***The MEGA-SUPER-DUPER..Vince Young Thread***

Bush is a good RB. To say it's because of the line is using the same excuse that haters said about Emmitt. That Emmitt was only good because of his O-line. Bush had a 4.7 avg against a pretty good Texas D. However to put him in the class with Sanders and Sayers is premature.

If Vince doesn't come out after that performance, he should be put in a mental hospital. His value can not do anything but go down, he should definately be the #1 pick.
Better runner than Aaron Brooks.

Not as good a passer as Aaron Brooks.

Same results in the NFL as Aaron Brooks.
Derinyar said:
I think if he listens to anyone that hes coming out. Terriffic season. Incredible bowl game. His stock is higher now than its ever likely to be again. This time next year the question would be who is #1 Young or Peterson.

Next year will be Brady Quinn I still think he is the best college QB that projects well to the NFL and with Weiss as his tutor for one more year he will look even better. I would still take Bush over Vince and if someone else wanted him bad enough I do like the Chargers did with Vick traded down a few spots and picked up extra picks.

No I am not bashing Vince I think he is a great great college QB I just do not like his game on the NFL stage but that is me
jimmy40 said:
Damnit, Drew Bledsoe throws sidearmed all the time. End of issue.

I think Drew Bledsoe sucks and is overrated and gets to much man love at least Vince does not have those cement blocks for feet
thssanders said:
He was pretty impressive. I would take him over leinart anyday. There is no way the Texans take a QB though, although i don't think they need bush either. Domanick Davis is plenty good enough. If I were them i would trade down to the highest bidder.

Maybe we would be the highest bidder? I would absolutely love if we drafted him!

HMM what could we give the texans?
Kangaroo said:
Next year will be Brady Quinn I still think he is the best college QB that projects well to the NFL and with Weiss as his tutor for one more year he will look even better. I would still take Bush over Vince and if someone else wanted him bad enough I do like the Chargers did with Vick traded down a few spots and picked up extra picks.

No I am not bashing Vince I think he is a great great college QB I just do not like his game on the NFL stage but that is me
Exactly. The best player in college is not always a great NFL player. Bush also gives me those vibes.
TwoSteppinJJ said:
Maybe we would be the highest bidder? I would absolutely love if we drafted him!

HMM what could we give the texans?
Fortunately not enough likely. If we are going to blow our whole wad chasing a RB I'd wait for Peterson next year.
Im glad he going to stay @ texas for another year... that gives Bledsoe time to give us another bad season as our starter and he should be able to get kick to the side after next season is over...

Vince Young!!!2007
Look at his biggest games. Rose Bowl last year, Ohio State in the Shoe at night, Rose Bowl this year.

He does what he needs to do to get the win. He has a commanding Aura and his teammates rally behind him. He has a coolness about him like Tom Brady in big games. He does not get rattled.

Plain and Simple he is a QB and he is a winner.
Kangaroo said:
I am sorry Vince game does not translate to the NFL

Look he is a great college QB and had a great season; great bowl game but that does not mean a great NFL QB his side arm delivery will have issues in the NFL where he can get away with it in college.

Was there a more side armed QB than Bernie Kosar? If Bernie can do it, I think Vince can do it.
Wow - VY #1?

I would shoot the owner who made that pick. No offense but Young is just another Vick in the making and Ive seen everyone of you blast Vick for what he does. Not being a TRUE QB you say. Always thinking run first. Well thats VY. He can run you over all day and make it happen w/ his legs but his mechanics and throwing still have a lot to be desired. He did get better w/ it this year and shows the willingness to cool it and let things develop.

No WAY he would go over Leinhart or Bush. Sorry...just never gonna happen.

Young has progressed considerably this year. I have to admit. But #1 over Bush? Wow - not even close. The Rose Bowl and the NFL are two totally different demons.
Individuals do not win games in the NFL.

In college, yes. But in the NFL it takes a team to win.
That fact has been proven over and over and over again.
He will not succeed with his weak arm.
Dallas said:
Wow - VY #1?

I would shoot the owner who made that pick. No offense but Young is just another Vick in the making and Ive seen everyone of you blast Vick for what he does. Not being a TRUE QB you say. Always thinking run first. Well thats VY. He can run you over all day and make it happen w/ his legs but his mechanics and throwing still have a lot to be desired. He did get better w/ it this year and shows the willingness to cool it and let things develop.

No WAY he would go over Leinhart or Bush. Sorry...just never gonna happen.

Young has progressed considerably this year. I have to admit. But #1 over Bush? Wow - not even close. The Rose Bowl and the NFL are two totally different demons.
If Vince declares and Houston doesn't take him, they'll kill the new coach.
Derinyar said:
Exactly. The best player in college is not always a great NFL player. Bush also gives me those vibes.

Great points. I love both as college players. But I don't think either will be quite as electric as professionals. Particularly Bush.

When I see him play, he is about as exciting as Rocket Ismail was. And he was not worth the top choice in the draft either.
Im a Vince Young fan, but he will not be picked #1 overall. Would I be surprised if he did? No.

He will be a Top 5 for sure, though.
jimmy40 said:
If Vince declares and Houston doesn't take him, they'll kill the new coach.

Says the biggest Horn fan on CBZ.

Your man love is showing Jim. =)