The inevitable Bradlee Anae post


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The Cowboys care about 40 times since they drafted mainly fast guys this go round. I care about production.

SInce the topic is Anae, (not this years draftees) who was productive, before fired Tomsula got a hold of him ..
Since Quinn is said to be lead focus on Cowboys DL front, let's see how it plays out for Anae nder a more competent coach.


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SInce the topic is Anae, (not this years draftees) who was productive, before fired Tomsula got a hold of him ..
Since Quinn is said to be lead focus on Cowboys DL front, let's see how it plays out for Anae nder a more competent coach.
The topic is about Anae, and I'm saying that DQ likes fast guys. But we'll see.


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Well its telling what kind of moronic coaches we had too, .that it wasn't just Anae, but Randy Gregory paid the price for having these coaches
too, ..A mere 11 snaps vs Ravens was finally the icing on the cake that management wasn't gonna take much more of this either.

They made sure thing that DL coach Jim Tomulsa and his incompetence was on his way outta here. T
hey made for sure that they targeted both Tomsula and Mike Nolan

. Mind you that a good number of the previous coaching staff is actually still on this Quinn staff per Leon Lett, Scott McCurly, George Edwards
and Al Harris

True enough. Anae is not being mentioned as having a role this year either by the new coaches. Telling that he just not be on the team this year.


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Coaches liked what they saw and he made plays. Anae sat on the bench. Telling!

they started JAG dorian thompson over wilson to start the season. ...that's telling ..

it finally took some more blown or defeated plays 6 games into the season for these very same coaches to finally bench Thompson and start Wilson over Thompson ..that's telling !:confused:


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they started JAG dorian thompson over wilson to start the season. ...that's telling ..

it finally took some more blown or defeated plays 6 games into the season for these very same coaches to finally bench Thompson and start Wilson over Thompson ..that's telling !:confused:

No doubt the defensive coaching last year was miserable. Thus far, Quinn seems to have a plan for the guys he's drafted not so much for the guys from last years regime. Quinn likes certain kinds of players on his defense and Anae has few qualities he admires.


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So we now know that our Defensive coaches had a hard time evaluating player personnel....will Anae get a chance to compete in this scheme, or is he labeled a bust before he has any real playing time?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in limited snaps last year, he was creating pressure.
He is a role player at best some athletic ability but limited..there is no reason he can't have a role and be used in certain snaps, doing what you said creating pressure probably as a standup 3-4 OLB. He is not an every down player. You simply don't draft every down player in every round every year. And he is a 5 the round pick.......nothing wrong with that.

And if he doesn't make it or doesn't fit...then it's a lost 5th round pick. Another defensive draftee we messed up in the past 16 years..


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It didn't appear Anae received a fair chance to compete last year

Well there's several possibilities why he's not gotten more snaps:

1. The coaches will ignore talent and not play somebody, don't want a talented player on the team.
2. The others are better, the better players get more snaps.
3. The coaches are idiots who wouldn't recognize a good player if he bit them on the behind.
4. He's not that good.
5. Coaches don't like the way he cuts his hair.

Take your pick....


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So we now know that our Defensive coaches had a hard time evaluating player personnel....will Anae get a chance to compete in this scheme, or is he labeled a bust before he has any real playing time?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but in limited snaps last year, he was creating pressure.

first off he doesnt deserve his own post....ughh

secondly you are asking fans to determine the thought process of coaches..

ask the coaches for the right answers, these replies will all be opinion and hyperbole of what fans 'feel' will or shouldhappen..

truly IDC, we have enough bodies for for a true offseason of evaluations this time/, they will be able to find the right guys for quins system..

last year was tough on coaches most rolled with proven vets because they didnt get chance to see the rooks at all , i mean practices are truly for preparing for games , game plans instead, a lot of new players and rookies didnt get real shot and that included Nolan..

he was scapegoated , he didnt get the offseason and the coming OTAs, MC, TC and PS games Quinn will get to find the payer that fit before game 1, Nolan found out by the BYE what didnt work nd it was too late..we saw some improvement the second halve , got many TOs and saw more effort, simply didnt have good players..

all those tearing nolan part were blind hating to facts, he had no chance to put in new defense that was polar opposite of years past or the players to execute betting given this offseason he would have got it back on track..
so in short let Quinn and the defensive staff figure it out,

Fans dont have clue on which players would play and why...
its all pet cat syndrome.. they have strong feelings one way or another toward player and demand play time LOL

real world say if these guy's show something in practice they will get a shot, if not well Robinson nd Anae and few other just must have been pretty bad in practice to not get much playing time last year,,

players make their own paths, coaches dont purposefully keep player on the bench..just saying..this is on the players not the coaches


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
SInce the topic is Anae, (not this years draftees) who was productive, before fired Tomsula got a hold of him ..
Since Quinn is said to be lead focus on Cowboys DL front, let's see how it plays out for Anae nder a more competent coach.
In fairness, we can't say Anae has been productive at the NFL level, and there are a lot of productive college players that never become productive pros, so I don't think past production means anything.

That said, of course the story isn't entirely told on Anae. I tend to think the odds are against him, but I would be thrilled if he is able to prove me wrong.


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players make their own paths, coaches dont purposefully keep player on the bench..just saying..this is on the players not the coaches

Most of the time. Though you could always bring up Landry playing Randy White at linebacker, coaches do make mistakes...


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Most of the time. Though you could always bring up Landry playing Randy White at linebacker, coaches do make mistakes...
he eventually moved him not mistake again on the player to show up when the coaches are evaluating..

coached for the most part do not as you put it in the OP , have issues evaluating players LMAO

the players simply do not get the attention of the coaches and that everything on field in practice, off field training, rehab work, film study , attitude etc etc etc

you can be gifted athletically but you missing things off that list especially work ethic and attitude, well coaches will ignore you (called the dog house )for the other guy less athletic but is just a pros pro ie Bill Bates types..happens all the want to put this on coaches but its truly on players..


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Most of the time. Though you could always bring up Landry playing Randy White at linebacker, coaches do make mistakes...
I agree coaches can make mistakes, but evaluating after a position change isn't exactly apples to apples with Anae. Plus, they saw all along that White needed to be on the field. Even allowing for coaching mistakes it is still a little troubling that they didn't see enough to get him more than 6 defensive snaps.


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He's fighting uphill, for sure. Late round pick with short arms. Current staff has no investment in him. Unless he lights it up in camp I think he's gone.


I do think he has a shot to find a niche as a rotational DPR as Quinn’s (LEO?). As a back-of-the-round 5th round pick, I’d be pretty happy if he could develop into that role. He needs to show something on special teams as well.

I don’t think Anae is a full-time starter in the NFL.


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Toward the end of the year, I really wanted to see Anae and RR and more of the youngsters on the field simply to evaluate them more.

In all honesty, some of the defensive failures can be attributed to the pandemic, but yea some teams dealt with it better than others.
They did.....and I think that's why a lot of us had higher hopes for this defense because others seem to be able to handle it well. Our whole division was bad but factor in that most of it had coaching makes sense.


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If Anae didn't get on the field much maybe he didn't show much in practice?

Coaches are seldom going to play somebody who doesn't show up in practice, the "doesn't practice well but plays great" player is extremely rare....


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Well there's several possibilities why he's not gotten more snaps:

1. The coaches will ignore talent and not play somebody, don't want a talented player on the team.
2. The others are better, the better players get more snaps.
3. The coaches are idiots who wouldn't recognize a good player if he bit them on the behind.
4. He's not that good.
5. Coaches don't like the way he cuts his hair.

Take your pick....
Making assumptions like that just makes you look like an arse. That's not something I do.