The Eagles Process vs The Cowboys Process


Salary Cap Analyst
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Who would have ever guessed that actually studying what works and doesn't work in the NFL, then doing what works, would lead to success? What a concept.

In the NFL, that's "aggressive" if not revolutionary. And it's about time.


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For Dallas? FA has not been a well of fortune. And then they compound that by over giving on current player contracts. Like why was Williams extended,or Crawford overpaid like he was? But to the main point,Dallas wants to piecemeal rebuilds and changes,(to remain competitive while making some changes) where other teams tend to be more aggressive at addressing things. Like how they replaced some positions coaches,in lieu of replacing one of the HC/DC/OC jobs. I do think they have become less conservative in their approach by dumping the old secondary and building a new LB Corp,but then do things like shy away from just drafting top talent at say S/DT for the umpteenth year,in favor of the band aid routine,or playing musical chairs with players (B.Jones for example) instead of giving them a set role that plays to their strengths. You can’t massage a chronic problem as a philosphy and expect big leaps forward,just because it’s predictable and you’re worried about a tanked season. Sometimes you just got to pull the nagging tooth and be done with it.


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I think one of the big difference in Dak. If you draft a QB in top 10, he is your guy,, for better or worse, he is the guy for 4 or 5 years. So if you feel you have a team that can win, and a QB that is on a rookie deal, you go for it, like the Eagles did, like the Bears are. We have a 4th rounder who may or may not be the guy. Many think he is. But I am not sure you go all out until you know in your heart he is the one. And on top of that, we are just now able to be big players in FA without a lot of restructures and pushing more money down the line. I think if Dak has a good year, you will see the FO be more aggressive in FA next year. But I think they didn't want to go get big FA and leverage the future only to find out that they needed a QB.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Pederson is not a good coach. This season will be proof of that.

Yeah, thats a defensible position coming off a super bowl win. :lmao: If he's not a good coach, then who the heck is? Is Belechek the only good coach? Pederson has already accomplished more than most coaches will in their lifetime.


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There's some truth to that, and the article mentions the copycat nature of NFL teams, BUT at the end of the day, Pederson won a Super Bowl in his second year while Garrett hasn't advanced past the 2nd round in 7 years.

As far as roster building, they have built their roster with aggressive trades, free agent signings, both premiere free agent deals and shorter veteran signings, and quality drafting; whereas we have really focused on drafting, which I admit has greatly improved. My criticism is that just building through the draft is a slow and flawed strategy. By the time one area is fixed, another area has become a weakness because the players you drafted 4 years ago can move on in free agency.
Good post. I kinda feel the same


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I'm just waiting on how they handle their CAP when Wentz is up for his next contract.


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I have a sneaking suspicion the Eagles will fall off that pedestal this year. 9-7.


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Meh. They have a great coaching staff or we aren't talking about them.

They're talent, on paper, is greatly overstated.
Carson Wentz, Michael Bennett, Fletcher Cox, Malcolm Jenkins, Lane Johnson, Jay Ajayi, Alshon Jeffery, Zach Ertz & Derek Barnett are outstanding players and would be welcomed on any team.


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For those denouncing this article because "it only worked once for the Eagles," exactly how many times has Garrett's approach worked?

The Eagles are the model of how things should be done right now. They don't have the Patriots longevity, but they're the Champs and have one of the most talented rosters and adaptive coaching staffs in the league.

I dont know how anyone looking at the Cowboys and Eagles logically, without rose colored glasses, can argue their clear superiority in every way but the trophy case.

The games are played on the field and anything can happen, but right now, the Cowboys are looking up at them in just about every way.


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what did garrett do when romo got hurt? what did pederson do when wentz got hurt. one studied the tapes of his backup and figured out what he did good and use that in the games. the other guy, well he's not much of an x's and o's type coach.. he just clapped faster and harder and gave really touch motivational speeches.. lmao...


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Yeah, thats a defensible position coming off a super bowl win. :lmao: If he's not a good coach, then who the heck is? Is Belechek the only good coach? Pederson has already accomplished more than most coaches will in their lifetime.

Initially, I thought Pederson would be a disaster but he has proven himself already with their first SB win.


