The false perception Stephen is running Cowboys Football


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Scales: Jerry Jones still has final say on all draft picks, so he is still top of the food chain in the War Room, without question. But that doesn't diminish Stephen's role in the draft. Sometimes Stephen can be the "yin" to Jerry's "yang" (yin/yang = complementary forces that are inter-related).

The truth, however, is that Will McClay is the one in charge of setting the draft board, and all of the Jones' decisions come off that board.

McClay's official title is Senior Director of College/Pro Scouting. He's the one that funnels the information, and Jerry makes the final call. The most important facet of McClay's role is that he's earned the trust of the Joneses as well as the scouts and coaching staff. He has the ear (and trust) of the people he works with.
Well put and I think that is exactly how this is set up.

Some have failed to read the information that McClay doesn't even participate in the draft, his job is done when he sets the board. That is not to say he doesn't have influence over the positions taken off that board based on his evaluation of the needs of the team. I think that is exactly why Booger stayed with that 3rd rounder instead of going with the room that seemed to want to take the trade.


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You keep moving the goalpost because that's what you need to do to make your point. We aren't talking about years gone by. Jerry was clearly in charge during years gone by. We are talking about this off season. This off season, Stephen and Will has made every decision and Jerry just went along with it with his rubber stamp. He vetoed nothing!
And you know this how? You have some inside info on that? Because I didn't see anything like that but I did see him go against the room on that 3rd rounder. He was stay the course when it was evident, at least to me, that Son wanted to take the trade.


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You keep moving the goalpost because that's what you need to do to make your point. We aren't talking about years gone by. Jerry was clearly in charge during years gone by. We are talking about this off season. This off season, Stephen and Will has made every decision and Jerry just went along with it with his rubber stamp. He vetoed nothing!
What decisions are you specifically referring to?

Regardless they still need his rubber stamp which means he’s running the show. That’s what bosses do.


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Well put and I think that is exactly how this is set up.

Some have failed to read the information that McClay doesn't even participate in the draft, his job is done when he sets the board. That is not to say he doesn't have influence over the positions taken off that board based on his evaluation of the needs of the team. I think that is exactly why Booger stayed with that 3rd rounder instead of going with the room that seemed to want to take the trade.

I honestly believe this is not some one man show, I think many are involved and some voices carry more weight than others. I think they try to form a consensus but, in the end, when the call must be made Jerry still makes that final call. In fairness I think every team out there has a group of people who are all highly involved in the process of acquiring players from college/pro scouting department to coaches and GM. No one is running a 1 man show but again in the end a final call must be made and each team has that man who makes the final call but is never doing it alone


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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Of course. Garretts not involved at all in influencing decisions. It’s just a coincidence better drafts and decisions begun when he took over in 2011. Lol
It was Jason Garrett that wanted to build the offensive line. I remember when he drafted Zach Martin everybody on the Old fan forum screaming defense defense. Make no mistake about it Stephen Jason William McClain and Jerry I'm making the final decisions they're all putting their heads together. But make no mistake about it Jerry does not always have the final decision even though he made make the final announcement


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I honestly believe this is not some one man show, I think many are involved and some voices carry more weight than others. I think they try to form a consensus but, in the end, when the call must be made Jerry still makes that final call. In fairness I think every team out there has a group of people who are all highly involved in the process of acquiring players from college/pro scouting department to coaches and GM. No one is running a 1 man show but again in the end a final call must be made and each team has that man who makes the final call but is never doing it alone
Anybody who thinks it's a one man show does not understand teamwork. I totally agree it's a intelligent thought out final decision. And Jerry no longer has the final say. Just the final announcement


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Apparently there’s a growing perception with the overall better decisions and culture we’ve seen in personnel decisions we have fans and media who are framing a narrative that Stephen is now “running Cowboys Football”.

Interestingly I’ve even seen where they document it going back from anywhere between when Garrett took over in 2011 to Johnny Manziel .

Some even say with Jerry building his new stadium was the beginning of only part time duties as GM.

Fans are confusing delegating more air time to Stephen and listening more to the influences around him as a sign Jerry is no longer making the final decisions running Cowboys Football.

