I feel the same. I do not at all see them going into the unknown at QB. They will absolutely pay the freight in the end.
What’s crazy to me, and of course I’m guessing here, but it appears they are hoping that somehow Trey Lance is the answer to this problem.
This is easy to say and trite at this point, but I honestly think they have no idea what to do in the spot they are in, and I think there’s a very good chance they aren’t all on the same page.
Forget the “all in” crap. They issued a statement saying that they thought they were “close,” they proceeded to do virtually nothing to get past that point.
I really don’t know how you build a team that you publicly admit isn’t quite good enough, but then shrug your shoulders and say there’s no money available to improve. Isn’t that YOUR fault? But I suppose that doesn’t matter in Dallas.
I do at times wonder exactly how much longer they are going to be able to sell this act though.
Its not about the lack of championships, it’s that they haven’t come close in 30 years under a structure that no other pro sports team uses, yet the idea of any type of change is never considered.