The Mega Jerry/Garrett/Coach/Front-Office Bashing Thread **merged**

That is clearly what he was doing and it's alluded to in Jerry's statements after that season. He basically said Jason kept interfering and was effectively the play-called and it wasn't fair to Callahan, because it wasn't the type of offense he came from. It's clear Callahan was changing the approach of this offense and Garrett was trying to prevent it. And then Jerry, in order to reconcile the issue, in the off-season, got Linehan who coaches a similar offense as Garrett.

But this is also implicit admittance that Jerry tolerates the meddling of guys like Jason Garrett. So why complain that Jerry meddles with Jason, when Jason meddles with whoever is brought on to help this team, after Jason has shown he sucks at performing that particular job?

This was also the same season, after JG took the head-sets that you had Witten and Romo yelling at Garrett on the sidelines. I'm sure this was partly the reason Jerry actually removed Jason completely from the equation last year, because his star QB was having enough of it.

Look, we put up close to fifty points against Denver, primarily on Dez's drag route, a route which was clearly introduced by Callahan, not Garrett. A route that has once again disappeared from this playbook.

Somebody please explain to me how and when a HEADCOACH interceding in ANY aspect of decision-making on the field - be it with regard to play-calling or just general team offensive, defensive, and special teams philosophy - is regarded as 'interference' or 'MEDDLING'! I literally laughed out loud when I read this.

Tom Landry would absolutely roll in his grave at this ridiculous assertion. Some fans really need to sit back, shut up, and try to get a clue.
There is some truth to what you posted. He wasn't released from his contract following the 2013 season. Unfortunately (for him) that his employer's prerogative, and it happens from time-to-time in the NFL. Until the NFL redefines the title of OC to be a promotion over a typlical assistant position, it's going ot remain somewhat common.

As for your comment regarding any "meddling"...have any proof of that? Unless you're referring to the change in how play calls were "routed" after the bye that season, there was no evidence of Garrett's involvement anymore than a typical head coiach gets involved with his offense. And if it is that change in the routing that you're citing as meddling, I'd argue that Callahan's play-calling wasn't being very productive.

Before the change (20 games)...
Rushing yards - 77.0 yard per game
Passing yards - 240.8 YPG
Total yards - 317.8 YPG

After the change
Rushing yards - 122.3 yard per game
Passing yards - 239.8 YPG
Total yards - 362.1 YPG

Clearly, the change made a difference, especially in terms of running the ball.

I believe that meddling happens when an OC is hired to call plays and implement his own system - but the head coach takes those duties away so,etime during mid season and implements the old and tried methods of the past. Then the OC is thus blamed for the lack of production although he isn't get the chance to implement his style of play.

Even Linehan agreed with some of his plays that Callahan brought into the system. We used them last year with much success. Unfortunately, Garrett decides this should go back to the way it was before. We got rid of Murray and go RBBC and forgot how we were successful last year.

We are back to square one with Garrett old and tired playbook that just flat out sucks. But now he has Linehan calling the plays from the playbook. This doesn't make sense. Why fix something which wasn't broke to begin with?
I'm about to make Norm's rant look like a timid objection.

I can't tell you how many times I've had to post link after link confirming the reality of Jerry Jones's "contribution" to ay success of the Dallas Cowboys.

I can't till you how many debates I've had where I provide data, archived articles, and quotes confirming facts that I longer even care if you doubt them. Most of them take a minimal amount of common sense, others are glaringly obvious. If you don't believe them then its because you jut don't want to, It would challenge too many comfortable, but flawed perceptions.

Here is the first fact, I'm dedicating a page to each. Yeah, it's gonna be long, I really don't care if you read it, these posts are for me , I just have to get them out of my system, there are too many fans that just don' understand the degree to which Jerry Jones screwed us by placing personal glory ahead of winning.

And before anybody blurts out the redundant, irrelevant "It's his team, he can do what he wants", I'm not impressed with the size of that trophy or the one for making millions of dollars by stringing us along, gradually decreasing the standards until we believe a 12-4 season is a remarkable achievement.

Jerry Jones fired Tom Landry.

Don't even try the lame "It was Bum Bright" trash. Bright didn't know jack about football or even the Dallas Cowboys, he never had the ability to understand what it is like just to be a sports fan. Bum Bright was a businessman, not a very good one at the time, he was in financial trouble.

