The Penn State Aftermath Thread *Penalty Post #403*

Joe Realist;4618463 said:
I think this and its from personal experience.. PSU folks, especially ones that went there for most or all of their college years, have this air of " we are penn state " and any other school is not on par. " we are better than you ". We have a great school with the best coach of all time who is a leader of men, humble, not a power seeker. We are a clean school. There are no problems there. I have argued with them for years that there is no such thing as an " oasis ". People are people and human nature comes into play. I said you may not see or hear things as they may be kept quiet. Then this thing happens and you see the fallout and cover up. Paterno included. He was powerful man and based on report, I do believe he knew about it and wanted it kept quiet to protect the empire he built. It's no different then what happens in many companies. So, when the pedestal of Paterno and Penn State is suddenly shattered, those blind defenders cannot be objective nor realistic. In fact, I'll add it is probably best that Joe Pa passed on as he may very well have been dragged into court. Can you imagine what that circus would be like?

I think this is a ridiculous statement of ignorance uttered by someone who didn't attend the university and is creating this uninformed opinion based on the thoughts of a far too small sample size of current and former penn state students.

Edit: ..and actually, as ridiculous as this statement is if you're referring to PSU students, in general, feeling like they are better and that their school is better than any other in the country, if you're referring to PSU football and the "sports fan" in every student, it could also be completely true.

However, every student, hell every sports fan in the world shares that same perspective. "My team is the greatest and yours doesn't come close."
SDogo;4618509 said:
I decided long ago I would the courts and public opinion run it's course. I came to the conclusion that I simply don't have the right to judge. I will never sit here and tell you Joe Pa is innocent of any wrong doing. I cant, I will not and I wont. All I do know is the man I met several times and the things he did for the university and humanity. I would like to hold onto those memories. This whole situation saddens me. When it comes to innocent children being put in danger no one if free of blame. It takes a community to raise a child. It's obvious a community has failed, now how does it move on and try to right the wrongs is what's important. What happened can not be undone and we must not reflect for too long but start to react and rebuild.

Well said, sir. A lesson for everyone.
I can empathize with PSU fans and grads in a sense. This reminds me a lot of the Chris Benoit situation. I had met Chris probably a handful of times and had friends who wrestled with Chris and some that were friends of his to a different degree.

Obviously, I was shocked by what Benoit did. I really felt for his father who could not explain what his son had done. I put it this way, if there was somebody that was omnipotent claiming that a pro wrestler would kill his wife and child and then himself, people in the pro wrestling industry would have put Benoit at the bottom of the list. He was crazy in the sense of his dedication to pro wrestling. But as a person, he was fairly revered by everybody who knew him. And then he kills his wife and child...really inexplicable.

I thought Chris Jericho put it best in that he loved Chris Benoit, but hated what he did and was still trying to figure it out. I could see Penn State people in the same state of mind as Jericho was/is when it comes to Paterno.

Although it should be noted about my last post. The coverups of player discipline go well beyond the scope of NCAA violations and giving players improper benefits. This has to do with players breaking the law, often in a violent way, and Paterno trying to cover it up. So the Sandusky thing was nothing new in the sense of Paterno trying to cover up for players who committed crimes and I think there was a different side to Paterno that his loyal fans just didn't know and now they are having a hard time accepting that.

Hopefully some good can come out from this. Like awareness towards these crimes and how to deal with the victims so they are not afraid to speak up if it happens to them. And maybe we can understand that sports in the grand scheme of things have very little impact on the world and life. But, they are a privilege and we need to start using sports again to help build character and teach life lessons instead of using it as a way to build fortunes and lionize participants.

StevenOtero;4617687 said:
Rot in hell Joe!

Didn't see this at first, but this post represents everything that's wrong with the entire situation. Quick to join in the stone throwing, but didn't learn a damn thing.

As Joe Realist says, people are human, people make mistakes, yet though everyone is guilty of sin, it can still possess another individual to utter something like this. Let me ask you Steven, have you done as much good in your life for your fellow man as Joe? Are you without mistakes or faults? Are you really in a position where you should be condemning anyone.. or would a better reaction be reflection of the situation and yourself and learning from the situation to question or reinforce some of your morals and beliefs? Or maybe prayer and hope for the children who were influenced by this tragic situation? Or at the very least directing your anger at the person who lured these children in and raped them literally of their innocence and their control over their own lives?

Nope, its a media fed poop on "God" fest that fuels the mob of imbeciles. The same media who helped build Joe up to be a "God" of the university for that matter. Its pathetic.

Yes, Joe made a horrible mistake.. but his "legacy" will be carried on by the many people who he influenced in a positive way for so many years. No matter what his public "legacy" turns out to be.
Look... JoePa did a LOT for the university...

Anyone stating he had no idea is just crazy...

