*** The Official Garrett Watch Thread ***

I had a dream. The four Jones' took a vote. Jerry and Charlotte voted to keep Garrett, Stephen and Jerry Jr voted to let Garrett go. Guess who broke the tie. Garrett gets his extension.
Shamelessly stealing and adapting from Martin Luther King:

I have a dream that one day this Team will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed...
You really are new to this arent you? You keep proving this. Greg Roman cant be contacted right now. So Garrett being held onto currently doesnt hurt us in the slightest.

What are you guys talking about? That absolutely isn't true in the slightest.
Really? It isnt? They need to ask permission to speak to him from the Ravens. So yes. It is true.

Why would you think that's not what people are talking about? This is just as stupid as the "Garrett can't be fired" argument.

There is nothing preventing them from making a request to interview NFL assistants tomorrow if they wanted to. You're just playing pointless word games.

As a side note, you will all be respectful with your comments as it pertains to my wife Jane Slater.

Sorry to talk about your wife this way but every time I see her name, it reminds me of the old Saturday Night Live weekend update skit .

"Jane you ignorant slut".

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