The nerve is officially firing***merged***

Little Jr

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When I comment on these threads people think I'm being negative. Never has that been my intent. I just always try to temper the excitement of a few that get all worked up over tiny news, that most of it, may or may not be true. Since I have drop foot I try to give my perspective on the situation. Although mine is different in many ways, at the end of the day I suffer from the same condition.

With that said, him being able to move his toes is huge news. Moving his foot isn't big news and he's been able to do that for a while. Thats more to do with the ankle than the actual foot. I can lift mine back but my actual foot is still in the drop position. Easier to show than to explain lol. But Moving the toes is huge.

When I walk barefoot, I will occasionally not lift my leg up and the 1st thing that drags the ground and causes me to trip are my toes. Again, easier to show than to explain.

I'm not predicting full recovery, as no one can. I can't even predict he'll play without the afo at this point, even though some pics and videos appear to show he's not. Individual work outs not wearing a afo is one thing, actually playing full speed football without one will be another thing. We'll see, but at this point it's looking real good.


Captain Catfish
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How do you feel about Jason Wittens career? What about T Smith's? Or do hold some players accountable for others failings?
Witten is a HOF lock, and Smith is well on his way. Both have been exceptional role models on this team.
This thread is about Jaylon, and I'm excited about this great news.

I should have said Bryants career "yet",, there is still time to turn it around.
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Pretty much. It's more the timing of the article than anything else. Some of what he says isn't necessarily wrong........... there are still unknowns with Smith. But the only reason Engel wrote that was to be the wet blanket on the positive news on Smith that had just broke from Frisco.

With all the conflicting stories the interwebz can be maddening! Seems like everybody has an agenda and are incapable of delivering a straight story.


Captain Catfish
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We play nickel 70 percent of the time. No need for 3 great LBs in today's NFL
Maybe there is a reason for that.
Having "special" 3 down LBs allows you not to have to play nickle 70 percent. They are exceptional LBers like Lee and Jaylon, speed and lateral movement.
This is a copy cat league, teams like Dallas have gone against the grain and now others will follow, watch the RB draft this year, teams will start utilizing the running game more.
Its about staying ahead of the curve.
Yes we need DBs heavy in this draft, its never going to be black and white.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
What the hell has happened to this thread over the last three pages?

The same thing that happens on CowboysZone everyday, Pinky!
Realists Pessimists try to take over every thread!


Cowboy Fan
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Nerve in knee of Cowboys' Jaylon Smith is reportedly regenerating
When the [URL='']Dallas Cowboys selected former Notre Dame linebacker Jaylon Smith with the No. 34 pick in last year's draft, it came as a big surprise to nearly everyone in NFL circles. Smith was considered one of the five best players in the draft before suffering a severe knee injury in Notre Dame's bowl game -- an injury that was expected to knock him into the later rounds of the draft. [/URL]


Kellen Moore baby
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Well-Known Member
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Lol, so much negativity for something that should legitimately make everyone smile and be happy even if not for the fact that this kid is going to finally live his dream after not knowing if he could ever play again. His story ALONE should make people happy. Throw away your agendas and your negativity and just be happy for the kid...Jeeze. Some fans on here make Stephen As comments about us Cowboys fans sound true sometimes.