So you take one lie and that discredits everything that has happened. Apparently 4 different people who work for the NFL did a year long investigation and all came to the same conclusion. Look in the air and whistle away pal.
No, I took 1 lie, one text message exchange asking another person to lie for her, and numerous affidavits (that are well documented in countless threads here) to form my basis. Then I doubled down with the fact the NFL, in their own report, questioned the credibility of the witness and also documented a conversation where she was willing to extort Zeke. I've also actually revisited the "investigations" of Bountygate and Deflategate, led by the some of the same people who were on this panel, to objectively look at the "evidence" they had to come to such harsh conclusions to question this panel of 4. After Bountygate and Deflategate, the NFL presented evidence that made the general public believe they were guilty, yet within those fan bases who have devoted time into the decision like we are with the Zeke case. The way the NFL presented the case for those two instances, I was full on board with "Yep, they deserved everything they got!" but without a dog in the fight, I never researched myself what evidence they brought to the table. And here's a hint for you, it was circumstantial at best and if you haven't done your own research, you should. So yes, I do not trust the 4 person panel. I do not trust the "neutral" party hearing Zeke's appeal since he is assigned almost every appeal by the NFL (Here's a theory, if you completely disagree with the NFL's findings, do you really think you'll get paid for future services to be the arbitrator of appeals?). If the NFL has concrete evidence, the fans and the media are just asking to present it - because **what we know to exist** doesn't prove jack.