The single most pathetic thing I've ever seen....

Billy Bullocks said:
Im givin em hell. Now Bubbay claims that Dallas should be 2-6, and that we wont reach 8-8

He is one of the most dillusional ones there

I can't believe what a bunch of whiners they are.

Wait a minute... yes I can.

If you're going to go to the extent of writing a letter like that to the NFL head office, it should be over a call that was unquestionably incorrect.
No one can say for sure whether or not Alstott was down or not prior to scoring. You just can't tell. Too many shadows and body limbs hidden under that pile.

What a bunch of crybabies.
calico said:
They forgot to mention the gift kickoff return for a TD that the refs tied a bow onto for them.

Actually, one of them did start a thread about that very topic, saying they shouldn't blame the refs because the Commanders benefitted from a questionable call themselves.

But the mods deleted the thread.
AdamJT13 said:
Actually, one of them did start a thread about that very topic, saying they shouldn't blame the refs because the Commanders benefitted from a questionable call themselves.

But the mods deleted the thread.

Wow. Unbelievable.
Bubba posted several pix of the play. The first few, he cropped to cut out the goal line. Then the last two he finally allowed the viewer to see the goal line after the runner was down and had been pushed back.

Some guy mentioned that they needed to see the goal line in the upper pix because the runner had been shoved back after the ball crossed. That guy said, "can you post uncropped images so we can see the goal line?"

Bubba's response?: "I cropped them, and the final angle shows he didn't cross the line." :lmao2:

That's what the guy was saying, that the final image proved nothing and bubba says I cropped the others... the last one shows him short of the goal line.

They live in a fantasy land over there, lol.
This is actually some of the "Journalism" that Art posted over at ES. Honestly, I don't see how he hasn't been booted long, long ago. They cheapen that site even associating with that schmuck.

He evidently meets a girl who has a cleft palate and immediately proceeds to make fun of her. Even going as far as saying "that's what cool kids do". I really can't believe it. Unbelievable!

Just read it. Link is at bottom of post.

p.m., Nov. 12 -- Plane is boarded. I'm in first class because I'm pretty and special and deserve it, and because I have a WorldPerks Credit Card. Jack and Ginger all the way to Tampa.

6:45 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Landed in Tampa. Pull out the cell. Message waiting from Larry who says hurry up for drinks and stuff.

7:15 p.m., Nov. 12 -- At the hotel checking in. Problem with my reservation. I'm not in. "I'm with the group." Oh, one s.....yes, yes, sir. You are. Being with the group is kind of cool.

7:30 p.m., Nov. 12 -- At the hotel bar catching up on scores. Meet up with Larry, the PR wonks, and Larry's flunkies drinking cool Guiness. Call TK to tell him to hurry up as I'm here and to call.

7:40 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Get passes from team and head up to room to put them away. Joined by Holdman and Khary Campbell. I'm drinking Guiness and am in Commander gear so I don't want to scare them off and play it cool. They get off on floor 3.

7:50 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Lonely girl with a hairlip sitting at the bar comes over to our group and starts chatting us up. She informs us the Commanders are here. We play dumb, but not half as dumb as her naturally
. She said there are players over there -- and she was right, there were -- and the broadcasters and everyone was there. I was standing with Larry and none of us were letting on that we were the people she was talking about.

7:52 p.m., Nov. 12 -- She notices my Commanders shirt and several people make "Extreme" references to me. So, I pay them back. Well, I pay LARRY back. To hairlip I said, "Have you ever heard the Commanders radio guys?" She said she had not. I said, "They used to be really great. But, then this one guy, Frank, who was an icon was fired to make room for this prissy marketing guy who just doesn't know what he's talking about. It's horrible." Larry and the crew took this well

8:00 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Hairlip is boring everyone, not getting the point that we're kind of making fun of her. That's what the cool kids in class do you know. Anyway, we mount up for a trip to find grub.

8:05 p.m., Nov. 12 -- In the rented Ford Taurus exploring Tampa for a place to eat. Settle on Lee Roy Selmon's BBQ shack.

8:15 p.m., Nov. 12 -- One of the .comTV guys asks for directions to "Bennigans". Waitress is stunned and refuses to provide such directions cause we're at Selmon's. Until I explained there were other fine establishments near Bennigans that might actually be the directions sought. Right on Columbia. Right on Dale Marbury. Easy enough.

8:45 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Finished eating, pay the bill and off to "Bennigans". BTW, I can't say more, but, you don't want to eat the chips at Commanders Park if someone touches them.

8:50 p.m., Nov. 12 -- "Bennigans" does not serve alcohol but we understand the waitresses are of elite quality. As we near the door to "Bennigans" my phone rings. I show one of the .comTV guys who it was. "That sucks man. That sucks." The wife.

9:00 p.m., Nov. 12 -- From Bennigans (notice no quotes) I call the wife as the last innocent man. With some of the team folks who value alcohol more than, well, just more, ok?

10 p.m., Nov. 12 -- A slicky guy and wife join our humble table as Larry has joined us. She's introduced as Dr. Ashley -- a fairly attractive red-head. I immediately ask about a fictional medical problem. She's a shrink. So, I get into the psychology of calling one's wife from Bennigans instead of "Bennigans". Apparently I'm medically in the wrong according to the doctor. Who knew.

10:30 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Slicky guy going a little over board. Seems alternatively interested in touching me or the one female team employee allowed to travel. Slicky guy's wife is shaking him off on the more obvious flirting. Also, she's apparently from a prominent family, but, she wouldn't let him finish his story.

