This is 99 percent about Jerrah's ego. Sure he loves Garrett, but all this twisting is Jerrah having to publicly admit he made a 10 year mistake.
He hired a completely unqualified and inexperienced HC with the assurance he would learn on the job and be the next Landry. It never happened and he can't bring himself to throw in the towel on his pipe dream
No doubt.
A lot of regret over this whole thing.
Jerrah allowed his emotions to let him overlook the HC progress.
I think Jerrah just wanted very little upheaval with the team while he built the new team HQ at The Star.
Garrett must have very pervasive personal skills. Something we see when the team has played well for Garrett.
Those early 8-8 seasons early on were leftover Parcell's and Phillip's builds..not his.
Zeke and Dak fell into place at a lucky moment and it provided just enough renewed interest in the team side of things to sort of cruise along.
Now things have hit a rock and leaks have sprung.
Better drive that new yatch better than he is his prized cash cow.