The Cowboys was just an investment to him. If you came in and replaced the whole team with Siberian monkeys he could have cared less so long as he was satisfied with the team's sale.

In Jerry Jones's very first press conference he told us he was a Cowboy fan. That was a lie. You can't possibly be a fan of the Cowboys and fire the guy that invented half of what we all still see when we watch an NFL game. You don't just fire the guy that came in and turned an expansion team into one of the most elite sports teams in American history.

For you fans that never saw a game during the last 60's to mid 80's, please don't tell me hat the game had passed him by, you wouldn't know what the "F" you were talking about. Again, he INVENTED a great deal of what we still see, examples, the 4-3 defense, pre-snap motion, passing from the shotgun, to name few.

Not to mention, the last time It was declared he was done was 1974 after the Cowboys went 8-6, missing the playoffs.
The "Doomsday Defense" was old, and they were all about to retire. It was predicted that the 1975 season would be the first of a string of losing ones as other teams, coaches and fans gleefully witnessed their decline. Didn't happen. Retooled overnight. Superbowl.

You don't fire Tom Landry, someone in the same class as Don Shula, Paul Brown, and Vince Lombardi. That guy has earned the right to make that call himself.

Yeah, I know, Jimmy Johnson. No way do we get him, he was the hottest commodity that season. We only got him, not because of any relationship with Jerry Jones, no, but because Jerry Jones agreed to let Jimmy Johnson run the entire team operations, including each and every personnel decision, it was in his contract. Despite Jerry's campaign to rewrite history It doesn't happen unless Jimmy Johnson gets all final say in football operations...subject non-debatable.

But you don't fire Tom Landry. What you do is get him to retire by giving him an offer that he couldn't refuse. Then, when you build your new stadium, you name it after him. That's what you do for the guy responsible for the team having the value that Jerry Jones was willing to pay. That's what you do for the guy that is, to this day, is a primary force in the marketing of your team. You give him a couple percentage points in ownership, the PR alone makes it worthwhile.

But you don't fire him like some B-rate coach that had his 3 year shot and couldn't break .500.

Jerry Jones....what a freakin' hypocrite....Tom Landry had three losing seasons after 20 consecutive winning ones. How devastating were those losing seasons? 7-8 (strike year), 7-9, and 3-13 when the Cowboys lost their 11 year veteran starting quarterback for the season, Danny White, in game #2. They lost their WR, rookie Michel Irvin for six games......sound familiar?

Tom Landry was fired 5 seasons after his last conference championship. When was Jerry Jones's last conference championship, not that he was in anyway responsible for it? 20 years! Name me another GM that can keep his job after 3 consecutive 5-11 seasons (2000 to 2002), 10 playoff games in 20 years and only two victories, both in the wildcard round?

Tom Landry is out after three losing seasons in his last 20 years. Only 32 playoff games in his last 20 seasons. Only 19 playoff victories in his last 20 seasons.

Jerry Jones fired him! Did Jerry Jones not then set the standard?

Tom Landry was "too old" to do his job any more. He was 74. How old is Jerry today? He's 73, time to start packing, Jerry. Keep in mind that Tom Landry did not drink and always kept himself in great physical condition. And Jerry Jones? Does his lifestyle instill confidence that his mental faculties are sharp as a razor?

Not that I'm implying that Jerry Jones ever did his job as GM. In fact, his only success was when he suckered a real football expert like Jimmy Johnson an Bill Parcells into believing that he would stay out of the way. Both Jimmy Johnson and Bill Parcells left because they were fed up with Jerry Jones's interference. They knew that almost every decision he would make would decrease probable future success.....fact....non-debatable.

"Jerry Jones won 3 Super Bowls and built a dynasty", get the "H" out of here with that "BS".

First of all, a "dynasty' doesn't have an epic reign of just 6 years of winning seasons before turning into a complete joke. a dynasty lasts at least a decade. Jerry Jones systematically eroded that team into nothing with poor decisions, poor trades, and poor drafts.

"But Jerry Jones is the GM"....lmao....He didn't even have the guts to announce he had given himself the title, an empty one at that since Jimmy Johnson made every decision. When he was confronted two years later by the media about the title, he tried to play it off. I still remember a reporter point blank asking him, "Who is the real GM of this team"?

