The Question on First Take today was. "Is Dak an already an All Time Great Cowboys QB?

Gotta rank them by Playoff success, it is what it is. They get special points for being able to beat the 49ers in the Playoffs. Roger was 3-0, Troy was 2-1 against the Niners. For some reason, that's my benchmark. hahah
Gotta rank them by Playoff success, it is what it is. They get special points for being able to beat the 49ers in the Playoffs. Roger was 3-0, Troy was 2-1 against the Niners. For some reason, that's my benchmark. hahah
I get it. Dallas has failed to get past SF with Dak as the QB. So ain't even mad.

Although that 1 loss SUCKED for me personally since I lived in Cali at the time of that loss. But I probably deserved it because I sure didn't let the 49ers forget it when Dallas beat the 49ers during the 90's.

Karma and all.
I mean you can argue he's top 5 but all time greats? Nah. There are only two all time great Cowboys QBs - Aikman and Staubach.
Don Meredith
Craig Morton
Danny White
Tony Romo
Dak Prescott
Move Morton to the bottom. Otherwise good order.
White, Romo, Prescott all basically the same. Edge to Danny as he did play in 3 straight NFCCG's. In 86, he was having a fantastic year, until LT broke his wrist.
If you watch these shows as a comedy sitcom it can be entertaining sometimes lol
Danny white took the team to 3 straight nfc title games. So he accomplished more than Dak and Romo combined. Ironic that what was looked upon as a failure back in the Landry era would seem like a monumental accomplishment in the Jones “socks to jocks” era.
Yep, Romo is 4/5 at best.
He isn't ALWAYS on that level but right now I'd definitely say he is playing at that level imo. Which is saying a lot. Romo was elite. Right now Dak's playing like an elite QB. And I'm not going to bother arguing with people who want to use playoff wins as the most important stat to evaluate QB's.
Romo was not elite.
All time greats: Staubach and Aikman

Good/Very Good: White, Romo, Dak

The Cowboys reached SB V in spite of Morton, so he doesn't make my list. His offense scored 33 points - total - in those three playoff games. The Colts had 7 turnovers and all he could muster was 13 points in the SB loss. I'm getting mad again just typing about him.
You missed Meredith. Prolly 3rd all by himself.
Get to a super bowl then we can talk. Ill give him the regular season crown but who gives a crap
Move Morton to the bottom. Otherwise good order.
White, Romo, Prescott all basically the same. Edge to Danny as he did play in 3 straight NFCCG's. In 86, he was having a fantastic year, until LT broke his wrist.
What? Meredith was better than the others, and it's not close. 3rd place all by himself.
1. Staubach-Aikman (they are 1A and 1B to me)
2. Meredith
3. Romo
4. White
5. Prescott
6. Morton
7. LeBaron

A few more playoff wins and Dak can move into the top three.

Now let me run out of here before I get hurt.
He needs more playoff wins than Romo to move into the top 3?
These people think they're slick. So when Dak plays bad.....they insult him and make segments about it. When he's playing well now they want to compare him to past QB greats so he can get insulted again.Comparing the Staubach and AIkman's WHOLE Careers to Dak's through 7 years is just nasty work.
So many people miss Meredith when listing Cowboys QB's, I think I got hit a bit w/ some agenda thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Staubach era overshadows Meridith and I’d guess 95% of the board never saw him play. I’m just laughing at all the Dak is elite chatter. I must have missed the redefinition of the word. Did it change?

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