The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*

So a report by Freeh says that Paterno knew about all these victims yet a grand jury found no fault with him. keep in mind that Freeh was nuable to even talk with Paterno so all of his information regarding Paterno is from sources other than the coach himself. No opportunity to defend the allegations and yet, people take this as gospel.

I have said before I had a problem with the way Paterno didn't go to the police department with the one allegation he was told about but if you think he covered up the extent of this problem you are dumber than a sack of bricks.

But go ahead and get your pound of flesh and feel better about yourself. That's going to help the victims of the real monster here, Sandusky.
Chocolate Lab;4618075 said:
Yep. Remember back when this broke and so many posters got killed for saying he probably knew?

Only those who willingly put their heads in the sand thought Joe had no idea any of this was going on. He ran that entire athletic department. He was God at that university.

You don't know what you are talking about.
Chocolate Lab;4618075 said:
Yep. Remember back when this broke and so many posters got killed for saying he probably knew?

Only those who willingly put their heads in the sand thought Joe had no idea any of this was going on. He ran that entire athletic department. He was God at that university.

Cajuncowboy;4618091 said:
So a report by Freeh says that Paterno knew about all these victims yet a grand jury found no fault with him. keep in mind that Freeh was nuable to even talk with Paterno so all of his information regarding Paterno is from sources other than the coach himself. No opportunity to defend the allegations and yet, people take this as gospel.

I have said before I had a problem with the way Paterno didn't go to the police department with the one allegation he was told about but if you think he covered up the extent of this problem you are dumber than a sack of bricks.

But go ahead and get your pound of flesh and feel better about yourself. That's going to help the victims of the real monster here, Sandusky.

Emails and notes from 1998 show that after the mother of the man known as Victim 6 contacted the university police department to report that Sandusky had showered with her son on campus, Schultz notified Spanier and Curley of the incident and wrote in his notes that it was "at best inappropriate, @ worst sexual improprieties." He asked: "Is this the opening of Pandora's box? Other children?"

Curley wrote an email in response to the investigation saying that "the coach" was "anxious to know where it stands."​
Yakuza Rich;4617873 said:
Keeping this under wraps and actually murdering and hiding the body of a District Attorney are 2 extremely different things in terms of gall and ability to do. It's kinda like the Catholic church scandal. It's much easier for them to cover this up by keeping it quiet and not coming forward with it. It's another to try and cover it up by murdering people.

joseephuss;4617877 said:
I think they are too dumb to pull something like that off. It appears they have left a pretty easy paper trail for Freeh to find.

You are probably right.

Unless they just paid a friend from Nu Joisey to "take care of it."

trickblue;4618108 said:
Emails and notes from 1998 show that after the mother of the man known as Victim 6 contacted the university police department to report that Sandusky had showered with her son on campus, Schultz notified Spanier and Curley of the incident and wrote in his notes that it was "at best inappropriate, @ worst sexual improprieties." He asked: "Is this the opening of Pandora's box? Other children?"

Curley wrote an email in response to the investigation saying that "the coach" was "anxious to know where it stands."​

And we have emails or notes from Paterno saying this or was it just taken for granted that Curley wasn't just including "the coach" to induce a response? And do we know "the coach" wasn't Sandusky since he was a coach?
I feel bad that this has happened to the man you think so highly of.

I am sorry that your idol has fallen.

And I do admire your loyalty.

But it is becoming more obvious that it seems that these men have done the unthinkable.

If it is true, you are not the only one that he hid that side of himself to.

You may have to ask yourself, .. "could this be true?"
Saying the Grand Jury found no fault with Paterno is a strawman argulment. misleading. The Grand Jury investigation didn't have to do with a coverup. It had to do with Sandusky's possible guilt or innocence. Schultz and Curley got into trouble only because it was deemed that they committed perjury.

Despite that, this article by Wesley Oliver, a Dusquesne law professor says that Paterno could have been indicted if he had lived.

StanleySpadowski;4617614 said:
This is a CYA attempt by the Trustees and a bad one at that. How can anyone write a report on this scandal without even attempting to interview several of the major people is beyond me.

The state and local DA offices requested that several individuals not be interviewed as they were important witnesses in Sandusky and other future trials.
Cajuncowboy;4618091 said:
So a report by Freeh says that Paterno knew about all these victims yet a grand jury found no fault with him. keep in mind that Freeh was nuable to even talk with Paterno so all of his information regarding Paterno is from sources other than the coach himself. No opportunity to defend the allegations and yet, people take this as gospel.