His answer?...."The team has two GM's."....on my mother's grave!

It doesn't even make any common sense. I mean, who here is stupid enough to believe that the person responsible for success wasn't the guy that had just won the college national championship, not the guy whose recruiting classes netted 50 NFL draft picks in five years including 12 1st round picks.

No, it was the guy that had bought the team, the one that never had even a day's experience in coaching, scouting, evaluating, gameplanning, training.....yeah, he was the wizard, the architect, the genius behind all the Cowboys success.

Jerry Jones did not envison the Walker trade, he merely contacted the Vikings on Jimmy's behalf. Jerry Jones did not make the Charles Haley trade, he just met him at the at the airport and began to imply it was his idea, an early indication that Jones's ego would lead to disaster.

Jerry Jones did try to lowball Emmitt Smith' contract, leading to his holdout and an 0-2 stat to the 1993 season.

Jerry Jones....if he bought 5 star restaurant, he'd hire himself as the Head Chef.

Next, I post his profile, the profile of a few real GM's and point out a few paragraphs missing from Jerry's....the ones listing something often referred to as "credentials".
I believe that meddling happens when an OC is hired to call plays and implement his own system - but the head coach takes those duties away so,etime during mid season and implements the old and tried methods of the past. Then the OC is thus blamed for the lack of production although he isn't get the chance to implement his style of play.

Even Linehan agreed with some of his plays that Callahan brought into the system. We used them last year with much success. Unfortunately, Garrett decides this should go back to the way it was before. We got rid of Murray and go RBBC and forgot how we were successful last year.

We are back to square one with Garrett old and tired playbook that just flat out sucks. But now he has Linehan calling the plays from the playbook. This doesn't make sense. Why fix something which wasn't broke to begin with?

Yet the offense improved by 40+ yards per game after Garrett took the play calling duties back on himself. Then it improved even more last season with Linehan calling the shots. Yet this year, wth Linehan calling the shots still, it has become GARRETT'S offense again.

Like I said, whatever fits your agenda.
I believe that meddling happens when an OC is hired to call plays and implement his own system - but the head coach takes those duties away so,etime during mid season and implements the old and tried methods of the past. Then the OC is thus blamed for the lack of production although he isn't get the chance to implement his style of play.

Even Linehan agreed with some of his plays that Callahan brought into the system. We used them last year with much success. Unfortunately, Garrett decides this should go back to the way it was before. We got rid of Murray and go RBBC and forgot how we were successful last year.

We are back to square one with Garrett old and tired playbook that just flat out sucks. But now he has Linehan calling the plays from the playbook. This doesn't make sense. Why fix something which wasn't broke to begin with?

Poppycock... the Headcoach is the one with HIS head primarily on the line - 'chain of command' is a simple concept. Or maybe Bill Belichick defers to his special teams coach... Too funny.

Seriously, when the Special Teams Coach effs-up, Bill kicks that guy right in the taint. And he treats all other underlings SIMILARLY... there is zero ambiguity as to whom is in control of the team known as the New England Patriots. Argue THAT.

I think its the old latent mentality of this Franchise that like with the letting go of Jimmy Johnson..

500 coaches could win with the 90's team and that was wrong.

Same thing here ..arrogance and a little success convinced the brain trust that any RB'S could duplicate what Murray did behind their OL

and they couldn't have been more wrong.

It took career years from Murray Dez and Romo to get the team where it was.

Not likely to happen again.

yeah billionaires tend to be arrogant know it alls ,LOL
Right now the jones boys are trying to prove they can make a HC !!

But they had it going last year, and we saw it , the media saw it, but the jones boys somehow didnt see it.
So they churned the roster, let some go they shouldnt and kept some they shouldnt, and signed some they shouldnt.

And now here we are 2-7 and Mcf after 3 games getting good workload, is looking tired.
And poor Tony thinks he can win all 7 or 6 of 7 with JG and this team?...... good luck on that tony!
If Mcf gets hurt now the RB starting will be a guy we signed 3 weeks ago , and he has little nfl experience.

Dez is dropping passes, he needs to quit that or be benched,
Yet the offense improved by 40+ yards per game after Garrett took the play calling duties back on himself. Then it improved even more last season with Linehan calling the shots. Yet this year, wth Linehan calling the shots still, it has become GARRETT'S offense again.