There are many signs quite to the contrary including major personnel decisions in draft like in War Room, final visits with key players like Dez , coaching decisions like firing Linehan along with no official announcement he’s taking any lesser role or increasing Stephens role.

I suspect we have fans who want to believe or take credit away from Jerry from being more influenced and delegating while still in control. And others who it probably provides them more hope if they believe Jerry isn’t in control.

Remember Parcells said “ you have to convince Jerry to go against his instincts” . Ive been a huge critic of Jerry thru the years. But he has a history of making better decisions with greater influence around him.
That's why I don't buy into the propaganda, my cowboy brother. That's all it is scuttlebutt


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And you know this how? You have some inside info on that? Because I didn't see anything like that but I did see him go against the room on that 3rd rounder. He was stay the course when it was evident, at least to me, that Son wanted to take the trade.
A rare moment of Jerry snapping out of senility and making the final call. I do applauded you for bringing that moment up. It was a great example of Jerry being the decision maker. But again, a rare moment these days.


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Anybody who thinks it's a one man show does not understand teamwork. I totally agree it's a intelligent thought out final decision. And Jerry no longer has the final say. Just the final announcement

Jerry will not have the final say when he is 6 feet under until then no one around the star who is there day in and day out covering this team seems to think Jerry no longer is in charge. Even Stephen has said that his dad does trust him more today and his views than he has in the past but there is only 1 top boss and that is Jerry Jones


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Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's the sound of the disqualifier button being pushed.

Each poster's perception is their reality and without irrefutable evidence, that is all we have. We all look at the same "evidence" and draw our own conclusions, which really amounts to nothing more than an opinion. Whether Booger has relinquished any control is all opinion, the same way whether or not Elliott committed DV or was railroaded as some think or Romo was changing more than half of Garrett's called plays, it is all opinion even though some state theirs as fact.

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's the button going off on those attacking the messenger instead of the message. This is a hot topic because most have formed an opinion based on the "evidence" they see.

I think you should take into consideration that Booger's most consistent critic is actually giving him credit for something that some of you find improbable, a man in his late 60's and early 70's learning and changing the way he does things.
Thanks Coach!

You know I enjoy these Hot Topics:)

And being one of Jerry’s consistent critics am giving him credit for listening more to influences around which he’s done before.


Outta bounds
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That’s your perception of the events. I don’t agree.

I believe Jerry was convinced to go against his instincts and delivered the final word to Dez.

Which is in effect the final decision.
That is the majority of people’s view, not just JoeKing’s.

Stephen didn’t want Dez on the team anymore and he’s gone. We all know Jerry would have kept Bryant if it was his decision.

With Stephen running the show, the days of Dallas being a dysfunctional franchise are long gone.

The salary cap is in great shape. The team is among the winningest franchises these days on the field, and is probably the best drafting team in the league. Their roster is young, talented and primarily home grown.

Dallas is a well run organization.

That is what “new fans” are seeing. The renegade Jerry franchise is nothing but a memory.


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It was Jason Garrett that wanted to build the offensive line. I remember when he drafted Zach Martin everybody on the Old fan forum screaming defense defense. Make no mistake about it Stephen Jason William McClain and Jerry I'm making the final decisions they're all putting their heads together. But make no mistake about it Jerry does not always have the final decision even though he made make the final announcement
I’d agree with most. Call it what you will. A rubber stamp or being convinced to go against his instincts he’s still making the final decision which includes going with what others suggest. That’s what advisers and influences do. They advise the Boss.


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One thing I do not get is why does this matter? Do we all not agree that the team has gotten better with talent acquisition, and that's as much about the positions as the players, with the addition of Will McClay? It was evident to me that Booger's trust in him in as strong as it could be in any advisor because he's earned that. That was most evident in the war room. Booger standing by the board and talking an OL with that 2rd pick? That sound like the old Booger?

Smart men, and I do consider Booger a smart man, are in the constant state of self evaluation of where they are and where they want to be. Stubborn men refuse to change which is why we see Joey Ivie leaving Apple. He feels his input is no longer instrumental in the shaping of his company. McClay would have jumped at the GM job if he didn't feel he was being instrumental. He knows, and more importantly Booger knows, his value to his company.