I grew up in a family that revered him... he knew...
I think they should and I think they will once the dust settles.
RoyTheHammer;4618554 said:
Didn't see this at first, but this post represents everything that's wrong with the entire situation. Quick to join in the stone throwing, but didn't learn a damn thing.

As Joe Realist says, people are human, people make mistakes, yet though everyone is guilty of sin, it can still possess another individual to utter something as stupid as this. Let me ask you Steven, have you done as much good in your life for your fellow man as Joe? Are you without mistakes or faults? Are you really in a position where you should be condemning anyone.. or would a better reaction be reflection of the situation and yourself and learning from the situation to question or reinforce some of your morals and beliefs? Or maybe prayer and hope for the children who were influenced by this tragic situation? Or at the very least directing your anger at the person who lured these children in and raped them literally of their innocence and their control over their own lives?

Nope, its a media fed poop on "God" fest that fuels the mob of imbeciles. The same media who helped build Joe up to be a "God" of the university for that matter. Its pathetic.

Yes, Joe made a horrible mistake.. but his "legacy" will be carried on by the many people who he influenced in a positive way for so many years. No matter what his public "legacy" turns out to be.
Give me a damn break here, you've gotta be kidding me. It's more than a mistake to not turn in a pedophile.

I'm human...therefore I have faults, but let me tell you something right here and now: If I knew of some kind of pedophile...I would not keep quiet about it. No matter who it was.

....and for the love of "God" do not make assumptions about me ever again. You don't know me at all, yet you attempt to call me out.

It must be nice up there on your moral high horse.
SDogo;4618484 said:
PSU is enjoying the best recruiting class in years and on par with any program. Outside donations from corporations, supporters and private funding is at an all time high. Student enrollment is up. Pride in the campus is stronger then I have ever seen it.

That is the future.......

A great evil invaded the campus of PSU and a terrible injustice was done to many children and families. The guilty parties will be judged in the eyes of god and that's not for me to decide.

That is the past........

As a graduate and loyal fan of the University first and the sports program second I must just by association carry around the sins of those involved, the pain of those attacked and live under the black cloud of the entire scandal.

Even so, I know that it's me and my beliefs as well as thousands of others who believe in a better PSU that will and always be Penn St proud and NO ONE will take that away from me.

WE ARE...............

Your soul must be hurting you, ol' buddy... I feel bad for you...
StevenOtero;4618707 said:
Give me a damn break here, you've gotta be kidding me. It's more than a mistake to not turn in a pedophile.

I'm human...therefore I have faults, but let me tell you something right here and now: If I knew of some kind of pedophile...I would not keep quiet about it. No matter who it was.

....and for the love of "God" do not make assumptions about me ever again. You don't know me at all, yet you attempt to call me out.

It must be nice up there on your moral high horse.

Up there on my moral high horse? You must have missed the part where i said we all make mistakes because we're all human. That includes myself there, bub.

Its not more than a mistake. Its a bad mistake and no one questions that, but its not like he didn't tell anyone what happened. He just assumed his supervisors would handle it. He, like everyone else, couldn't have imagined the full scope of the situation.
RoyTheHammer;4618733 said:
Up there on my moral high horse? You must have missed the part where i said we all make mistakes because we're all human. That includes myself there, bub.

Its not more than a mistake. Its a bad mistake and no one questions that, but its not like he didn't tell anyone what happened. He just assumed his supervisors would handle it. He, like everyone else, couldn't have imagined the full scope of the situation.

I'm deeply saddened by what's happening to Paterno's reputation, but if I witness an act of child abuse, I'm not gonna rely on others to report it... I'm picking up the phone and calling the police...

Paterno should have done the same, period...
silverbear;4618749 said:
I'm deeply saddened by what's happening to Paterno's reputation, but if I witness an act of child abuse, I'm not gonna rely on others to report it... I'm picking up the phone and calling the police...

Paterno should have done the same, period...

Im not that concerned with Joe's public reputation to be honest. He made a mistake, no two ways about it. We agree, as do most, as well as his family.

The crap im sick of is this mob mentality where everyone seems less focused on the things that should actually matter, and more focused on casting their individual stone at Joe's reputation or legacy or whatever the media is calling it right now.

At the end of the day.. who really cares what the general public thinks about Joe or his "legacy"? We're such a messed up society right now, i don't think he'd care one bit, and he shouldn't.

The "legacy" he'll leave, will live on in the hearts of every single person he directly or indirectly helped, mentored, tutored, or aided for over 60 years of his life that he spent devoted to the university and the people he loved so much. Ultimately, that may be the cause of his poor judgement in this situation, but it doesn't change the fact that he positively affected the lives of thousands during his time on this earth. We all make mistakes and carry sins with us, and he made his, but overall the things he did for those around him far outweigh what most of us do to help our fellow man. The media builds him up to be a "God" like figure, and then they are the first to try and rip him down.. not suprising. Not suprising that so many eat it up either.
WV Cowboy;4617731 said:
From the time this story broke, .. common sense told us that these guys had to know early on.

