The Ultimate Trade


Go Seahawks!!!
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We finally agree on something.

I disagree that you agree. I have been reading your posts for years and it is clear you could NOT care less. It would surprise me to find out you could actually care less than you currently do. It's going to take a little time for others to realize you march to the beat of your own drum. LOL. I can hardly wait until the must win game in week 3 post comes up. :laugh:


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Response, not reactions. Yours is really the only reaction.

You got both from me be thankful. Hopefully you’re being entertained by all the reactions/responses you’ve gotten. You’re going to have a tough time topping this topic.


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I disagree that you agree. I have been reading your posts for years and it is clear you could NOT care less. It would surprise me to find out you could actually care less than you currently do. It's going to take a little time for others to realize you march to the beat of your own drum. LOL. I can hardly wait until the must win game in week 3 post comes up. :laugh:
I am having this interpreted and will get back to you. Unless I care not to.

Wait now, let's be fair. I actually did a must win before the first game against the Giants back in 16 and that still holds the record. LOL, they should have never let me know how pissed they'd get at "Must Win" threads, that was some fun. In that thread a poster said "i am not going to play with you this time", I laughed long and hardy on that one.

I will have to lay back and observe and see if there might be a challenger here for a "Must Winner". Don't want to step on anyone's toes. The "Whachyacookin&drankin" thread too.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You got both from me be thankful. Hopefully you’re being entertained by all the reactions/responses you’ve gotten. You’re going to have a tough time topping this topic.
Ahhhhh, KJJ, therein lies the challenge.

Actually, I didn't expect to be entertained but I am interested in just how sick posters are of Booger. I see a lot of vitriol but are they willing to give something up to be rid of him? Just for fun though, he's not going anywhere and I don't think he will ever die.

I was at the crossroads several years ago and had several friends who had enough and left the team. I had a decision to make. It's not him running the team that irritates me because he owns it and can do whatever he likes. It is him. It's that stupid wink like he knows something we don't know, it's the rambling and never saying anything and the poor speaking and thinking his clever little sayings are actually....clever. So, I made the effort to avoid any exposure to him and it worked. The only stupid things I know he says I learn here. I do not watch or listen to him...ever. I saved my fandom by going cold turkey on Booger and have suggested others do the same.


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absolutely would NOT trade that....even though it is frustrating right now, we still have bragging rights on 30 other teams because of those 70's and 90's teams (only pitt and ne can brag more)...


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No, this is not for a player but for a frustrating period of time. The posters not around through 95 will have a hard time deciding on this but those of you that lived through that, would you give those 4 years up to have an owner other than the one now?

Those years were great, the best 4 years in Cowboys history but what has followed, the 20 years of mediocrity, the spotlight seeking and general incompetence shown by management, does that equal out?

So would you give up those 4 years, 3 rings and the epitome of excellence to have a more traditional owner that hires a GM and doesn't run this as a family business and might, just might, have achieved more success during this 20 year period of mediocrity?

I would give it up in a hummingbird's heartbeat because maybe, just maybe, this team would have to win to be successful and not be guaranteed profits from the past and not be run as a rich man's toy.
Most definitely because while we might not have won 3 in 4 years we still could have built a good team around Troy, Irvin and Herschel.

And who knows maybe we might have only won a couple more in the last 29 years but we’d still have the respectful franchise we’d grown to love the previous 29 years with a more consistent winner with at least the opportunity to have a more normal organization without the embarrassments and frustrations we’ve had this era.

Jerry needed immediate success. Jimmy delivered or the Football Idiot would have been ran out of town and we wouldn’t have sold our souls for those 3 Rings and why it’s been a love/ hate relationship reducing our franchise from its once proud status to PT Barnum Circus.


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absolutely would NOT trade that....even though it is frustrating right now, we still have bragging rights on 30 other teams because of those 70's and 90's teams (only pitt and ne can brag more)...
We’re not trading those 70’s teams just the 90’s. And who’s to say we couldn’t have still had some success. The other bids from Dr Jerry Buss of the Lakers or Donald Carter of the Mavs both ran class organizations.

There had already been rumors flying around bringing in a coach like Jimmy. Tex had even mentioned him. It’s why Bum chose Jerry’s lowest bid because of his Hardon to fire Landry which he didn’t have the balls to do. We might not have givin up much if at all with either of those owners.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Ahhhhh, KJJ, therein lies the challenge.

Actually, I didn't expect to be entertained but I am interested in just how sick posters are of Booger.

