The only thing Jerry can do to restore confidence in the Cowboys is to replace Dak Prescott

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As I have said: Jason Garrett instilled in Dak his way of doing things with no accountability.
Dak is Garrett 2.0.
No accountability? Dak said point blank he played terribly in the GB game.

Chuck 54

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  1. I’d love to see just how confident fans would be after Jerry released Dak and the Cowboys suffered through another 4-5 years searching for even a competent QB.
  2. Man, I just saw the new look front pages with all the huge ads yesterday. Yikes! Almost unreadable. While I support Reality in whatever is needed to provide us this site for free, this is a truly horrible look.


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Except Dak's game is nothing like that and you know it. Dak's game is the more traditional game that we have seen multiple QBs play into their late 30s with.

However in your effort to consider people who spend hours and hours studying film and are paid to analyze and know more about these players then anyone the equivalent to random pundits, you missed the forest for the trees. While yes it does mean that the smartest people in football have come to a consensus that Dak is a top 10 QB, it also means that the people who decide upon his value to organizations consider him top 10 which also matters far more than random pundit because they dont sign the checks.
You're making a ton of assumptions here: Who says these are "the smartest people in the game"? Were they given a formal survey or were they all questioned as they were leaving the building? Did they include playoff performance and post season viability in their assessment or is this purely regular season? In other words, any one who knows how detailed this "analysis" can get...should not be satisfied with a hastily assembled list that places Dak - drumroll - IN THE TOP 30% OF QBs. Name the field where TOP 30% - which is what top 10 is - is killing it?

Give me a break.... a guy who is top 30% of QBs and can't win playoff games because he chokes...this is NOT something to celebrate or defend with empty semantics.


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No accountability? Dak said point blank he played terribly in the GB game.
But does he worry about being replaced? Nope. Never has.
It's not gallant to say you messed up if you really don't care.


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Statement of fact...based on what facts? FACTS have to have proven answers. Your reasoning is an opinion...during the regular season, Dak played very well as was mentioned by NUMEROUS people on the multitude of NFL-related media coverage In the playoff game, he was terrible (as was the whole team). Those are FACTS. During Cooper Rush's run last year, the offense averaged 22 points and 183.8 passing ypg. They were 4-1 because the defense gave up 15.8 ppg during his run. Those are FACTS. If Cooper Rush is SO GOOD, why wasn't he starting elsewhere? And, if Dak is so bad, why did they go 12-5 and win the NFC East? These are, again, facts. The TRUTH is he was good in the regular season and terrible in the playoffs. IF his playoff performance is the reasoning for your position, I can support that. But stop making up crap that he didn't perform well during the regular season.
You don't understand football. Less points are needed when you control the ball and actually take pressure off of the defense. You can't discount the effect having a real quarterback in the game had on the defense.
You guys think stats justify Dak. Stats are for losers who need to try to justify themselves.
Wins are all that matter, and Rush took the same squad and produced more wins.


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You don't understand football. Less points are needed when you control the ball and actually take pressure off of the defense. You can't discount the effect having a real quarterback in the game had on the defense.
You guys think stats justify Dak. Stats are for losers who need to try to justify themselves.
Wins are all that matter, and Rush took the same squad and produced more wins.
Dak had 8 wins and Rush had is 4 more than 8? Also, if you need to take so much pressure off of the D, then your D is not Elite, which basically destroys your argument that ONLY DAK is holding this team back (ask Jordon Love about that Elite Dallas D). How did Roethlisberger win 2 rings? He had ELITE Defenses that took the all the pressure off of him. And, once again, if Rush is a REAL QB, why is he Dak's backup? Why has no other club tried to bring him to be the starter?

What is so funny to me is that I could care less if Dak is the QB...he has issues. But, those of you that act like the only thing holding this team back clearly have blinders on...this D plays like HOT GARBAGE when they don't have a lead.
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This is why the saying is for GMs, "if you listen to the fans then soon you will be sitting with them". As far as QBs who can make the Cowboys better, considering that among GMs coaches, and scouts (you know the professionals who study players and how to beat/value them for a living), Dak is a top 10 QB, you are probably looking at maybe 7-8 who are not a downgrade. I am also somewhat sure that the other teams with their top 10 guys are not going to be moving off of them anytime soon. That basically leaves you with the option of downgrading and there are not exactly a lot of teams that have gotten better after getting worse at QB.
So true. Some fans think getting a top 10 QB is so rasy


