The Security Guard Decided To Press Charges On Zeke After All **merged**


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Then end the Holier-Than-Thou attitude killer.
But whatever, peace out Corso and Joe, I respect both your opinions but I’m not getting anymore involved with this cocka. It’s pretty obvious what I think of the entire situation, there’s nothing more to be said and I don’t feel like spending the next two days defending myself because I think Zeke is a punk and was wrong.

It doesn’t mean I think he should have been suspended but I do think he dodged a bullet, luckily, and was surprised. As far as what this kid wants, no one knows including me but I think if it was all about money he would have lawyered up the day after in which case everyone would still accuse him of wanting money.


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I assumed that Elliot already wrote this kid a check. Talked to goodell and got it cleaned up. Apparently not and now this kid and his lawyer are going after him and the NFL for “sweeping it under the rug”. He is going after money and to try to get him in trouble with the NFL. Unreal. Now goodell calls Elliot and says write him a check and settle this. He will want this done.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I have no intention what-so-ever to ever get in a physical altercation with anyone. I'm just an old man these days. But I am prepared to defend myself where ever I go. Lucky for us, our collective smarts won't allow us to get to that. We'll just have to fuss and eat our burgers. I'm ordering a double meat, double cheese Whataburger with everything on it and a larger order of O-rings with a large chocolate milkshake. I bet we end up parting ways, friends.
I'd be like: "I'm diabetic... oh. You're attempting to murder me. Help! I'm being attempted murdered by a chocolate milkshake!!! Coooops!!! Cooooooooops!!! He's attempted murdering me with a milkshake!".


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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But whatever, peace out Corso and Joe, I respect both your opinions but I’m not getting anymore involved with this cocka. It’s pretty obvious what I think of the entire situation, there’s nothing more to be said and I don’t feel like spending the next two days defending myself because I think Zeke is a punk and was wrong.

It doesn’t mean I think he should have been suspended but I do think he dodged a bullet, luckily, and was surprised. As far as what this kid wants, no one knows including me but I think if it was all about money he would have lawyered up the day after in which case everyone would still accuse him of wanting money.
Have a great evening buddy. No grudges and no judges.
All love.


1st Round Pick
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It’s 2019. Get your money kid. Teach Zeke another lesson. Maybe losing some money will get through to him even though it won’t be much.


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“Sweep it under the rug”.

First of all, it was all over the major sports networks and the NFL and Zeke made statements about it.

Second of all, “sweep it under the rug”. The kid is making it sound like Zeke was running a sex trafficking ring or something. Just a ridiculous thing to say, sweeps it under the rug.

Speaking of sex trafficking, when is Goodwill going to address the Kraft situation... I believe getting caught up in a sex parlor sting would be considered actions detrimental to the leagues an owner no less.


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I have no intention what-so-ever to ever get in a physical altercation with anyone. I'm just an old man these days. But I am prepared to defend myself where ever I go. Lucky for us, our collective smarts won't allow us to get to that. We'll just have to fuss and eat our burgers. I'm ordering a double meat, double cheese Whataburger with everything on it and a larger order of O-rings with a large chocolate milkshake. I bet we end up parting ways, friends.
I am a old man too. My birthday was Saturday. I have like 1 or 2 left in me and I am saving it for when I am really old and someone cuts me off at the buffet. All this physical stuff isn’t worth it unless your in fear for your life or someone else’s.


Well-Known Member
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I have no intention what-so-ever to ever get in a physical altercation with anyone. I'm just an old man these days. But I am prepared to defend myself where ever I go. Lucky for us, our collective smarts won't allow us to get to that. We'll just have to fuss and eat our burgers. I'm ordering a double meat, double cheese Whataburger with everything on it and a larger order of O-rings with a large chocolate milkshake. I bet we end up parting ways, friends.
Believe me, I have no intentions either. I don’t want to lose my job or get in a fight over something stupid. I’m not trying to portray that I’m some sort of brawler, in college, maybe a little, not at all. I even avoid verbal altercations but god help both me and the other person if they so much a lay a pinkie on me, that’s all the justification I need to defend myself and THAT is where my hot headedness would probably get me in trouble. I don’t tolerate any sort of physical contact well, if at all.

I much rather eat a burger with ya buddy :)


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I'd be like: "I'm diabetic... oh. You're attempting to murder me. Help! I'm being attempted murdered by a chocolate milkshake!!! Coooops!!! Cooooooooops!!! He's attempted murdering me with a milkshake!".
The only people that use milkshakes as weapons live outside my state of Texas. Just saying.


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TBH, sounds to me like he wanted Zeke to be punished by the NFL and when that didn’t happen then he did what he’s doing now.

The argument could easily go the other way. The kid was offended and po’d that he was pushed down in public but didn’t want to make a big deal of it so he decided to let the NFL handle it assuming there would be a fine or suspension. When neither of those happened, he felt that the NFL dropped the ball and it was a slap in the face that a player could do that without repercussions. Since the NFL didn’t act, he took matters into his own hands.

I’m not saying he’s not out for money but I can see it both ways. If he was solely out for money why didn’t he press charges originally?

Ok, honestly that argument is kinda stupid


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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I am a old man too. My birthday was Saturday. I have like 1 or 2 left in me and I am saving it for when I am really old and someone cuts me off at the buffet. All this physical stuff isn’t worth it unless your in fear for your life or someone else’s.
Happy birthday friend! I'll drink @JoeKing 's murder-shake on your behalf!


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Huh? I just don’t understand that if he were out for the money then why didn’t he press charges initially? So coincidentally, an attorney came along months after the incident and after it was revealed Zeke wouldn’t be punished that he decided to go for the money grab when he’s said all along he just wanted a sincere apology? Doesn’t make much sense.

I suspect he was waiting and expected the NFL to punish Zeke, given the outcome of his last issue with the league and thought that would give him a stronger case... When the league responded the way they did, he cane out with this statement


Outta bounds
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It has nothing to do with that and I’ve made that clear with several of my own experiences. Why can’t I look at things objectively when it comes to anything Cowboys players related?

I guess to be considered a true fan I can never say a Cowboy player was wrong, unless it’s a scrub then no one cares. If this was some back up RB or Rico Gathers, most people would say “cut him, he isn’t worth the headache and is too much of a liability” but if it’s a star player then he can do no wrong and anyone who says otherwise is a troll.

Talk about double standards and hypocrisy.
The way you’ve reacted to this whole thing... since Zeke was handcuffed, was, IMO, way too strong. You’ve acted like Elliott literally beat the **** out of the guy and then went crazy on the cops.

I mean, to each their own, but to me, a reaction as strong as you’ve shown the last few weeks should be reserved for something truly awful... not for what amounts to Zeke walking up to the guy and him tripping over a rail when he tried to back away.

I’m sure you have your reasons but I’d wager that the vast majority of people view it more like I do and they bristle when you treat the player like he severed one of the guys limbs.

The online bad *** act probably doesn’t help either.



Offseason mode... sleepy time
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It’s 2019. Get your money kid. Teach Zeke another lesson. Maybe losing some money will get through to him even though it won’t be much.
"Get your money kid" as he's looking at his attorney bills...