The power struggle is becoming real

Jason Garrett is feeling the Kellen Moore heat. There is something very odd about the offense the last few if Garrett is purposely trying to take back control. Many people have already noticed the change...from the start of the season. Comments?
I think a new HC is in order and let him decide what to do with Moore, Richard, the whole bunch of them. I won't lose any sleep if a new HC was to start from scratch with an entirely new staff.
Guys I don’t know who is deciding what and who is dictating what or who is pulling the strings, but if you guys can’t tell that the offense the first few weeks is different from the last three weeks you must be smoking crack. (No offense intended to the crack smokers on here).
I'll go conspiracy here. Garrett's emotionless demeanor seems to have rubbed off on the team so it's fair to say JJ's ego has rubbed off on Garrett. Either way they should start frequenting massage parlours with Kraft.

How do you know they don't already?
Jason Garrett is feeling the Kellen Moore heat. There is something very odd about the offense the last few if Garrett is purposely trying to take back control. Many people have already noticed the change...from the start of the season. Comments?
You are so full of crap. You aren't in their presence enough to know this. In your case, you are there at all. Who are these "many people"? Are they cosmicly feeling your vibe as well? :rolleyes:
Doesn't make any sense. If We lose, Garrett loses his job, if we win he keeps it. if Moore successfully runs the offense Garrett keeps his job. Let that sink in, he keeps his job if we have success. Since when has he ever cared who gets credit? This is why Jerry wants him here so Jerry gets credit so why would Garret do something he has never done before? Too many conspiracy theories.

You think Garrett believes Kellen is going to take his job? Could be. The last 3 weeks have been beyond strange. But Garrett would be slitting his own throat so it doesn’t make sense.

I can't help but think about how Garrett undermined Wade Philips. Kellen's rise and success would be an apropos way for Garrett to lose his job. Garrett knows that the HC job was given to him. He also realizes that he was stripped first of in-game play calling and then total game planning (although he has been able to work around that) by Jerry. It was becoming evident after the first 3 games to people that Kellen's philosophy was what the Cowboys needed after years of predictability.

Garret knows he is a fraud and the only way to prove he is not is to show that his way works, even if that means getting away from what is working. Obviously I am purely speculating here, but I believe that Garrett saw the early success of Kellen, and worried that Kellen would be labeled a genius and the Cowboys were winning despite Garretts coaching. He chose the easiest game (Miami) to show this team could win his way, which they did (again it was Miami and impossible to lose to a tanking team). He tried it with saints thinking they have a backup QB. A perfect setup to show that his way works against a winning team... But it didn't... However, those two fumbles gave him an exccantto try it again against the packers, plus their run defense sucks, so another great game to try his way... Another loss... Oh well now have the 0-4 Jets. Garrett's plan has to work this time right??? Answer.... NO.

Garrett knows he is becoming exposed as a fraud. He can't run the offense, he can't run the defense, he can't manage the game and apparently he can't even adequately manage the game. He knows this and it reflected in his post game news conference.

I also think that is why you are seeing the tide change on how the players are reacting... They bought the hype of this season... They bought in to Kellen... And then Garrett goes back to his conservative crap. They are becoming frustrated as well and he will losevthem quickly if things don't change.
That was back in June.

That also is not mutually exclusive with him wanting to run more motion and RPO. those were the "tweaks" he was talking about.

So it's still the offense that was here. He also said they were going to stay true to who they are which is a running team.
Romo had 10 years of this crap. Tell Dak to suck it up. heck he hasn't even played in the Jason training years.
So it's still the offense that was here. He also said they were going to stay true to who they are which is a running team.

Same playbook with added caveats like the motion and RPO. Gameplanning was particularly different. Much less post/hitch, double hitch, triple hitch, dig/hitch, fly/hitch, empty set shotgun. A lot more motion and RPO.

Basically, all the new things that moore was doing to disguise and keep the defense honest were removed. Look at the Baldy's breakdowns from the first few weeks. He does a good job detailing what Moore was doing that was new while still running the same basic plays.
I know someone on the inside and I was able to get a hold of Jason Carrots playbook. Dont want to get in trouble and post the actual playbook so I will paraphrase for you all:
1st down, Run up the middle
2nd Down, short pass to sideline
3rd down, fake jet sweep and throw incompletion
4th Down - Punt

3rd Down B) 5yd pass to Witten and a cloud of dust...
Can anyone tell me how in the world is Kellen Moore worthy of running an NFL offense so fast?
You think Garrett believes Kellen is going to take his job? Could be. The last 3 weeks have been beyond strange. But Garrett would be slitting his own throat so it doesn’t make sense.

If old jerrah fires red and hires wonder boy this team will never win again.
Garrett intentionally sabotaged this offense to get Wade fired in 2010. He's a pathetic excuse for a coach and is extremely selfish. Piece of garbage. You can buy that image he tries to portray to the media/fans but he's scum.

yeah...I'm not buying it anymore either. He's got a track record of backstabbing...and now your starting to see it w/ Kellen. Garrett feels threatened....and he's gonna grasp any control he can.
not fact about power struggles and whos making the decsions.. not facts supporting that notion, proof..

all that says in KM is doing a poor job and its most likely shell shocked as rookie coach to be down 21 and 18 points and having to trash the game plan. fact is the title of this thread is not fact and again its doesnt matter what you feel..KM is the OC hes calling plays and its his to own..period.. show me facts saying otherwise..

How can Kellen be doing a poor job when we lead the league in yards???? :popcorn:
Jason Garrett is feeling the Kellen Moore heat. There is something very odd about the offense the last few if Garrett is purposely trying to take back control. Many people have already noticed the change...from the start of the season. Comments?
It is how Garrett sabotages contemporaries. He did it to Wade now he is doing it to Kellen.
I think a new HC is in order and let him decide what to do with Moore, Richard, the whole bunch of them. I won't lose any sleep if a new HC was to start from scratch with an entirely new staff.

I've been thinking...why has Kellen been on the fast track up the coaching tree....and now it's becoming more clear than ever. Jerry has finally figured out...Garrett isn't going to be the guy to get them over the top. So Jerry has began to pushing Moore as the next heir. Garrett...having traveled the same road...recognizes this....and is sabotaging Jerry's plan to go in another direction. The league has changed. Most NFL head coaches their own plays. Garrett was horrible @ it. Question is...can this team stay together before the power struggle rips it to shreds?
Can anyone tell me how in the world is Kellen Moore worthy of running an NFL offense so fast?

His dad was a he's practically been groomed from the get go. He was running the BSU 2010...calling his own plays. And now that the NFL is morphing into college ball...why not get one of the most explosive offenses? BSU has been in the top 5 for wins since the turn of the century. Just makes sense. ;)

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