The Dark Knight Rises *Spoiler Thread*

StevenOtero;4631990 said:
Well, if you were following the news around the would have known that Nolan himself came out and said there would be no reference to the Joker.

Yeah, which is why I was annoyed. Why he couldn't trust himself to do a tasteful reference, I don't know. It's not like every future batman movie will just ignore Joker, he's going to be part of the story again sooner or later. It's not like Nolan can retire the character from film forever.
TheCount;4632049 said:
Yeah, which is why I was annoyed. Why he couldn't trust himself to do a tasteful reference, I don't know. It's not like every future batman movie will just ignore Joker, he's going to be part of the story again sooner or later. It's not like Nolan can retire the character from film forever.
Yep, I didn't get it either....I would have seen it as a tribute to Heath if he had some kind of reference to the Joker. Hell, Nolan could have come out before the movie and said as a tribute to Heath there will be some form of reference.

Either way, it's not that big of an issue with me.
I believe Nolan said his canon was that the joker was fast tracked to execution in prison after TDK, and considering how much time has passed before TDKR, there would be no reason for anybody to mention him.
My top two moments from the film:

When Bruce finally makes it out of the pit, so many emotions at once there.

When Batman reveals his identity to Gordon. That brought everything full circle and the emotions just rushed through me.

I like to think my Dad was able to watch this film with me. He would have loved this movie so much.

He was a huge Superman film, and he passed away the week of the Smallville Series Finale. He was looking forward to that for years, and he never got to see it. ...but as I said before...I like to think he was able to watch. :(
StevenOtero;4632308 said:
My top two moments from the film:

When Bruce finally makes it out of the pit, so many emotions at once there.

When Batman reveals his identity to Gordon. That brought everything full circle and the emotions just rushed through me.

I like to think my Dad was able to watch this film with me. He would have loved this movie so much.

He was a huge Superman film, and he passed away the week of the Smallville Series Finale. He was looking forward to that for years, and he never got to see it. ...but as I said before...I like to think he was able to watch. :(

Sorry for your loss man I'm very fortanate to be able say I got to watch TDKR with my pops.

Anyways these are my top five moments.

1. At the end when Alfred sees Bruce with his wife. Something he had been dreaming up for a long time.

2. When Bruce wills his way out of the pit. He had tried several times and failed. He could've just said **** it and stopped trying, but he kept trying and trying and he finally made it out. He knew he had to save to city of Gotham

3. Batman saves the city of Gotham by detotanting the bomb over ocean. Not gonna lie I almost cried after this because I thought he died.

4. Batman reveals his true identity to Commissioner Gordon. These two guys were basically best of friends without Gordon knowing the Bat's true identity.

5. Bane beats up Batman and then Batman asks him why didn't you just kill me? Bane responds by saying your punishment must be more severe.

There was so many great moments in this movie.
Just saw this tonight and I was very pleased. I really enjoyed the movie, loved the ending, and definately thought it lived up to the hype and the wait.

Now being as that I'm a HUGE Joker mark I'm simply not able to put this movie over The Dark Knight but it was definately good.

I thought Hardy did a good job for what they had him doing with Bane but I wasn't as pleased with Bane as many seem to be. It was good but it wasn't great in terms of the character. Just my opinion though.

Definately liked the movie and I'll definately be watching many, many, many times in the future.

Just not at the theatre.

To expensive.
BraveHeartFan;4633074 said:
Just saw this tonight and I was very pleased. I really enjoyed the movie, loved the ending, and definately thought it lived up to the hype and the wait.

Now being as that I'm a HUGE Joker mark I'm simply not able to put this movie over The Dark Knight but it was definately good.

I thought Hardy did a good job for what they had him doing with Bane but I wasn't as pleased with Bane as many seem to be. It was good but it wasn't great in terms of the character. Just my opinion though.

Definately liked the movie and I'll definately be watching many, many, many times in the future.

Just not at the theatre.

To expensive.

That's why I love my local theater (Starplex). It's $4.50 all day every day (for a student, child, or senior) for any movie they are showing. comes out to $11.50 for two student tickets, and $2.50 for bucket of popcorn. I love movie night! :)
BraveHeartFan;4633074 said:
Just saw this tonight and I was very pleased. I really enjoyed the movie, loved the ending, and definately thought it lived up to the hype and the wait.

Now being as that I'm a HUGE Joker mark I'm simply not able to put this movie over The Dark Knight but it was definately good.

I thought Hardy did a good job for what they had him doing with Bane but I wasn't as pleased with Bane as many seem to be. It was good but it wasn't great in terms of the character. Just my opinion though.

Definately liked the movie and I'll definately be watching many, many, many times in the future.

Just not at the theatre.

To expensive.