Like I said, whatever fits your agenda.

Linehan calls plays from JG's playbook, any new plays would have to be JG approved.

Linehan calls the plays but he could have to call certain plays in certain situations.

Linehan is not a normal OC and does not run the offense,
Yet the offense improved by 40+ yards per game after Garrett took the play calling duties back on himself. Then it improved even more last season with Linehan calling the shots. Yet this year, wth Linehan calling the shots still, it has become GARRETT'S offense again.

Like I said, whatever fits your agenda.

Your forgot to mention where Linehan took some of Callahan's run plays in integrated into the offense. I know facts don't mesh with YOUR agenda.
Poppycock... the Headcoach is the one with HIS head primarily on the line - 'chain of command' is a simple concept. Or maybe Bill Belichick defers to his special teams coach... Too funny.

Seriously, when the Special Teams Coach effs-up, Bill kicks that guy right in the taint. And he treats all other underlings SIMILARLY... there is zero ambiguity as to whom is in control of the team known as the New England Patriots. Argue THAT.

Garrett is nothing more than a puppet and Jerry calls almost all of the shots. Jerry brought in Callahan to call plays and Garrett didn't like it. He then took it over mid season which angered Callahan.

As for you comparing our organization to the Patriots is laughable. We all know that Jerry calls shots here and will continue to do so until the day he dies. While Bill Belichick has total reign on the entire team and Kraft give him almost full control of the team.

Does Jerry do that with Garrett? Nope. Not at all.
Thus Garrett stubbornness is killing this team. It was obvious last year that we used a lot of plays from callahan's playbook that was the reason why we were successful. There is no reason for us to lose games. If only we dump Garrett's playbook for this offense and go entirely something different. That is what is holding this team back.

Callahan leaves and it's back to square one with the same predictable plays. It's not that the offense is terrible. It's the playbook. Garrett really should not be coaching at all with the results he's brought to Dallas.

The imagination has definitely gone from the playbook.

Gone are the bubble screens..reverses and screen passes..

and back is the 3 yds and dust cloud offense b/w the tackles.

8 in a box against our All Pro OL should be a fair fight but it hasn't been.

I don't see Romo holding the ball much when he returns for fear of a hit.

So I have no idea what to expect Sunday.

I do expect Romo to make the OL look better than it has after he left.

If only becuz of his ability to change plays at the LOS.
Who would be the better HC ??
1.Jason garret
2. Jason's Mannequin dressed in the fight T-shirt, headset, red flag, and playsheets in his pants!
3.Jimmy Johnson as a over the phone/video coach *( so he doesnt have to actually come to dallas oe quit his other job)
4. a Chimpanzee, he could do a back flip after every score, and clap as good as JG !
5.Barry Switzer , he is older and wiser now, said if he had a qb like romo back in the day he would have won 5 SB in a row!
well ,IMO, 7 losses in a row is unacceptable by anyone's standards; that they had the lead or were in all 7 games just shows how inept the offensive scheme is...they cant hold a lead...they let the defense get gassed by the end of the game which causes them to suck...the abandonment of a run game astounds me....all of this is squarely on Garrett...if it is on a different coach, then Garrett needs to get fired...NONE of that part of this franchise is on Jerry, EVERYTHING else is on him.....

...this team is pathetic right now and they rest their season's hopes on an ailing, rusty superstar and the rest of the division's inability to, well, be any good.....

...regardless, I will be watching all 60 minutes of their game this week and every week
Jerry Jones fired Tom Landry..
There is some truth to what you posted. He wasn't released from his contract following the 2013 season. Unfortunately (for him) that his employer's prerogative, and it happens from time-to-time in the NFL. Until the NFL redefines the title of OC to be a promotion over a typlical assistant position, it's going ot remain somewhat common.

As for your comment regarding any "meddling"...have any proof of that? Unless you're referring to the change in how play calls were "routed" after the bye that season, there was no evidence of Garrett's involvement anymore than a typical head coiach gets involved with his offense. And if it is that change in the routing that you're citing as meddling, I'd argue that Callahan's play-calling wasn't being very productive.

Before the change (20 games)...
Rushing yards - 77.0 yard per game
Passing yards - 240.8 YPG
Total yards - 317.8 YPG

After the change
Rushing yards - 122.3 yard per game
Passing yards - 239.8 YPG
Total yards - 362.1 YPG

Clearly, the change made a difference, especially in terms of running the ball.