Now there is a paper trail, and we know for certain.

Hard to imagine anyone could ever turn their back on a child going through this sort of thing, .. no matter what was at stake.

Simply gets more and more sick all the time.

Though this really shouldn't come as a suprise to the vast majority of people. It was pretty obvious that many people within that university knew far more than they were letting on.

MichaelWinicki;4618073 said:
The report seems to put forth the point that Joe did know about the 1998 incident and investigation. The man knew who farted on campus, there's no way he didn't know about that incident.

And while the report could not connect Sandusky's unexpected retirement and his retirement "bonus" to the 1998 incident that doesn't mean that there isn't or wasn't a connection either. PSU could have simply buried it so deep that it couldn't be found.

I know his biggest fans are going to go to their graves beleiving he didn't know what was going on and that's fine. If I had any sort of close relationship with the guy I most likely wouldn't want to be believe he did so little to help stop the monster that is Sandusky.

Truly a very sad situation and ultimately it's going to be one of those things where half the people who remember his name will remember him more for this scandal than anything else he ever did.

Cajuncowboy;4618105 said:

Funny picture.

Applies to both sides. I really don't care how you want to spin it, or explain it, or deny it. The guy knew at the very least about 1 instance and did as little as humanly possible about it.

That in and of itself is enough without him having any other knowledge or anything else. But this notion that the most powerful man within the football program was the only guy that didn't know what was going on here while the President and AD and others did?

Sorry. I'm not buying that bunk.

It's truly sad because everyone knows that Joe did a ton of great things in his life, and I'm not talking about football here, and helped so many but it's his lack of action here, and his lack of character and judgement in this situation, that will be remembered far more.

You can never do enough good deeds, enough great things for others, and have that be remembered most if you act so little, and so thoughtlessly, in a situation like this.

How the man was able to live with himself for 14 years knowing he did what amounts to absolutely nothing is beyond me.

RoyTheHammer;4618377 said:
Did the report say that he knew about all the victims or just the incident of something happening in 98 that was investigated by local and state officials and no charges were brought against Sandusky for?

Do i believe that Joe knew about the incident in 98? Sure do.

Do i believe Joe knew the extent of this situation and about all the rest of the victims and just let it continue to happen? Only a fool would believe that.

Why is he any less human than the rest of the people at PSU that obviously made very stupid mistakes in this case? How is that he's the only one that it's not at all possible with?

Sorry but I just don't buy that the most powerful guy in the football program had no knowledge or input in this situation no matter how good a person he was in every other aspect of his lifetime.

silverbear;4618749 said:
I'm deeply saddened by what's happening to Paterno's reputation, but if I witness an act of child abuse, I'm not gonna rely on others to report it... I'm picking up the phone and calling the police...

Paterno should have done the same, period...

With out any doubt. He should have made dang sure something was being done about that his legacy, PSU legacy, and football be damned.

That didn't happen.

RoyTheHammer;4618759 said:
Im not that concerned with Joe's public reputation to be honest. He made a mistake, no two ways about it. We agree, as do most, as well as his family.

The crap im sick of is this mob mentality where everyone seems less focused on the things that should actually matter, and more focused on casting their individual stone at Joe's reputation or legacy or whatever the media is calling it right now.

At the end of the day.. who really cares what the general public thinks about Joe or his "legacy"? We're such a *** up society right now, i don't think he'd care one bit, and he shouldn't.

The "legacy" he'll leave, will live on in the hearts of every single person he directly or indirectly helped, mentored, tutored, or aided for over 60 years of his life that he spent devoted to the university and the people he loved so much. Ultimately, that may be the cause of his poor judgement in this situation, but it doesn't change the fact that he positively affected the lives of thousands during his time on this earth. We all make mistakes and carry sins with us, and he made his, but overall the things he did for those around him far outweigh what most of us do to help our fellow man. The media builds him up to be a "God" like figure, and then they are the first to try and rip him down.. not suprising. Not suprising that so many eat it up either.

I never made him to be a God. Anyone who does that has a lot more issues then blindly following a football coach as the greatest person to ever live or something.

He did a great many things in his lifetime that were amazing. It's a shame that he chose to do so little in a situation of this magnitude where some seriously terrible tragedy's could have been avoided.
They should but they won't because of the riot it would likely cause among the PSU students.
BraveHeartFan;4618763 said:
They should but they won't because of the riot it would likely cause among the PSU students.

The board of trustees is elected for a reason, now they need to do what is best for the university. I really don't think they should care about the students opinion on a statue.

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