10:45 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Bar is filled with Commanders fans. Song breaks out. Hail to the Commanders in the middle of Tampa. Less than a half mile from the Bucs Stadium. Lovely. Dr. Ashley lets out a "Go Bucs" cheer which no one joins. We declare all of Tampa officially territory of the Washington Commanders. We own this town. Another Bucs fan is found, but, remains silent to our declaration of ownership. Man, try doing this in Philly.

11 p.m., Nov. 12 -- Leaving Bennigans, slicky guy and Dr. Ashley seem near desperate to convince us not to go to "Bennigans" but, rather, to join them. In particular the lone team female employee allowed to travel. It's then we decide they are swingers.

SOMETIME LATER LEAVING "Bennigans" we run into a flock of team folks heading in.

1 a.m., Nov. 13 -- Finally run into TK in the hotel lobby still waiting for his luggage. Poor bastige. He seems somewhat out of sorts for having missed the evening.

8 a.m., Nov. 13 -- Wake early to get a little workout in. Mosley is in the house working out hard. He was there before me and left after me. He's in better shape now than he was when he played. Louis Riddick comes in and I introduce myself after our chat. Nice guy. Seemed to really enjoy it.

10 a.m., Nov. 13 -- Meet up with TK for breakfast. Things pretty quiet. Lavar does walk through with three girls and one woman in 56 jerseys. Randy Thomas' mom is in town I think because I complimented her on her "MOM" jersey with his number. Too cute. Karl Swanson swings through and says hi.

Noon, Nov. 13 -- On the way to the stadium. Everything is very convienently located. Up front parking, easy stadium access. Raymond James is super nice. We walk up with Bram again like in KC. I mention Arrington -- "His guy" -- is in and doing pretty well. He says, "I thought you said he was a blight on the face of the team." Now that's some kind of funny

12:30 p.m., Nov. 13 -- ExtremeSkins' biggest fan, Len Shapiro is hanging out in the press box. He'd suggested to me I introduce myself so he could tell me to my face his impression of ES. Surprisingly he didn't. Go figure
. Bet he'd be a nice guy if he let himself.

1 p.m., Nov. 13 -- Cheerleaders on the field warming up. Opportune time for TK and I to check the path to the field. Only one player on the field at this time and he's a Buc. Mike Alstott is also warming up apparently by staring at the cheerleaders. He did work up a sweat. Good moment with little cheerleader drill instructor requested the gals -- some of whom clearly were waitresses at "Bennigans" -- do their unorganized little shake again.
AdamJT13 said:
Actually, one of them did start a thread about that very topic, saying they shouldn't blame the refs because the Commanders benefitted from a questionable call themselves.

But the mods deleted the thread.


Are they griping about? That Alstott was called "in" or that it wasn't overturned?

Too funny.
VACowboy said:
Are they griping about? That Alstott was called "in" or that it wasn't overturned?

Too funny.

Both. LOL.....

I have to say I agreed with the call by Gruden, as Tom Jackson said last night "From the 1 yard line it was better than a 50/50 chance that you get the 2 points. Going into overtime is about 50/50 and the way the skins were moving the ball on Tampa the Bucs may have never have gotten the ball again. Gutsy call but I think it was the right one.
What I think is funny is the line in the "article" is ... "Another Bucs fan is found, but, remains silent to our declaration of ownership. Man, try doing this in Philly."... In other words, "Man, I KNOW I'd get my scrawny @$$ kicked if I tried this juvenile stuff in Phlly!" He's ADMITTING he's a wimp!!LOL!
AsthmaField said:
This is actually some of the "Journalism" that Art posted over at ES. Honestly, I don't see how he hasn't been booted long, long ago. They cheapen that site even associating with that schmuck.

He evidently meets a girl who has a cleft palate and immediately proceeds to make fun of her. Even going as far as saying "that's what cool kids do". I really can't believe it. Unbelievable!

Just read it. Link is at bottom of post.
Oh my... I swear I just read a child's paper on what I did on my summer vacation. Wow... I understand internet shorthand, but some of the stuff in that thing was incoherent.
What's really scary is that a lot of the guys who post at ES are likely Washington government administrators. Ever wonder why the gov is so screwed up? People with these kinds of reasoning powers are determining your future and mine. Does this increase or decrease your confidence in how Washington treats us? These people want to take decision making away from you and decide for you. They, like preachers and politicians, feel that they are smarter than you and better qualified to decide for you. Make you feel good?
WoodysGirl said:
Oh my... I swear I just read a child's paper on what I did on my summer vacation. Wow... I understand internet shorthand, but some of the stuff in that thing was incoherent.

Pressbox and sideline passes... and that's what he comes up with. :rolleyes:

Later in the thread, Art apparently meets the journalist who said he didn't like the way Art and his buddy cheered in the pressbox of the Dallas game. One of the groupies that adore Art asked him what the guy said when he mentioned it, and Art said, "Oh, walked right to him and said howdy. Thanked him for privately expressing his views. Didn't seem interested in personally doing so despite the private declaration. Strange it works that way."

Some Internet tough guy, huh? He apparently scares everyone he comes in contact with... and makes every "chick" he gets near swoon.;) Ahh the benefits of posting on the Internet...
Imagine the poor girl who had to give Art a lap dance at "Bennigans"


Thanks for posting that, **... Art has to be the biggest adult dork on planet Earth...

My sides...
calico said:

It NEVER fails with them.

They forgot to mention the gift kickoff return for a TD that the refs tied a bow onto for them.

How about they admit that their players are not good enough to stay onsides during an XP that allows the Bucs to go for the 2 in the first place.

Exactly. His heel didn't actually touch the ground on the white..TWICE...uh, yeah.

Alstot probably didn't get in....the elbow was down before the goal, but i never saw one replay where you could actually see the football. That was a pretty balsy play by Chuckie nonetheless.

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