First of all, our rushing attack was built by Callahan, including the schemes. Statement from opposing teams clearrly affirm this, such as the year prior, like the Green Bay game when Garrett magically went away from running the ball, was gushing about the totally different rushing attack with their new blocking schemes. That is why they retained him and didn't let him move on. They knew they couldn't do anything this year, because the contract expired.


There is also a subtle allusion to who demanded the change and Stephen Jones being the real supporter of Jason Garrett in this organization.

“As I think Jason used the words, I think you have to make sure everybody is in the right seat on the bus to really make the team hum,” Jones said. “I think that’s what we ended up doing. I think we got everyone in the right seat. And obviously added a big one in Linehan. But I really think we have given ourselves, with our staff, a great opportunity to improve.”

Even Jerry had to admit in mid-August they were missing Bill Callahan:


And he also admitted point blank:

"Yes," Jones quickly responded. "And we don't have to take a step back for that. Bill Callahan wanted to run the offense. We didn't get that done to the degree that everybody was satisfied and we really had to make a decision.

It's pretty comical Valley Ranch can give 7 years for Garrett to run the offense to a degree everybody was satisfied with, but we are suppose to believe that Dallas became impatient with Callahan in a matter of weeks?

Second, there is plenty of proof regarding Garrett's interference, from the word's of Jerry himself, which I've quoted multiple times evern before this year:


“Jason was really your coordinator last year,” Jones said. “That’s a fact. That was one of the issues. It was unfair to Bill. But it was the offense that [Garrett] had had since [he] had got there and it was very difficult. That’s why we had such a tough time articulating it early. That’s why we made some of the switches we made during the middle of the season.”

“That wasn’t the plan,” Jones said. “Going into training camp, going into [organized team activities], going into that period of the time, the plan was for Bill to ultimately be the play-caller with Romo executing it.”

And Garrett said the following:

“We feel like philosophically we are on the same page,” Garrett said of his compatibility with Linehan. “We've worked together. We've worked well together. I understand what he’s trying to get accomplished, how he works day to day, how he calls a game. So for a lot of reasons, we felt this was a really good fit for us.”

It's clear that there were differences philosophically and Garrett

The kicker is this, from Jerry:

The excitement could also stem from Jones’ revelation that Romo will have even more autonomy than he did last season, when the quarterback was the de facto play-caller, the owner acknowledged.

“He was the one that’s got the checkouts,” Jones said. “He’s the one that’s got the ability to decide to run, pass, a lot of options.”

The first year of Callahan, Dallas started moving away from a Garrett-oriented offense and starting moving towards a Romo-oriented one. And that when Romo went down this year, all the past trash of this offense became evident. It's clear that whatever Dallas was running without Romo, was nothing but the basic Garrett offense that had no flexibility for the QBs to make any decision. It becomes even more ridiculous when Cassel is making statements that he couldn't even find a coach when he got here, and that he wasn't involved in the game-planning. We are seeing the effects of the garbage schemes and coaching right now.

And interesting point to the first year Callahan started calling plays this happened:

After averaging 33.5 combined false starts and delay of games through Garrett’s six seasons as play-caller, that dropped precipitously to just 21 in 2013. Most coaches attribute pre-snap penalties to concentration and preparation, and there should be little doubt those things are affected by the coaching staff duties.

Got to love that Garrett discipline, which is back...
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Somebody please explain to me how and when a HEADCOACH interceding in ANY aspect of decision-making on the field - be it with regard to play-calling or just general team offensive, defensive, and special teams philosophy - is regarded as 'interference' or 'MEDDLING'! I literally laughed out loud when I read this.

Tom Landry would absolutely roll in his grave at this ridiculous assertion. Some fans really need to sit back, shut up, and try to get a clue.

It happens in Jerry's own words at Valley Ranch, as I quoted above... And that's because Jason sucked at it so bad in reality.

Notice the spin, the year before Callahan stripped Garrett of his duties originally. Jerry himself asserts Jason would become a WALK-AROUND Head Coach if the offensive play-calling duties was removed for him, meaning that is all Jason basically had to do. What a failure at Valley Ranch with this guy...