I think Tom Hardy is a really good actor. The part about Bane I did not like, you could not read his expressions because of the mask, but the voice made up for it times 10!
CashMan;4633246 said:
I think Tom Hardy is a really good actor. The part about Bane I did not like, you could not read his expressions because of the mask, but the voice made up for it times 10!
It's all in his eyes, which makes it even better in my opinion.
Hardy did a phenomenal job just with eyes and body language, which makes it all the more impressive. If you really want to see Hardy put on a clinic, watch Bronson. It's on netflix instant streaming.
EMMITTnROY;4629972 said:
Here are the reasons why I thought "The Dark Knight Rises" was lame. I'm not just blindly hating it. Hey, I gave "Batman Begins" an 8/10 and "The Dark Knight" a 9/10. But this one I had soooo many issues with. The Nolan-directed Batman movies are supposed to be the "realistic" superhero movies, yet I found myself having to suspend my disbelief over and over and over again.

1. Bruce Wayne has a broken back, with a vertebrae even sticking out... and he is healed by some guy punching him in the back? A couple months later he is climbing up walls and making impossible jumps?

2. Speaking of jumps, how incredibly cheesy and coincidental that all those bats flew by just as he was about to "Rise" out of that prison.

3. So you're telling me that a little girl makes that jump when no grown men can? And the reason is cause she had the willpower? Ridiculous.

4. So this is the most impossible prison ever to escape... yet they readily provide you rope to help you try to climb out of? And there's no security at the top of the hole if you do escape?

5. If you have all that rope readily available, why are these prisoners not repeatedly trying to make that jump over and over and over? Why wait to do it once every few months?

6. So Talia hated her dad- but for some reason, she wanted to complete his work?

7. Hated the coincidence of Gordon putting the deactivator or whatever it was in place one instant before she hits the trigger.

8. Hated the coincidence of Selina showing up right in time to shoot Bane right as he was about to kill Batman.

9. Hated the coincidence of Selina and Bruce Wayne just happening to show up at same place, same time, just in time to save a thief kid from getting beat up.

10. So Batman and Bane are are humans, yet are breaking columns with their punches?

11. So Batman is a human, yet he’s kicking a brick wall and breaking it with a hobbled leg?

12. So Batman took the time to make a design a HUGE bat out of fire when the city is on a time crunch to get blown up?

13. How come Gordon, Batman and friends could walk on that breaking ice and have a whole freaking casual conversation there?

14. So Batman, a human, can now apparently dodge machine gun bullets at close range, in the dark?

15. So Bruce Wayne and Batman, the two most visible and famous Gotham citizens, both disappeared at the exact same time eight years ago, and both reappear at the exact same time eight years later... and nobody puts this together?

16. So Bruce left Gotham to train for many years… then he came back... then he was gone for 8 years… then he is in a prison for several months... then he retires as Batman... so how long was he actually Batman? A year or two? Isn't Bruce Wayne is supposed to be in his 30s?

17. I thought this was a Batman movie.. how come we hardly saw any Batman at all?

18. Why the heck was Talia/Bane waiting months to detonate the bomb? What was the point? If she really wanted to kill all of them, why not just do it?

19. They show a shot of Bruce Wayne’s pictures of dead parents and dead girlfriend… then is asked out of nowhere at that exact moment, “where is Alfred?” to which he replies “he’s gone”... all heavy handedly hammer the point home that he’s alone now and to try to manipulate sympathy from the audience.

20. And as he’s looking sadly at his dead girlfriend's picture, he starts passionately kissing this woman he just met out of nowhere… and they have sex.

21. And by the end of the movie, he has hooked up with a completely different woman and spends his life with her… someone who was a thief the entire movie.

22. The disposition about Clean Slate was hilarious— a character totally explaining what it is in an unbelievable way so the audience knows what it is. "Clean Slate?? You mean the bla bla bla that bla bla bla??" with a gun to his head to a person who already knows what it is, why else would she want it?

23. I couldn’t understand half of what Bayne said.

24. Why did Alfred have to leave? He was concerned, and made up a lie (or was it?) about his Rachel, cause he knew that would make Bruce kick him out? Even though he’s cared for him forever? And Bruce knew he was doing it to protect him, and yet he was still forced to leave? None of this made sense.

25. So only 4 people showed up at the city's most famous citizen’s funeral?

26. I thought the bomb killed anything within a 6 mile radius? The city probably wasn’t six miles away when it exploded. And Batman, even if he put the thing on autopilot, most certainly wasn't 6 miles away.

27. On top of Bale's Batman voice being grating, he wouldn't ever close his mouth any time he was Batman. Also grating on the nerves.

28. Why the heck did Bane or Talia give a crap about Gotham? Neither of them are from there. Why is it so important to blow it up and make its citizens pay? If it's revenge on Batman, why, because he killed Talia's dad... the same person she hates and who Bane hates for excommunicating him? On that note, why is Bane so loyal to a organization that kicked him out?

29. How come Bruce Wayne gets his power cut off the same night he loses his money? Was he already a month behind on his electric bill at this point? No.

30. How did Bruce Wayne come up with the Clean Slate program?

31. So when Batman is surrounded on the bridge, there is just conveniently one of those car carrying trucks there that he just happens to fire perfectly at for the ramp to fall down so he can conveniently drive up to the fortunately placed streets.

32. How come Bruce Wayne can barely walk with a cane, yet he can dance like Fred Astaire without one?

33. How did Bruce make it back to Gotham from the prison? He has no money, and all the bridges into Gotham were collapsed.

