The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*

Yakuza Rich;4618270 said:
They really didn't call themselves out. The report was forced upon them by the insurance companies that insure the university and the investigation was paid for by those companies. That's why it wasn't a CYA job. Well, that and Freeh skewered the Board of Trustees.

Rich - can you PM me a link that states that. Thanks.
Joseephus what I have said, and still maintain is that Paternoster royally screwed up with his decision not to take the McQueery matter to the police department in State College. While he didn't know all the details, he knew something was probably wrong. He did as was the policy at Penn State to report this to his superiors and to the campus police which is what he did. There is no evidence that he was aware of the 98 incident aside from an email Curley wrote saying "the coach" wanted to know where things stood. Whether or not that referred to Paternoster or Sandusky we don't know. What is known is that he failed to go to the police with that information.

I am saying that if anyone thinks that Paterno intentionally covered up this thing to protect Penn State then THEY are the ones that are dumb. This kind of thing would be completely out of character for him and diametrically opposed to everything he stood for.

His pattern of behavior belies him doing that. Again, to be clear, I am not absolving him of responsibility for what he knew, but there is no way under the sun he was complicity in some grand cover up. I can however see Spanier and Curley doing so as they had a lot more to lose than Paterno.

Consider this... Pattern reputation was long since cemented as a decent and caring person who was honest to a fault. He could very well, and would have if he had known, taken Sandusky down if he thought there was anything more to what he had known. If he had done this he would have been even more idolized for doing the "right thing".

There is no doubt in my mind that he had nothing to do with a cover up.
MichaelWinicki;4618230 said:

Joe wasn't alone.

There are some calling for the NCAA to issue the "death penalty" to the football program.

Probably extreme but it's a suggestion that's likely going to pick up steam.

Its a suggestion that's beyond stupid.. far, far beyond. So yes, i can definitely see it picking up steam.

The football program had nothing to do with this. Don't punish the former players, current players, coaches, etc.. who had nothing at all to do with this.
Cajuncowboy;4618091 said:
So a report by Freeh says that Paterno knew about all these victims yet a grand jury found no fault with him. keep in mind that Freeh was nuable to even talk with Paterno so all of his information regarding Paterno is from sources other than the coach himself. No opportunity to defend the allegations and yet, people take this as gospel.

I have said before I had a problem with the way Paterno didn't go to the police department with the one allegation he was told about but if you think he covered up the extent of this problem you are dumber than a sack of bricks.

But go ahead and get your pound of flesh and feel better about yourself. That's going to help the victims of the real monster here, Sandusky.

Did the report say that he knew about all the victims or just the incident of something happening in 98 that was investigated by local and state officials and no charges were brought against Sandusky for?

Do i believe that Joe knew about the incident in 98? Sure do.

Do i believe Joe knew the extent of this situation and about all the rest of the victims and just let it continue to happen? Only a fool would believe that.
RoyTheHammer;4618377 said:
Do i believe Joe knew the extent of this situation and about all the rest of the victims and just let it continue to happen? Only a fool would believe that.

Only a fool would think it "couldn't" happen.

If you say one is a fool for believing it, you'd also have to say one is a fool to believe it couldn't happen.

Point being, none of us really know what was going on. I just know there is a LOT of smoke.
Bill Wooten;4618397 said:
Only a fool would think it "couldn't" happen.

If you say one is a fool for believing it, you'd also have to say one is a fool to believe it couldn't happen.

Point being, none of us really know what was going on. I just know there is a LOT of smoke.

Knowing how much Joe did for other people over the course of his lifetime, i would say its only foolish to believe one of those two statements based on how likely each is to be true.

I do agree with the bolded part though. That really is the bottom line.
RoyTheHammer;4618367 said:
Something tells me you started this thread for your personal enjoyment.. that's what i say.

Nope - just I know people that are in such denial, it is truly unreal.
Joe Realist;4618408 said:
Nope - just I know people that are in such denial, it is truly unreal.

So you created it because you know there are people who are going to be in denial about whatever you think happened and you wanted to see what they had to say, even though you knew a thread like this would create nothing but arguments and negativity.. pretty much sum it up?
Joe Realist;4618408 said:
Nope - just I know people that are in such denial, it is truly unreal.

Denial about what? You think Paterno was some evil monster covering this whole thing up?
Cajuncowboy;4618413 said:
Denial about what? You think Paterno was some evil monster covering this whole thing up?

I think this and its from personal experience.. PSU folks, especially ones that went there for most or all of their college years, have this air of " we are penn state " and any other school is not on par. " we are better than you ". We have a great school with the best coach of all time who is a leader of men, humble, not a power seeker. We are a clean school. There are no problems there. I have argued with them for years that there is no such thing as an " oasis ". People are people and human nature comes into play. I said you may not see or hear things as they may be kept quiet. Then this thing happens and you see the fallout and cover up. Paterno included. He was powerful man and based on report, I do believe he knew about it and wanted it kept quiet to protect the empire he built. It's no different then what happens in many companies. So, when the pedestal of Paterno and Penn State is suddenly shattered, those blind defenders cannot be objective nor realistic. In fact, I'll add it is probably best that Joe Pa passed on as he may very well have been dragged into court. Can you imagine what that circus would be like?
RoyTheHammer;4618410 said:
So you created it because you know there are people who are going to be in denial about whatever you think happened and you wanted to see what they had to say, even though you knew a thread like this would create nothing but arguments and negativity.. pretty much sum it up?

I created the thread because it was a pretty big announcement imo and hands down the worst collegiate scandal of all time.
Cajuncowboy;4618413 said:
Denial about what? You think Paterno was some evil monster covering this whole thing up?

