I have always loved it when people say Roy should wrap up better. I wish they would consider Tackling Benson while he has a full head of steam, Heading right at you and you may not even be in a good posistion at these times ,for good or bad, you go with your instincs. Yes Text book says Hit , wrap up, keep your legs moving, drive opponent to the ground.
Now try it while shedding a Wideout or a Tight end. My point about the NFL as a whole not Just My Boy Roy(See I freely admit it) is that play is lightning fast at home we get slow mo replay, Minutes to see wher ethe play is going, and a birdseye view of the whole play. NFL players must react with split second timing, Sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss. I'll take Roy. Because when he misses he misses but when he hits,he changes Games