A great post and series of questions regarding a very good but incredibly flawed film.

For a Christopher Nolan film, the required suspension of disbelief was shocking.

As a fan of comic book films, I'm willing to forgive quite a bit, but this one pushed the limits. And considering the director and the usual quality of his work, I was very surprised.

As I said in another post, it seemed to me that Nolan had his fill of the Batman universe and didn't care as much as he had in the past.
EMMITTnROY;4629972 said:
Here are the reasons why I thought "The Dark Knight Rises" was lame. I'm not just blindly hating it. Hey, I gave "Batman Begins" an 8/10 and "The Dark Knight" a 9/10. But this one I had soooo many issues with. The Nolan-directed Batman movies are supposed to be the "realistic" superhero movies, yet I found myself having to suspend my disbelief over and over and over again.

1. Bruce Wayne has a broken back, with a vertebrae even sticking out... and he is healed by some guy punching him in the back? A couple months later he is climbing up walls and making impossible jumps?

2. Speaking of jumps, how incredibly cheesy and coincidental that all those bats flew by just as he was about to "Rise" out of that prison.

3. So you're telling me that a little girl makes that jump when no grown men can? And the reason is cause she had the willpower? Ridiculous.

4. So this is the most impossible prison ever to escape... yet they readily provide you rope to help you try to climb out of? And there's no security at the top of the hole if you do escape?

Lol @ being mad that a fictional movie (a fictional comic book move about a Batman, no less) is not real life enough for you.
stasheroo;4633471 said:
A great post and series of questions regarding a very good but incredibly flawed film.

For a Christopher Nolan film, the required suspension of disbelief was shocking.

As a fan of comic book films, I'm willing to forgive quite a bit, but this one pushed the limits. And considering the director and the usual quality of his work, I was very surprised.

As I said in another post, it seemed to me that Nolan had his fill of the Batman universe and didn't care as much as he had in the past.
Thank you!! Glad someone else finally sees it. The movie had a lot of good... but it also had too many flaws to ignore. Just time and time again, I was shaking my head at was I was seeing and hearing on the screen.
StevenOtero;4633576 said:
"15 Things That Bugged Me About RISES" - A Rebuttal

Oh, the hate and nitpicking of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES continues!

My friend Rick Marshall (@rickmarshall) recently posted an interesting article listing 15 things that bugged him about THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. It’s a good piece and is actually quite humorous -- give it a read. However, I had to chime in and post a rebuttal. Enjoy!

Thanks for posting this, it was a very good read. At 15 things, he took it very easy on the film.

Again, I'm amazed that we get this level of gaping holes in logic in a Christopher Nolan film and the only explanation I can see for such a drop in quality is that:

a) His heart just wasn't in it this time around and he didn't care about the multitude of 'contrivances' in this film


b) Goyer had a bigger hand in writing this script and it suffered as a result
Denim Chicken;4633581 said:
Lol @ being mad that a fictional movie (a fictional comic book move about a Batman, no less) is not real life enough for you.

There's a line between 'suspension of disbelief' and 'insulting your intelligence'.

I find it both funny and hypocritical that folks will talk about this one and Avengers and have the nerve to describe Avengers as the 'shut your brain off' film.

Nolan set a very high bar for this franchise in the first two films.

He did not measure up to his previous standard here.
EMMITTnROY;4633698 said:
Thank you!! Glad someone else finally sees it. The movie had a lot of good... but it also had too many flaws to ignore. Just time and time again, I was shaking my head at was I was seeing and hearing on the screen.

I'm with you 100%.

Overall, it was an enjoyable film.

It just wasn't up to the previous standards and it lost much of the 'realism' factor that the first two had.

I'll definitely buy the blu-ray on Day One, but that doesn't mean I have to shut my eyes and ears to glaring flaws either.

Not an all or nothing proposition.
I loved the movie, but I love the last one, The Dark Night, a lot better. I mean, come on you can't beat Heath Ledger with the joker performance. The Joker was a lot more interesting than Bain. It still was a great movie, but I would give it an 8/10.
CashMan;4633246 said:
I think Tom Hardy is a really good actor. The part about Bane I did not like, you could not read his expressions because of the mask, but the voice made up for it times 10!

Yeah, the mask definitely made things tougher. Especially if you look at Heath's Joker which was so much ABOUT the mouth. :laugh2:

As far as moments, in no particular order:

1. Batman reveals identity to Gordon
2. "Robin" finds the Batsuit in the cave, ensuring that Batman will live on.
3. Batman gets tricked by Catman onto the walkway and Bane is standing on the other side, ensuring their first showdown.
4. Alfred sees Bruce at brunch with Selena.
5. Bruce shows up to talk to Fox and says he's retired, Fox says well let me show you some toys anyway.
6. The entire opening scene with Bane on the plane, what an opening!

I also just realized that Batman revealed his identity to a lot of people in this one. Nolan basically made it clear that Bruce would never be able to return, every thug in the LOS apparently knew Wayne was Batman.

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