He was one of the people that helped cover him up. People can choose whatever adjective they want to describe a person who would participate in such a thing to protect their own legacy as a football coach.

I just remember in 2008, ESPN actually asked Paterno how 46 different players could have been arrested since 2002, Paterno's answer was that ESPN was performing a 'witch hunt.' ( And when the Sandusky story broke, true to form Paterno and company called that a 'witch hunt as well.'

Or how about Vicky Tripony, the person formerly in charge of Penn State student disciplinary actions who had her power unsurped by....Joe Paterno. Because Paterno felt that *he* knew how to best discipline his players. (

Particularly damning is this bit:

After Dr. Triponey's departure, the university hired Bob Secor, a former vice provost at the school, to head a committee to examine the judicial-review process. Mr. Secor says that Mr. Paterno told him that he didn't think other people should be able to decide whether a football player should be able to play or not. "And we agreed with that," he says.

On Oct. 1, 2007, Mr. Spanier accepted the committee's recommended changes. Under the new rules, the judicial-review process would have only a limited ability to end a student's participation in activities—including football.

"The committee's rationale, which I fully support, is based on the assumption that involvement in student activities is for the most part a healthy influence on student behavior," Mr. Spanier wrote. "Removing such involvement as a way of getting a student's attention to correct misbehavior may or may not be productive."

Sandusky wasn't the only situation where Paterno kept things under wraps and felt like he should be the one to discipline players, yet seemingly did nothing in the process other than try not to disrupt fans' weekends.

I look at Joe Paterno as a liar and a coward who help enable Sandusky to devastate young boys lives in the most heinous way possible.

Cajuncowboy;4618331 said:
This kind of thing would be completely out of character for him and diametrically opposed to everything he stood for.

And I guess no one believed that molesting children wasn't completely out of Sandusky's character. Everyone saw that one coming right?
PSU is enjoying the best recruiting class in years and on par with any program. Outside donations from corporations, supporters and private funding is at an all time high. Student enrollment is up. Pride in the campus is stronger then I have ever seen it.

That is the future.......

A great evil invaded the campus of PSU and a terrible injustice was done to many children and families. The guilty parties will be judged in the eyes of god and that's not for me to decide.

That is the past........

As a graduate and loyal fan of the University first and the sports program second I must just by association carry around the sins of those involved, the pain of those attacked and live under the black cloud of the entire scandal.

Even so, I know that it's me and my beliefs as well as thousands of others who believe in a better PSU that will and always be Penn St proud and NO ONE will take that away from me.

WE ARE...............
Yakuza Rich;4618470 said:
He was one of the people that helped cover him up. People can choose whatever adjective they want to describe a person who would participate in such a thing to protect their own legacy as a football coach.

I just remember in 2008, ESPN actually asked Paterno how 46 different players could have been arrested since 2002, Paterno's answer was that ESPN was performing a 'witch hunt.' ( And when the Sandusky story broke, true to form Paterno and company called that a 'witch hunt as well.'

Or how about Vicky Tripony, the person formerly in charge of Penn State student disciplinary actions who had her power unsurped by....Joe Paterno. Because Paterno felt that *he* knew how to best discipline his players. (

Particularly damning is this bit:

Sandusky wasn't the only situation where Paterno kept things under wraps and felt like he should be the one to discipline players, yet seemingly did nothing in the process other than try not to disrupt fans' weekends.

I look at Joe Paterno as a liar and a coward who help enable Sandusky to devastate young boys lives in the most heinous way possible.


That wsj article is very telling of culture. I remember hearing about it in the fall, but due to everything else, I don't think it got alot of attention.
SDogo;4618484 said:
PSU is enjoying the best recruiting class in years and on par with any program. Outside donations from corporations, supporters and private funding is at an all time high. Student enrollment is up. Pride in the campus is stronger then I have ever seen it.

That is the future.......

A great evil invaded the campus of PSU and a terrible injustice was done to many children and families. The guilty parties will be judged in the eyes of god and that's not for me to decide.

That is the past........

As a graduate and loyal fan of the University first and the sports program second I must just by association carry around the sins of those involved, the pain of those attacked and live under the black cloud of the entire scandal.

Even so, I know that it's me and my beliefs as well as thousands of others who believe in a better PSU that will and always be Penn St proud and NO ONE will take that away from me.

WE ARE...............

No one is suggesting you should not be proud of your school, depsite the current events. If you can be objective in this, great. Many PSU folks dont want to be, at least not now. You say it's the past, but it is still very fresh. Only a few months ago some PSU alums were sending Jerry Sandusky $$ for his defense. What will happen if they decide to take Paterno's statue down? Will students riot?

They say time heals all wounds and in time and intervention PSU will be better off.
Joe Realist;4618497 said:
No one is suggesting you should not be proud of your school, depsite the current events. If you can be objective in this, great. Many PSU folks dont want to be, at least not now. You say it's the past, but it is still very fresh. Only a few months ago some PSU alums were sending Jerry Sandusky $$ for his defense. What will happen if they decide to take Paterno's statue down? Will students riot?

They say time heals all wounds and in time and intervention PSU will be better off.

I decided long ago I would the courts and public opinion run it's course. I came to the conclusion that I simply don't have the right to judge. I will never sit here and tell you Joe Pa is innocent of any wrong doing. I cant, I will not and I wont. All I do know is the man I met several times and the things he did for the university and humanity. I would like to hold onto those memories. This whole situation saddens me. When it comes to innocent children being put in danger no one if free of blame. It takes a community to raise a child. It's obvious a community has failed, now how does it move on and try to right the wrongs is what's important. What happened can not be undone and we must not reflect for too long but start to react and rebuild.

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