I have said before I had a problem with the way Paterno didn't go to the police department with the one allegation he was told about but if you think he covered up the extent of this problem you are dumber than a sack of bricks.

Some of this information is from documents obtained by Freeh.

The report does not say Paterno acted alone to cover this up or was even the leader of the cover up. It names a few people were involved that had knowledge about what happened in 1998 and did not go to the proper authorities.

I am not dumber than a sack of bricks. I am fairly intelligent. I see Paterno's role in this not one of an evil conspiracy to suppress information. I see it more as a set of dumb, regrettable mistakes on his part and the parts of the other guys involved. And maybe there isn't a difference between the two since in the end it kept a pedophile at large.

Paterno screwed up royally. His part in this wasn't the beginning nor was it the end, but he id play a part and played it poorly.

But go ahead and get your pound of flesh and feel better about yourself. That's going to help the victims of the real monster here, Sandusky.

I don't understand this statement. Everyone agrees that Sandusky is the real monster. There has not been a person here that has every defended Sandusky. Without him, there is no story. Everyone applauded him being punished and those that didn't only wanted more punishment for him. Seems like a deflection to defend Paterno. Paterno is not Sandusky or deserving of the same punishment, but Paterno is far from innocent. And it does help the victims to name all involved that led to them being victims. Paterno is the biggest name and most well known, but he isn't alone.
joseephuss;4618227 said:
I don't understand this statement. Everyone agrees that Sandusky is the real monster. There has not been a person here that has every defended Sandusky. Without him, there is no story. Everyone applauded him being punished and those that didn't only wanted more punishment for him. Seems like a deflection to defend Paterno. Paterno is not Sandusky or deserving of the same punishment, but Paterno is far from innocent. And it does help the victims to name all involved that led to them being victims. Paterno is the biggest name and most well known, but he isn't alone.


Joe wasn't alone.

There are some calling for the NCAA to issue the "death penalty" to the football program.

Probably extreme but it's a suggestion that's likely going to pick up steam.
As I have found out painfully today, JoePa and PSU supporters will support to the death. Poking holes in the report or saying people from Phillly hate PSU, the newspapers are slanted. It's both laughable and shameful.

Did anyone read where the tv's in the psu student center went to a different channel right before the Freeh spoke? unreal stuff. Good for PSU for calling themselves out. Shame on them for acting like a corporation to protect the image and brand versus people. This means you too Joe Pa.

" Absolute power corrupts absolutely "
Joe Realist;4618231 said:
As I have found out painfully today, JoePa and PSU supporters will support to the death. Poking holes in the report or saying people from Phillly hate PSU, the newspapers are slanted. It's both laughable and shameful.

Did anyone read where the tv's in the psu student center went to a different channel right before the Freeh spoke? unreal stuff. Good for PSU for calling themselves out. Shame on them for acting like a corporation to protect the image and brand versus people. This means you too Joe Pa.

" Absolute power corrupts absolutely "

"Image is everything". :cool:
Joe Realist;4618231 said:
" Absolute power corrupts absolutely "

I was thinking of that line.

You had a lot of folks involved with big paychecks, lots of power & prestige and the desire to be remembered forever.

They got their wish on the last part.

Just not the way anyone wants to be remembered.
Joe Realist;4618231 said:
Good for PSU for calling themselves out

They really didn't call themselves out. The report was forced upon them by the insurance companies that insure the university and the investigation was paid for by those companies. That's why it wasn't a CYA job. Well, that and Freeh skewered the Board of Trustees.

trickblue;4617878 said:

How can they NOT take this down?? Steps ultimately need to be taken to restore Penn States reputation and tearing this thing down and grinding it into bits is a good a start as any.

I never liked Penn State anyways, and never will, but still.....that piece of garbage should come down.

Damn shame.

MichaelWinicki;4618230 said:

Joe wasn't alone.

There are some calling for the NCAA to issue the "death penalty" to the football program.

Probably extreme but it's a suggestion that's likely going to pick up steam.

I don't see that happening. Joe had way to much power. He was asked to step down in 2004 and told administration no, he'd leave when he was ready. :laugh1:
Kingsmith88;4618293 said:
I don't see that happening. Joe had way to much power. He was asked to step down in 2004 and told administration no, he'd leave when he was ready. :laugh1:

No, it probably won't happen.

But like Woody Hays and the "punch", one isn't likely to ever think of Joe Pa and not think of the sorid episode.

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