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And everyone knows it.
No matter what he says or does, no matter who he signs, fans know that the quarterback position is a problem that will not be fixed until the Cowboys move on from Dak.
He's hit his ceiling, and it's clear that he does fine as long as the Cowboys are whipping weaker teams. But not even the most die-hard Dak supporters can really believe that Dak can make the Cowboys better when they need him to be the reason they take the next step.
If Jerry expects to sell hope to the fans for 2024, he has to make the move that everyone else knows must happen:
He has to find a quarterback who can make the Cowboys better.
Replacing Dak does not restore confidence- finding a good replacement does!

big dog cowboy

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  1. I’d love to see just how confident fans would be after Jerry released Dak and the Cowboys suffered through another 4-5 years searching for even a competent QB.
  2. Man, I just saw the new look front pages with all the huge ads yesterday. Yikes! Almost unreadable. While I support Reality in whatever is needed to provide us this site for free, this is a truly horrible look.
1. What makes you think the Cowboys automatically would suffer through 4-5 years searching for a competent QB?
2. There is a way to avoid all ads on this site.


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Some fans here are just delusional. First its funny you think all the best football minds in the world have collectively overhyped Dak but, random people on the couch can tell the difference and are smarter. I find that arrogance rather funny to be honest.

Lets move on from that silly talk and onto about the actual thing you are talking about and that is going from the 20s to 1 and how impossible it is. Here is an example of what that offer would have to be, at a minimum, for them not thang up the phone on the spot: 3 1s, 3 2s, Micah, and Bland, and that is probably getting negotiated up from that into another 3 or something. At which point you are now down your core defensive pieces, your top 10 QB, have no money to spend, and no picks, but at least you have, at best, a 1/3 chance of having someone who is in the same tier as Dak so um I guess that is a good thing.
What are the drug laws like where you live, because if they are strongly enforced I would suggest you get out of Dodge immediately before you get locked up for life....................LOL!


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What are the drug laws like where you live, because if they are strongly enforced I would suggest you get out of Dodge immediately before you get locked up for life....................LOL!
Is that the best you got? Quite sad to be honest but I guess if you aren't smart enough to formulate a counterargument (is that word too long for you) then I guess this is all you are capable of.


1st Round Pick
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"And everyone knows it"
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

Here's what Troy Aikman said about Dak today:

"I know they've come up short the last few years... but he's been a great player in this league, and his best years are still ahead of him."

Gee, who to believe.... legendary NFL quarterback or pear-shaped dolts on a message board?

Dak keeps proving Aikman wrong and the naysayers right or are you just refusing to pay attention to the reality.

Talk is cheap but guys like you still think it means something with this group.:facepalm:


Here comes the Sun...
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This just in: pear-shaped nobody on message board thinks he knows the QB position better than Troy Aikman does.
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

I wonder why you can't find a single respected NFL mind who agrees with you, pear-shaped nobody. Hmmmmmmmm!!!!
Hey, Qcard! What up, dog?


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No accountability? Dak said point blank he played terribly in the GB game.
Saying he played terrible is letting him off the hook. He will needs to just flat out admitt he has choked the last 3 playoff games and chokes against the better teams and the losses are his fault. That's accountability!


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Saying he played terrible is letting him off the hook. He will needs to just flat out admitt he has choked the last 3 playoff games and chokes against the better teams and the losses are his fault. That's accountability!
So, the losses are COMPLETELY on him? So, Green Bay scoring TD's on 6 of their first 7 possessions is all on Dak as well? And, 4 of those drives were 75 yards or more. As I said in an earlier post, I'd have no issue with them moving on from Dak. But, that doesn't solve ANY of the defensive issues, the fact that the running game couldn't succeed against lighter boxes, the stupid penalties. But, I'm sure you'll find a way to pin all those issues on him as well (just like the rest of the Dak Sucks Crowd).


1st Round Pick
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This just in: pear-shaped nobody on message board thinks he knows the QB position better than Troy Aikman does.
:lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2: :lmao2:

I wonder why you can't find a single respected NFL mind who agrees with you, pear-shaped nobody. Hmmmmmmmm!!!!

Paying Dak and winning rings don’t go hand in hand.

I don’t care what Aikman has to say about it either.
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