The Ultimate Trade


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Only someone who didn’t live through the Cowboys winning those three SB’s would trade them away. They would do it to witness a SB win. No Cowboys fan who witnessed those three SB wins during the 90s and the excitement they experienced would trade that away for something as silly as having a traditional owner and GM. This topic is beyond ridiculous. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a topic as bizarre as this one.


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Just think out of all the drafts of his only one name stands out. Larry Allen!

The first two guys in line saying "HUH??"




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Would not trade one minute of it. Those 4 years were incredible, I would never forget them as long as I live. My hope is that we can win in spite of Jerry and the coaching staff. That's my only hope, that's our only hope.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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That ultimate trade the OP would like to make would be the all-time worst trade in the history of sports. It would be like the Vikings making 10 Herschel Walker trades combined. This thread is so ridiculous I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. Just imagine giving away three of your franchises five championships during a decade they dominated just to have a traditional owner and GM....LMAO!!!!


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Thanks for your endorsement and I have done much more ridiculous threads than this.

Then you must do it for kicks to see what reactions you get. What topic have you dreamed up that was more ridiculous than this? Do you have a link? I can’t imagine anything topping this. LOL


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What has Jerry proven? Winning Super Bowls are impossible.

He's won 3, so no. If anything, looking at that, you would come to the conclusion that sometimes it's better to be lucky than good, but what ever.

My point is, I would not trade past success for Jerry doing it the right way, because there's no reason to think we would have won a SB if Jerry had a traditional GM and did things the right way

Risen Star

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This is how delusional they are. He actually believes Jerry ran our war room back then.

Think about that. In his world Jerry was this genius personnel guy putting together a dynasty and then through a series of unfortunate events immediately morphed into a complete disaster reigning over two decades of failure.

From genius to buffoon. Same guy.

We share a team with these people.

The first two guys in line saying "HUH??"




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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Then you must do it for kicks to see what reactions you get. What topic have you dreamed up that was more ridiculous than this? Do you have a link? I can’t imagine anything topping this. LOL
Would you have a sex change operation to have an affair with Booger if he promised to set you up for life? Most would have the operation but held out for marriage because they didn't want to be the other woman. A very moral bunch, I was surprised. I didn't believe them, I think they just wanted to be married to him to poison him and take over the team. Far too many pet cats as draft picks. Can't fool me.


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No. Those were very special times in my life. Shaped my fandom and gave me a team to root for and stick with moving around the world as a military brat with no real home.

And as much as I’d love the team to win now, there’s just no comparing a kids love and idolization of a sports team / players to an adults.
Excellent point as my fandom was formed when they were not winners. My favorite two Cowboys games of all time were the Ice Bowl and the Emmitt game in NY, neither were SB wins.


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Seems to be a landslide for take the rings and run. I too fall into the thanks but no thanks category.
Maybe the results would vary if you changed the question to read trade those 4 years for 21 years of Belichick running the show with complete autonomy.
Ahhh but that wouldn't be fair. It is the known 3 birds in one hand and don't even know if there's a bird in the 20 year bush.


Messenger to the football Gods
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While i completely agree, it doesn't change anything. You're still trading 3 SB's for sure, for maybe 1, and maybe not even that. Every other team can fire their GM, not every team has won a superbowl since 95.
FTR - I wouldn't trade the 90's for anything.

However, I would love to not be stuck with incompetence because of the unique situation of owner being the GM.

It creates an atmosphere of mediocrity and zero accountability. It's a hobby for him.

I guess my comment was a little askew of the topic. Bad habit. I hear "Jerry" and my first reaction is "I HATE HIM! HE'S STOLEN THE DALLAS COWBOYS!!" :mad:


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The 1993 NFC Championship game is my greatest sports memory ever. I remember everything about it from where I was to who I was with, to what I drank. Dallas was still supposed to be a year away when the 49ers rolled into Texas Stadium. Nobody expected Dallas to win except for Jimmy Johnson (and me) who guaranteed a victory before the game. Emmitt, Moose, Playmaker, and Harper all scored in that game. Can't trade those kind of memories.


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If you’ve started more ridiculous topics than this then any rational, levelheaded fan isn’t taking you seriously. Especially considering you would actually trade away what the Cowboys accomplished in the 90s just to have what most teams have, a traditional owner and GM. That’s hilarious! You can’t possibly be for real. Were you even around when the Cowboys were winning championships in the 90s? Jerry got a gold jacket for all the reasons I’ve mentioned. He butted heads with the league wanting to do his own marketing, now all teams to do their own marketing.

He’s one of the most powerful owners in the league. We’re all frustrated with him as a GM but some of you need to learn to separate his ownership skills from the crappy job he’s done as a GM. Those are two different hats he’s wearing. If he wasn’t a great owner the Cowboys could be playing in another city right now and wouldn’t have the stadium/training facility they do today. They certainly wouldn’t be the richest franchise in the NFL if he wasn’t a great owner.
But you keep skirting the point, he IS wearing the two hats and it is the primary job of the owner to hire the right man to run his football operation.

And I am willing to trade away any memory of him for the unknown, with no assurance we would do any better and could actually do worse. I am tired of that old fool as the face of the Dallas Cowboys and that is exactly what has happened.


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No one in their right mind would do it. It’s almost like you don’t even realize what you’re asking. Get real!
Why do you have such a problem with such a ridiculous proposition?

We have no idea what another owner might have done, might not even have fired Landry but I think Tom had his run and it was a great one but the wheels came off for him, Schramm and Brandt. Too many misses.

I realize what I am asking and fully realize my answer. I dislike the entire Highland Park Hillbilly clan enough to give up 3 rings in exchange for them never having a part of this team. I would take my chances that we do not win 3 more and that would be fine with me because that's not why I am a fan. It was never about the winning.

KJJ, what's so hard to grasp here? I do not care about the rings and while I realize that's the goal, it is not mine. I expected to feel differently after that 71 SB and it wore off shortly after the game, same with 77. The Ice Bowl and Emmitt game hang with me more than any SB.

I am not the same kind of fan that you are or the majority of members here but I am just as much a fan as any.