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Interesting read... love an aggressive, smart front office. Hate that it's the Eagles.

The Cowboys FO is way too passive IMO. We either are too optimistic about our own players (SEE Tight End and Safety) or poor at self-evaluation. Smart teams use all avenues of talent acquisition. Building through the draft should be the basis of your strategy, but not your only strategy.

Flame on!

Smart and aggressive


Stupid and passive

Wonder who will come out on top :(


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Interesting read... love an aggressive, smart front office. Hate that it's the Eagles.

The Cowboys FO is way too passive IMO. We either are too optimistic about our own players (SEE Tight End and Safety) or poor at self-evaluation. Smart teams use all avenues of talent acquisition. Building through the draft should be the basis of your strategy, but not your only strategy.

Flame on!

Flame on? No ways, thats right on my friend!!

I can't understand for the likes of me how Garrett could be called a "red-headed genius" when he doesn't even know the intricacies of pro football and what it takes to win. Why is he so stubborn and what can't he make certain, little adjustments to make the team better?

It just baffles me that how the richest team in pro sports could have such a lackadaisical approach in winning.

This year is a very crucial year with Garrett. There is no Romo, Witten and Dez to piggyback on. If he can't coach this years team to a wining season and possibly beyond, then he doesn't deserve to be head coach.


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Interesting read... love an aggressive, smart front office. Hate that it's the Eagles.

The Cowboys FO is way too passive IMO. We either are too optimistic about our own players (SEE Tight End and Safety) or poor at self-evaluation. Smart teams use all avenues of talent acquisition. Building through the draft should be the basis of your strategy, but not your only strategy.

Flame on!

Let's keep this rationale. I've read many statements here (this forum) criticizing the Boys for not making moves and other loving all over McCay

other than NE, who has built the modern equiz of a dynasty, by cheating I see a FO which has "Mastered the Modern NFL"

for example, after Foles stunned the world early in his coareer they should have just kept starting him - instead they bugged out at QB and made several stupid moves, if they just trusted his performance the price paid for Wentz might have built a dynasty

"Can the copycat league imitate the defending Super Bowl champs? According to Jeffrey Lurie, Doug Pederson, and others, they can invest in analytics, be aggressive in free agency, go for it on fourth down, trade for players on rookie deals, find a backup who’s good enough to put up 40-plus points, build two of the best lines in football, build one of the best staffs in football, and, oh yeah, find a superstar signal-caller on a rookie deal."

may I point out the Cowboy FO has done all those things, (staff questionable)

my I remind you, "KingintheNorth", winning the lotto doesn't take genius and winter is coming, I'm not so much criticizing you but to be blunt Philly was a lucky dog last year - and are still the stanky outfit they have been for generations

I fully expect the Boys to mash Philly out of contention - and let's not praise the enemy for getting lucky for once in in 60 years

Joe Realist

No Kool-Aid here!
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Coaching plays a big part. Pederson coaches to win- Garrett coaches not to lose.

Pederson knows how to manage a clock. Garrett doesn’t.

With the eagles coaches last year we go 11-5.

That being said, I firmly believe Garrett doesn’t want to go into Win-Now mode because it hurts his job security. Therefore we are in a perpetual rebuilding.


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Just me but my frustration with the Cowboys ( mostly Stephen Jones )

**don't feel a sense of urgency

**waaay too financially conservative in acquiring needed quality talent and I'm not talking about going for big-time free agents but damn you have to spend a little to get quality. Stephen seems downright stingy at times


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Where were all of these great orations about the Eagles last year? They were saying Pederson was a substandard coach and Wentz looked like he had a long ways to go. The Eagles are the flavor of the month and not nearly as good as some people think. At this time last year the Cowboys FO was getting praise for having a top running back and quarterback on rookie deals and rebuilding the secondary in one draft. If Dallas wins the division this year while Philly finishes at .500 then next summer the articles will be all about the great future of the Cowboys and the questionable decisions of the Eagles.

It's all about the flavor of the month.

You call winning the super bowl flavor of the month? I'm pretty sure Eagles would rather have the SB and be sub .500 for the next 10 years than just be competitive every year. It doesn't matter if they completely crash and burn at this point.