As far as this Son is taking over, I've seen nothing more than Son getting a little more face and voice time but from just observing Booger, and I made my living for over 40 years of reading people, there is no relinquish the control of being the Man because he's always been the Man. I believe when the torch is passed we will not have to offer our opinions on what is happening, we will all know. Those of you thinking Booger is shrinking into the background, to what? What do you think a man is going to do that is physically able to run his company and that has been what he's done for the last 40 years or so. Do you really think a man retires from that? As long as he feels relevant and important and is mentally and physically able to run his company, he's going to do that because that's who he is. It is not within him to be the man that used to do that.


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That is the majority of people’s view, not just JoeKing’s.

Stephen didn’t want Dez on the team anymore and he’s gone. We all know Jerry would have kept Bryant if it was his decision.

With Stephen running the show, the days of Dallas being a dysfunctional franchise are long gone.

The salary cap is in great shape. The team is among the winningest franchises these days on the field, and is probably the best drafting team in the league. Their roster is young, talented and primarily home grown.

Dallas is a well run organization.

That is what “new fans” are seeing. The renegade Jerry franchise is nothing but a memory.
I understand . But what fans forget is Jerry’s ways weren’t always bad when he had greater influences.

Fans see what they want to see and draw their opinions from events .

I’m not disputing the influence Jerry is receiving. I’m just saying it’s still his final decision, nod or rubber stamp ( whatever trips your trigger) that’s needed. But we are still seeing on occasion where Jerry still goes with his instinct which like last year with Cooper, saved the season.

Not many bigger critics than me of Jerry over the last 30 years but he’s only as good as the influence around him. It’s pretty good right now and he’s listening but it doesn’t mean he’s still not the boss.

I think some of the newer fans are just wanting to believe Jerry isn’t as involved since we’re re seeing greater influences and decisions . It provides them more hope perhaps but us older fans have seen it before. If Jerry can get out of his own way surrounding himself with the right pieces. He can win. And win big.


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Apparently there’s a growing perception with the overall better decisions and culture we’ve seen in personnel decisions we have fans and media who are framing a narrative that Stephen is now “running Cowboys Football”.

Interestingly I’ve even seen where they document it going back from anywhere between when Garrett took over in 2011 to Johnny Manziel .

Some even say with Jerry building his new stadium was the beginning of only part time duties as GM.

Fans are confusing delegating more air time to Stephen and listening more to the influences around him as a sign Jerry is no longer making the final decisions running Cowboys Football.

There are many signs quite to the contrary including major personnel decisions in draft like in War Room, final visits with key players like Dez , coaching decisions like firing Linehan along with no official announcement he’s taking any lesser role or increasing Stephens role.

I suspect we have fans who want to believe or take credit away from Jerry from being more influenced and delegating while still in control. And others who it probably provides them more hope if they believe Jerry isn’t in control.

Remember Parcells said “ you have to convince Jerry to go against his instincts” . Ive been a huge critic of Jerry thru the years. But he has a history of making better decisions with greater influence around him.
So who drafted Fred, Martin, LVE, Gallup, etc. Who decided first that they needed Cooper? Who was the only one who wanted Manziel?


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I understand . But what fans forget is Jerry’s ways weren’t always bad when he had greater influences.

Fans see what they want to see and draw their opinions from events .

I’m not disputing the influence Jerry is receiving. I’m just saying it’s still his final decision, nod or rubber stamp ( whatever trips your trigger) that’s needed. But we are still seeing on occasion where Jerry still goes with his instinct which like last year with Cooper, saved the season.

Not many bigger critics than me of Jerry over the last 30 years but he’s only as good as the influence around him. It’s pretty good right now and he’s listening but it doesn’t mean he’s still not the boss.

I think some of the newer fans are just wanting to believe Jerry isn’t as involved since were seeing greater influences and decisions but us older fans have seen it before.

True, Jerry extended the contract for McClay which was enough to keep him from interviewing for the GM job with the Texans


Captain Catfish
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Final say will always come down to Jerry,, however he does open his ears when his minions come running.. Johnny Manziel for example,, Jerry has learned how to take advice, but the final say will always be his.