The Ultimate Trade


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Only someone who didn’t live through the Cowboys winning those three SB’s would trade them away. They would do it to witness a SB win. No Cowboys fan who witnessed those three SB wins during the 90s and the excitement they experienced would trade that away for something as silly as having a traditional owner and GM. This topic is beyond ridiculous. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a topic as bizarre as this one.
LOL, yet here I am, willing to give them away.


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But you keep skirting the point, he IS wearing the two hats and it is the primary job of the owner to hire the right man to run his football operation.

And I am willing to trade away any memory of him for the unknown, with no assurance we would do any better and could actually do worse. I am tired of that old fool as the face of the Dallas Cowboys and that is exactly what has happened.

Were you following the Cowboys when they won their three championships in the 90s? I don’t skirt anything. He owns the team and his job is to make money. He won three championships and has become one of the most powerful owners in the NFL without hiring a GM. Although his team hasn’t won crap the past 20+ years the teams value continues to increase and no team is worth more than the Cowboys.

As long as the team continues to make money and fans continue to pack the stadium Jerry isn’t going to do things differently. As long as your business is making money and people continue to come you’re not going change. If you want Jerry to change how he does business don’t buy tickets to the games. Seeing empty seats will get him to change.


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The 1993 NFC Championship game is my greatest sports memory ever. I remember everything about it from where I was to who I was with, to what I drank. Dallas was still supposed to be a year away when the 49ers rolled into Texas Stadium. Nobody expected Dallas to win except for Jimmy Johnson (and me) who guaranteed a victory before the game. Emmitt, Moose, Playmaker, and Harper all scored in that game. Can't trade those kind of memories.
No, you cannot trade those. You can also not trade all of the crap this man had handed us over the last 20 seasons bringing in all sorts of characters instead of instilling character. He's had the gall to flaunt it at the fans with the "let them put up 140M". He's a classless, ego driven incompetent suffering from delusions of adequacy as a football man.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Why do you have such a problem with such a ridiculous proposition?

KJJ, what's so hard to grasp here? I do not care about the rings and while I realize that's the goal, it is not mine. I expected to feel differently after that 71 SB and it wore off shortly after the game, same with 77. The Ice Bowl and Emmitt game hang with me more than any SB.

I am not the same kind of fan that you are or the majority of members here but I am just as much a fan as any.

I’m a rational, levelheaded realist which is why I have a problem with such a ridiculous proposition. You only dreamed it up to get a reaction and because you know it can’t happen. You may not care about the rings but any fan who lives in the real world does. Those rings are a cherished, precious commodity that you don’t strike from your franchises record just to have a traditional owner and GM. SB wins are what you dream for as a fan.

The Cowboys had a traditional owner and GM and only won two championships in 28 years. If Jerry was traditional the Cowboys probably wouldn’t have those three championships in the 90s. It was his untraditional working relationship with Jimmy that made it happen. You never answered my question were you following the Cowboys during theIr championship years in the 90s?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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But you keep skirting the point, he IS wearing the two hats and it is the primary job of the owner to hire the right man to run his football operation.

The point is Jerry thinks he’s the right man to run his football operation because he’s had success.


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Were you following the Cowboys when they won their three championships in the 90s? I don’t skirt anything. He owns the team and his job is to make money. He won three championships and has become one of the most powerful owners in the NFL without hiring a GM. Although his team hasn’t won crap the past 20+ years the teams value continues to increase and no team is worth more than the Cowboys.

As long as the team continues to make money and fans continue to pack the stadium Jerry isn’t going to do things differently. As long as your business is making money and people continue to come you’re not going change. If you want Jerry to change how he does business don’t buy tickets to the games. Seeing empty seats will get him to change.
The Cowboys were my co-team, along with the Cards from 1960-68. The Ice Bowl pretty much made them my sole team because of how they played that game. One of the most inspirational performances I have ever witnessed.

From 1988-91, I lived in Harrisburg, PA. That was the time of Buddy Ball and the most venom filled Eagles fans fueled by his hatred of the Cowboys. I wore my colors during the 1-15 season.

I returned to Dallas in 92, just in time to see my team return to glory so yes, I was around for that and if you think living in PA for those 3 years won't galvanize your fandom, try it.

I am not arguing the financial success of the franchise but without Johnson, I do not think that springboard happens. And him having the hottest name in college coaching at that time, who is to say another owner of the Cowboys doesn't hire him and then doesn't get in an ego contest with with his employee? And without Parcells, the stayjum doesn't happen. Why do you think he hired the one HC that would bury him in the background?

Do not question my level of fandom because my disgust for this person is greater than my love of 3 rings. I can't even wait for him to go toes up because there's one behind him being groomed to be just like him.


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You’re just being ridiculous because you have nothing else better to do.
That's not true, I could be over in the Members Zone or Off Topic Zone posting nonsense. I do ridiculous here and nonsense there. But I stay busy.


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The point is Jerry thinks he’s the right man to run his football operation because he’s had success.
Now who's posting ridiculous? The man admitted he should have fired himself. But he won't because he loves the man he works for too much. So forgiving and understanding.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Now who's posting ridiculous? The man admitted he should have fired himself. But he won't because he loves the man he works for too much. So forgiving and understanding.

He’s pointed out many times all the success he had running the team. He’s talked about the three championships. He won’t fire himself because of the success he’s had and because he loves running this team. It’s his team and he won’t let anyone touch it. He firmly believes because he won Super Bowl’s in the past he can do it again.


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You post it here because you know more people will read it.
How do I know that? I don't know who is going to read what.

I assumed I would be in the minority on this topic but I was interested with all of the Booger bashing that goes on, just what would they be willing to give up to not have him around.

And remember, this is about never having him around. Never having to look at him or have to listen to him try to speak or say the stupid things he says. C'mon now, we're talking not knowing that old toad draws breath. And just for 3 rings. Such a small price to pay.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I do not care about the rings and while I realize that's the goal, it is not mine.

You’re obviously very different. Not going to waste anymore time with you on this topic. It’s clear you could care less how you’re taken here.


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He’s pointed out many times all the success he had running the team. He’s talked about the three championships. He won’t fire himself because of the success he’s had and because he loves running this team. It’s his team and he won’t let anyone touch it. He firmly believes because he won Super Bowl’s in the past he can do it again.
Well, you have that 4 year period and then you have the years that followed. Think those 4 were his? Or the other?

Heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy, I just noticed something. That last J, that would be Jones, would it?


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Well, you have that 4 year period and then you have the years that followed.

You also have the several years that preceded it that included a 3-13 team with a traditional owner and GM. Not many traditional owners and GM’s would’ve traded away Herschel Walker.