The Dark Knight Rises *Spoiler Thread*

Bevo;4636453 said:
Good catch on the jacket....I was wiping away my tears at that point! :laugh2:

Thanks. Yeah the girlfriend was bawling next to me.
Superman is just as awesome as Batman.

Just got back from it. Great movie. Just as good as TDK. I loved when Bane broke his back and when they unveiled the Batman statue. Those were great comic book like moments.

Only issue I can think of right now is, when he was back in the prison, that whole part felt a little rushed.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4636529 said:
Superman is overrated.

Don't believe so - I just believe he has been poorly portrayed. With Nolan very involved with the Man of Steel series I expect SuperMan to have a Batman like change in public perception.
Cowboys&LakersFan;4636529 said:
Superman is overrated.

He's not overrated, just a different type of hero. Basing ones opinions on any of these superheroes based on their movies would be a mistake.

Superman as a comic book character has been through some ****. :laugh2:

If a director could find a way to do the Doomsday story line, it would really redefine the character in pop culture.

The fact of the matter is that people need to see him get beat up, see him get grimy and see him come back after others fail to fill his shoes, much like Batman's Dark Knight.

Instead, we got Kevin Spacey and a Super Baby.

Luckily it looks like Zack Snyder is avoiding the obvious Lex Luther intro in favor of some villians that will be more taxing physically, allowing Superman to rise up to them instead of the tired kyroptonite making him weaker nonsense that basically slowed the last one to a crawl.
TheSport78;4635673 said:
I'll just never understand how Bruce Wayne had time to shave his full beard off from when he escaped the prison to arriving at Gotham to ask Catwoman for her help.

His power is cut off in his house, but theres power in the Bat-cave?

Lemme guess theyre on 2 different power grids

The best part of the movie is when CW blasted Bane, By that time Id had gotten sick of his voice and him running his mouth. He's making grandiose speeches instead of getting down to business. (Loki was a much better villain, even with his grandiose speeches, at least his made sense, and were understandable)

Oh and speaking of Bane being FINALLY blasted, how did CW drive that noisy Bat cycle through the crowd fighting and into the building without BM or Bane hearing her?

The second Dark Knight was better. This was not the best movie this year.
TheCount;4636867 said:
He's not overrated, just a different type of hero. Basing ones opinions on any of these superheroes based on their movies would be a mistake.

Superman as a comic book character has been through some ****. :laugh2:

If a director could find a way to do the Doomsday story line, it would really redefine the character in pop culture.

The fact of the matter is that people need to see him get beat up, see him get grimy and see him come back after others fail to fill his shoes, much like Batman's Dark Knight.

Instead, we got Kevin Spacey and a Super Baby.

Luckily it looks like Zack Snyder is avoiding the obvious Lex Luther intro in favor of some villians that will be more taxing physically, allowing Superman to rise up to them instead of the tired kyroptonite making him weaker nonsense that basically slowed the last one to a crawl.

Supes isnt overrated hes overpowered

All Supes needs to do is go to the Pit, that prison doctor can fix him right up, Hell he fixed BMs broken back. Fake butt Superman, the unkillable one. Doomsday KILLS him and like 5 comics later hes back to life, give me a break.

Oh and BTW, to all you DC fanboys..... World War Hulk would destroy Supes, and Doomsday too.

Heck, Thor would beat Supes

And dont even get me started on Blunder (I mean Wonder) Woman, and Aquaman that talks to the fishies.
PullMyFinger;4636907 said:
Supes isnt overrated hes overpowered

All Supes needs to do is go to the Pit, that prison doctor can fix him right up, Hell he fixed BMs broken back. Fake butt Superman, the unkillable one. Doomsday KILLS him and like 5 comics later hes back to life, give me a break.

Oh and BTW, to all you DC fanboys..... World War Hulk would destroy Supes, and Doomsday too.

Heck, Thor would beat Supes

And dont even get me started on Blunder (I mean Wonder) Woman, and Aquaman that talks to the fishies.
:rolleyes: They all have to exisit for any of these things to take place. :D
If you can get past the fact that they were made in the 70s, and therefore the older special effects, the first two original Richard Donner Superman Films are excellent. (The second one wasn't entirely Donner, but he did film a large chunk of it.)

Christopher Reeve is still who I think of when I picture Superman, and I was born in the 80s. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was Margo Kidder as Lois.

If anyone is a fan of Superman, I recommend watching "The Richard Donner Cut" of Superman II. It's his original version of the film before he was basically forced out.

"General, would you care to step outside?"

PullMyFinger;4636907 said:
Oh and BTW, to all you DC fanboys..... World War Hulk would destroy Supes, and Doomsday too.

