The nerve is officially firing***merged***


Kellen Moore baby
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Well at least people are not trying to make substantive arguments detracting from Jaylon's potential anymore.
Oh, there's still some in here doing that. Well, to give you credit, Fuzzy, they aren't substantive; but very much, still, detracting.

Don't think some of these folks are capable of a substantive claim...


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People like to pile on,, I will always stand my own ground.
Its like fans of soap operas, for those old enough to understand that analogy.. just keep buying into the product, the actor, the name.
There comes a time and place that you have to prove yourself, you set the standard that the rest of league has to live up to.
I took major heat for not endorsing Romos career, and I will take the same for not endorsing Bryants career, and its not that I ever disliked these players,,,
I just need results, I'm a selfish bastid fan that wants rings and results,, not injuries and excuses, sorry if that makes me whatever the haters choose to label me, and other posters like mrtxstar.



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Why is the brace such an issue? Do you have a problem with players who have suffered ACL tears wearing braces during games? The brace isn't obstructive and is only a precaution. If you're waiting for full healing, you may never get it with a nerve. He 100% structurally fine and has enough nerve regeneration to look really go. Use caution of course, but let him go out and play.

It's also much too early to have these discussions. We're 4 months from live action. The regeneration has finally reached his toes, meaning it is nearing full (as much as it will) regeneration.

The brace he is wearing is not the same as a knee brace. Players don't put on knee braces in order to play on a 70% healed torn ACL. They wear them for protection against another injury. Smith's brace is being worn out of necessity because he can't fully move his foot up and down. Those are two very different situations. And its not really the brace, its like I said. He is continuing to progress in the right direction and I think he should get closer to fully recovered before he plays in live action. He may never fully recover but I just think getting to the point where he no longer needs the brace is a logical point to begin to think about him playing. If his progress stalls short of that point, then fine, let him give it a go. He is too important to the team to rush him back when he is headed in the right direction. Give it a little more time if needed to shed the brace and truly be ready to make an impact.


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So are you a doctor? Since you are saying without a doubt he wont be effective this year. Sounds like you are making the same boisterous claims as everyone else. Makes you kind of a hypocrite if you think about it.

He still can't see it


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The brace he is wearing is not the same as a knee brace. Players don't put on knee braces in order to play on a 70% healed torn ACL. They wear them for protection against another injury. Smith's brace is being worn out of necessity because he can't fully move his foot up and down. Those are two very different situations. And its not really the brace, its like I said. He is continuing to progress in the right direction and I think he should get closer to fully recovered before he plays in live action. He may never fully recover but I just think getting to the point where he no longer needs the brace is a logical point to begin to think about him playing. If his progress stalls short of that point, then fine, let him give it a go. He is too important to the team to rush him back when he is headed in the right direction. Give it a little more time if needed to shed the brace and truly be ready to make an impact.

The brace was kind of a rhetorical question. Like you stated, they're completely different with completely different purposes.

My main argument is that giving him more time is irrelevant to his recovery. There is nothing you can do to promote nerve regeneration. This isn't like rehabbing a muscle that you can strengthen with exercise. The nerve either will or won't regenerate.

Smith in his current state, IMO is better than any non Sean Lee LB currently on the roster. I think it's a detriment to the team to not play him just waiting on a nerve you can't control. Give him the next four months to continue improving, then come game time get him in.

But in all honesty, this discussion right now is for not as we are projecting unknown scenarios months from now. He's showing increased responsiveness and that's great news; but we have 4 months until his status is actually really important.


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The brace he is wearing is not the same as a knee brace. Players don't put on knee braces in order to play on a 70% healed torn ACL. They wear them for protection against another injury. Smith's brace is being worn out of necessity because he can't fully move his foot up and down. Those are two very different situations. And its not really the brace, its like I said. He is continuing to progress in the right direction and I think he should get closer to fully recovered before he plays in live action. He may never fully recover but I just think getting to the point where he no longer needs the brace is a logical point to begin to think about him playing. If his progress stalls short of that point, then fine, let him give it a go. He is too important to the team to rush him back when he is headed in the right direction. Give it a little more time if needed to shed the brace and truly be ready to make an impact.

The 'black magic' part of the Jaylon situation is over a while ago.
He has been steadily improving for months.
Some of us think that started around Oct with his magical tweets.
In fact, some of us who spent a lot of effort looking into this have sort of 'lost interest' because it is mostly now PATIENTLY waiting to see how close he gets to preinjury...
We now have been even told of the toes milestone.
As I understand, the start of the toe function comes significantly after the start of the dorsiflex function.
I think the FO has verified both toe lifting and foot lifting.

As MDs have stated, he may never regain 100% nerve recovery, but 100% nerve recovery is not necessary.
There are other muscles/nerves involved including ones that account for most of (if not all) pushoff as well as a lot of the cutting ability etc.
Furthermore, all reports are that he is steadily improving.

This is probably a pretty routine case at this point.
So I think we can all relax about it.
The team MDs should be more than equipped to make sure Jaylon is not rushed back too early.
The Cowboys will not risk their huge investment in Jaylon.
They have said last season that he could have played in the playoffs at a high level with the brace.
But they chose to hold him out probably because they were risk adverse.

Am I saying we get preinjury Jaylon?
No, we dont know exactly what we are getting as he is still improving.
At this point, though he may already be better than all our LBs except Lee.

If you want something to feel more optimistic about, remember the FO said his improvement appears to be accelerating (although they did not quantify that).
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Prior to the injury, Smith was the best LB I'd watched since Keuchly in 2012. I had him graded as the best player in the entire draft. In the NFL, 4 years might as well be a generation. Even just 70% of that is a much better player than any of our linebackers not named Lee.

I would agree with your assessment of him pre injury. But of him actually being 70% and then that allowing him to do what he does, which is speed and quickness, I cannot be as confident as you are. Wilson is a quality up and coming LBer. Hitchens has played will at times. A possible 70% rookie that has missed a year that can barely flex his toe is a long way away from getting his groove back.


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When I comment on these threads people think I'm being negative. Never has that been my intent. I just always try to temper the excitement of a few that get all worked up over tiny news, that most of it, may or may not be true. Since I have drop foot I try to give my perspective on the situation. Although mine is different in many ways, at the end of the day I suffer from the same condition.

With that said, him being able to move his toes is huge news. Moving his foot isn't big news and he's been able to do that for a while. Thats more to do with the ankle than the actual foot. I can lift mine back but my actual foot is still in the drop position. Easier to show than to explain lol. But Moving the toes is huge.

When I walk barefoot, I will occasionally not lift my leg up and the 1st thing that drags the ground and causes me to trip are my toes. Again, easier to show than to explain.

I'm not predicting full recovery, as no one can. I can't even predict he'll play without the afo at this point, even though some pics and videos appear to show he's not. Individual work outs not wearing a afo is one thing, actually playing full speed football without one will be another thing. We'll see, but at this point it's looking real good.

You are completely entitled to your opinion, your realistic outlook, and your hesitation. Dont let the angry overzealous ninnys that cant take a difference of opinion bother you.


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Witten is a HOF lock, and Smith is well on his way. Both have been exceptional role models on this team.
This thread is about Jaylon, and I'm excited about this great news.

I should have said Bryants career "yet",, there is still time to turn it around.

LOL........yah, he has feellings in his toes now. A HOF lock. :lmao: