE to stop the run. Or every game is a shootout. A push in the middle does so much. Stuffs the middle and gives the qb no room to step up. But if we can score at will then it will be sweet.
No argument here. Reinforcements in the defensive trenches are warranted.


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Be prepared for another poor defense anyway. There is not a defensive player in the draft that is going to have a big impact in their rookie year. You can call it bad luck , but this is not an elite class of defensive draftees. At best, they might draft a solid long-term starter with the 10th pick. I honestly don’t care if they go after Pitts or pick a defensive player. It looks doubtful for this draft class to have much of an impact on the defense in their rookie year or there 2nd year with the team. If they take Pitts, it will not hurt the defense or make them any worse than they was already going to be. Free agency would have been the only way to improve the defense in the coming season and Dallas don’t sign FAs that are difference makers.

This.. the lack of defensive playmakers in this draft is the only reason I would not lose my mind if we end up taking Pitts. He will be an immediate impact player for us who might take an already amazing offense up to all time greatness. None of the defensive possibilities carries that kind of potential with the possible exception of Parsons but that would be taking a massive risk on a guy who hasn't played in two years and who was good when he played but not exactly all world. There's a very good chance that any defender we draft will not make any significant contribution until 2022.. I'm fine if that's the strategy.. but if I'm going to have to score 35 to have a chance to win I have a better chance of scoring 35 with Pitts than without him..


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I'll bet Brady didn't say that about Gronk? Pitts is almost a sure thing for All Pro & HOF if he stays healthy.

TE is the most bust position in football.

Brady had Billi and his defenses. Gronk was also taken in the 3rd round I believe?

I actually love Pitts. We just dont need him. Already have lots of pass catchers and a top 3 offense. We are losing because of defense, not because we cant score points.


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And it was what 3rd or 4th and 24 and they still pick it up and then nails a 53 yard FG to win it. Lord! Could not catch a break anywhere at the end.
no one covered cooks on that last play lol nobody!
He made a great catch, I thought the pass was late and pretty much out of bounds.

But you cant look at the end of games and decide why they lost, which is what most do.
you have to look at the entire game.
also look at game plans and play calling and game mgmt.
both losses to GB were lost on several levels, not just what happened at end of game or one play, or one player.

JG had bad game mgmt in both, and game plans were not good. Which lead to the games turning out like they did.

If you look at TB vs KC, what if they had not tried to take out tyrek hill ? Kc probably wins the game,
but a good game plan helped them win the game.


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With Pitts, at least we can score more points...
that is speculation lol.
I dont think dak can throw the type of passes trask did to pitts.
and with kellen as OC, the offense wont improve that much.
And with OL problems, and no run game , I dont know if the offense will be that good.


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TE is the most bust position in football.

Brady had Billi and his defenses. Gronk was also taken in the 3rd round I believe?

I actually love Pitts. We just dont need him. Already have lots of pass catchers and a top 3 offense. We are losing because of defense, not because we cant score points.

We may not need him but, Jerry is the one making the decisions and he does. We may not like it but, he doesn't care as long as his stands are full, fans buying jerseys, eating his overpriced food. Just sayin'


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We may not need him but, Jerry is the one making the decisions and he does. We may not like it but, he doesn't care as long as his stands are full, fans buying jerseys, eating his overpriced food. Just sayin'

I dont disagree with you there. Taking Pitts, like taking Zeke at 4 is something Jerry would jump at.


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Pitts will be gone at 4. No way ATL passes on him. This is Ryans last hope here and they will go all in this year like Tampa did last year.

Agree. Kiper is talking Miami trading up to 4 to get him too. This kid is getting nowhere near us.


Regular Joe....
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I still got nightmares about Mo Claiborne. CBs are a jinx.o_O

They aren't if you just understand what you are really looking for out of the position IMO. The biggest mistake teams make in drafting players or trading for players is that they fall in love with traits that they see or believe they see and they don't really pay attention to what is actually required, scheme wise. They see all this talent and they get ideas but it takes time, money, resources to change things.

Two ways to build teams. One is to find talent and adapt to that talent but, to do that, you have to change out players often times and you can't be married to a scheme. Sometimes, that means coaches and or different talent or both, to make that talent work. The other way is to develop a system and find players that work within that system. That allows you to build on scheme, to expand and to generally bring in better supporting cast because lets face it, if a guy is good enough to make you want to change the way you do things, what is the chance that there is another guy out there that you can find to bring in use as a back up? What is the chance of finding a guy like that who would be content to be a backup? You are limited and defined by that talent and that's not a good thing in a game that is as physical as the NFL.

If you keep your eyes on the requirement, find players that fit your scheme and don't get carried away, I think it serves you better. It's when you see a Pitts at TE and you decide to go in a different direction where you get yourself in trouble IMO. Stick to what you've developed and what has worked for you. Coach Landry was unique in that he was able to change and adapt but he did it over a very long period of time. Bill and Jimmy, they did it by using their scheme. They understood the talent it required, the kinds of players they needed and they were successful with it. That's really the key, to me.

But again, just my opinion.