Not really. Sentry faught the Hulk to a stand still, till both reverted back to their human forms. Had that been Superman, he has no human form, he would've outlasted the Hulk and won.
the kid 05;4636008 said:
He comes back after seeing Azuriel and Robin/Nightwing fighting over who would wear the cape and cowl. He doesn't become paralyzed just a broken back

The way I took the ending was it would allow Bruce to be Batman and train robin/nightwing and not have to worry about anyone he loves get hurt because "Bruce Wayne is dead"

Yes he does comeback eventually to retake the Batman deal. I didn't complete my thought there about the comic portion instead focusing on how they'd use it to simply write Wayne out in the movies for good. My appologies.

However he was paralyzed in the injury. He eventually recovers and the bigger reason for why he takes the cowl back is that the guy he handed it over to become increasingly more and more violent, inlcuding watching as one bad guy falls to his death and does nothing to prevent it.

I can't recall, exactly, how it was he recovered rather it was from time, and the fact that he's Bruce Wayne and his body has been trained to be stronger than the general persons, or if there was something else. I can't recall for sure now.

TheCount;4636017 said:
In Knightfall, Bruce is indeed paralyzed, from what I recall... he ends up getting healed of course (in typical comicbook fashion), but untill then he is supposed to be paralyzed.

Yep. He's paralyzed for a time which is why he handed it over. It's a very interesting storyline as is the one where he eventually comes back and takes it from the guy he'd handed it to.
Romo 2 Austin;4636690 said:
Don't believe so - I just believe he has been poorly portrayed. With Nolan very involved with the Man of Steel series I expect SuperMan to have a Batman like change in public perception.

I agree with you on this point but I also agree that he's over-rated but not because of anything that people like or don't like.

I've always felt Superman was over-rated as a hero because he's got super powers. That isn't nearly as impressive to me as guys like Batman and Ironman who had to build their stuff and use their brains, and own bodies, to be heros.

With Superman I was always just like well whoopie. Unless there was kryptonite involved there was never any real threat to Superman so I wasn't impressed by him doing his heroic deeds.
Rune Thor would kill Supes, hell Trion Juggernaut would.

Not really. Sentry faught the Hulk to a stand still, till both reverted back to their human forms. Had that been Superman, he has no human form, he would've outlasted the Hulk and won.

It would have never got to that point, he would have left Supes a bloody mess then kept going. Even Thanos (Marvels equivalent to Darkseid) who is probably the heaviest hitter in the Marvel universe stated he wouldnt want to face that incarnation of the Hulk. Superman does tire out in a long fight. Just look at how tired Superman got when he fought Doomsday and Darkseid.

And it took ALL of Sentrys powers (the power of 1 million exploding suns) to battle Hulk to a stand still, if the Sentry and Hulk wasnt as good of friends as they were, nothing on Earth would have stopped the Hulk, except Hulk himself.

After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had no finite element inside. Hulk caught and held 150 billion tons in the secret wars series and the Hulk is also able to generate omnidirectional "worldbreaker" bursts of kinetic energy that completely shook the United States.

Supes is already at full strength, Hulks strength is emotionally fueled, not only anger but sadness and despair also, which is what the Hulk felt in the WWH series.

The Hulk can survive on very little sustenance(before he adapts he can hold his breath for an hour underwater or in space,which is plenty enough time for him to adapt) but after the Hulk adapts to a hostile environment (like space) he no longer needs sustenance and does not need air, water, food, or sleep. He would just adapt to the situation and defeat Superman.

But if Superman can read some poetry, sing lullabies, tell funny jokes, or do the Riverdance and somehow change the Hulk back into Banner, Banner would have enough sense to get some kryptonite and it’s a done deal anyway.
So much for Superman being overrated based on those hypothetical match ups.
PullMyFinger;4639455 said:
Oh and BTW Hulk also held up half the Earth in the WWH series

Superman turned back time by reversing the rotation of the earth.

Think about that for a second. He stopped the earths rotation, no one flew off, the moon didn't fly away, the oceans didn't empty... TIME STOPPED and then REVERSED!

/argument :laugh2:

Seriously though, arguments like this come down to cannon definitions of these heroes. If you want to go off-cannon, then you can drag in Superman Prime, who is more or less god incarnate.

Cannon Hulk vs Cannon Superman has to go to Hulk. Superman was just too conventional - a product of the era. The idea of lifting a car above your head was considered wild for that era, much less having a bullet clang off your chest. He wasn't even originally imagined to be capable of flight.

Hulk doesn't have that limitation. He was created with the idea of his strength being tied directly to his anger and no physical limitation to that strength.

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