"I don't want to rule out anything," Jones said Tuesday in his weekly appearance on 105.3-FM “The Fan,” via ESPN Dallas. "Jason could easily be a walk-around coach. All you got to do is get him an offensive coordinator. You take away some of the pluses that go with being the coordinator and the head coach."
Jones’ renewed openness to the idea doesn’t necessarily mean that he believes Garrett is overworked in the current system, however.
"He certainly has the capacity to handle a lot of things,” Jones said. “I've heard all my life if you really want a job done right, pick the busiest person you can find to go do it. It's always worked that way. A small percentage of people do 85 percent of the work. Those are the kinds of things that I've heard. The facts are, you do know you can cover too much ground and you let details drop through the cracks when you cover a lot of ground. The advantages are also there. At this particular juncture, Jason doesn't have too much on his plate."
And then you got this after Jason was demoted completely from the offense:

"I have seen people work just as strong or stronger without knowing where the future is," Jones said, via the San Antonio Express-News. "He has a high tolerance for ambiguity. That is very important in this situation."


"He will have a lot more time spent on defense than he will on offense," Jones said. "We want his input on defense."

What a catastrophe this guy has been...
Change is needed in this team in a big bad way. Garrett would be a good coach if he has the ability to make the proper changes to win games. Thats the problem here. If we want immediate change without having to dump Garrett then its all up to him. He should dump the playbook. Get rid of it and go with what got us in the playoffs lastyear.

Don't they have a copy of Callahan's playbook lying around? I frankly, think that we messed up by not resigning Callahan. I also think this started when they let Murray leave so easily. Last years team was a close knit group and felt like it was family. We are no longer that team and it started for letting Murray leave so easily and everything went downhill from then on.

Thus this is the fault of the FO. It could have been avoided if they just took the necessary steps to keep this team intact. But they didn't. Thus the team is unraveling before our eyes.

Callahan's play book sucked. he wasn't a good OC. he was/is a great OL coach. that's what we miss. and he didn't want to stay here....he went to Washington for the same position.

we didn't let murray go easily. there was a # that we weren't willing to cross. I am OK with that...but the problem as evident is the GM didn't have a plan B for multiple scenarios and mis-evaluated the talent in other areas. with Murray gone, his plan B was Randle!? which I don't call a plan. and then McFadden...which he paid all of 200K signing bonus...and he had no other plan and scrambled in preseason once it was obvious neither is the answer.

he also didn't think of potential room injury so his plan b of Weeden was bad....and he scrambled and got Cassell.

both of those are on the GM, then scouts, then coaches.
It happens in Jerry's own words at Valley Ranch, as I quoted above... And that's because Jason sucked at it so bad in reality.

Notice the spin, the year before Callahan stripped Garrett of his duties originally. Jerry himself asserts Jason would become a WALK-AROUND Head Coach if the offensive play-calling duties was removed for him, meaning that is all Jason basically had to do. What a failure at Valley Ranch with this guy...

lets not forget that jerry did that...and then midway through the season when the offense was mightly struggling, Callahan was quietly demoted and garrett intercepted all play calls from Callahan. Callahan was a joke as OC.... talk about a pass happy play caller.
Callahan's play book sucked. he wasn't a good OC. he was/is a great OL coach. that's what we miss. and he didn't want to stay here....he went to Washington for the same position.

we didn't let murray go easily. there was a # that we weren't willing to cross. I am OK with that...but the problem as evident is the GM didn't have a plan B for multiple scenarios and mis-evaluated the talent in other areas. with Murray gone, his plan B was Randle!? which I don't call a plan. and then McFadden...which he paid all of 200K signing bonus...and he had no other plan and scrambled in preseason once it was obvious neither is the answer.

he also didn't think of potential room injury so his plan b of Weeden was bad....and he scrambled and got Cassell.

both of those are on the GM, then scouts, then coaches.

Not saying that Callahan was playbook was anything great. Just that he never really got to implement it because Garrrett took over midseason calling the same ole' vanilla plays he's been calling all along.

So Garrett took back the playcalling and Callahan becomes the scapegoat. Therefore, him jettison to the Commanders at a lower contract.

Whether you wanted Murray gone or not the verdict is that the Cowboys FO totally messed up. Never found a viable replacement for Murray and end the end went with a totally different system, the RBBC which eventually came back to bite us.

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