No levelheaded, rational fan would be sick enough of Jerry to want to trade away those three championships during the 90s just to get rid of him. Someone would have to be literally out of their mind to want to do that. Those three championships and the great memories they bring back are the only thing keeping most of us going with this team. That was a moment in time that will probably never happen again with the Cowboys. I’m just thankful I was around to experience it. Nothing Jerry could ever do would make me want to trade away those years just to get rid of him.


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My answer to the question is no. Not only was it 4 great years of football, but 4 of the best years of my life. Both of my kids were born during that time, guess what wifey and I did after wins!! Best *** and football of my life!!

Not just that either. Those teams are among the best ever assembled. You can give that up and and dream of a new GM who would do things differently? Let me think about the number of teams who have changed GM's since 1995 and have zero to show for it. Coaches as well. One fact, the Patriots have dominated the playoff/ SB era of the 2000's. Now, if you ask me if I would give up those 3 rings for Bellichik and Brady for 10 years of Patriot success, I would say yes, as long as I got to celebrate after every win. To hell with the vasectomy
Those 4 years were fun but mostly just gravy for those of us who will always feel the Landry era was the best for most of the 29 years prior to the Football Idiots era and why Couch Coach OP could only apply to those of us from Landry era.


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No levelheaded, rational fan would be sick enough of Jerry to want to trade away those three championships during the 90s just to get rid of him. Someone would have to be literally out of their mind to want to do that. Those three championships and the great memories they bring back are the only thing keeping most of us going with this team. That was a moment in time that will probably never happen again with the Cowboys. I’m just thankful I was around to experience it. Nothing Jerry could ever do would make me want to trade away those years just to get rid of him.
Those 3 Rings are all that’s keeping fans this era supporting Jerry. Basically selling our souls for it.

Only fans who enjoyed the Landry era can fully appreciate what we’ve given up for those 3 Rings.


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Only fans of this era would say the 3 Rings is greater than the 2 Rings , 5 Super Bowls, 12 championship appearances and 20 consecutive winning seasons and what the Landry era delivered for most of 29 years.


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I’m a rational, levelheaded realist which is why I have a problem with such a ridiculous proposition. You only dreamed it up to get a reaction and because you know it can’t happen. You may not care about the rings but any fan who lives in the real world does. Those rings are a cherished, precious commodity that you don’t strike from your franchises record just to have a traditional owner and GM. SB wins are what you dream for as a fan.

The Cowboys had a traditional owner and GM and only won two championships in 28 years. If Jerry was traditional the Cowboys probably wouldn’t have those three championships in the 90s. It was his untraditional working relationship with Jimmy that made it happen. You never answered my question were you following the Cowboys during theIr championship years in the 90s?
if you're a realist, why even bother to respond to the op. we can go forward in time, not backwards. when you refer to the rings as a "cherished, precious commodity", I get the feeling there are some emotions involved. the op seems unaffected by your protestations while you seem to be getting angrier with every post.
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You Have an Axe to Grind
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We’re not trading those 70’s teams just the 90’s. And who’s to say we couldn’t have still had some success.

Doesn’t surprise me you would do it from the discussion we had the other day. You’re the guy that likes to swing for the fences. Lol You may have some success but you’ll never have the same success. What the Cowboys accomplished in the 90s will likely never happen with the franchise again. With free agency there’s little chance of it happening.

The team is been around for 57 years and we’ve never seen that type of dominance before or since. Fans would have to be out of their minds to trade away what the Cowboys accomplished during the 90s just to get rid of Jerry and have a traditional owner and GM. What a ridiculous discussion this is and don’t think I’ll be wasting much time with you on it.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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Those 3 Rings are all that’s keeping fans this era supporting Jerry. Basically selling our souls for it.

Only fans who enjoyed the Landry era can fully appreciate what we’ve given up for those 3 Rings.

Doesn’t surprise me you would trade away those three championships. I had you all figured out the other day. There’s no rhyme or reason for what you do you just like swinging for the fences.


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Ahhhhh, KJJ, therein lies the challenge.

Actually, I didn't expect to be entertained but I am interested in just how sick posters are of Booger. I see a lot of vitriol but are they willing to give something up to be rid of him? Just for fun though, he's not going anywhere and I don't think he will ever die.

I was at the crossroads several years ago and had several friends who had enough and left the team. I had a decision to make. It's not him running the team that irritates me because he owns it and can do whatever he likes. It is him. It's that stupid wink like he knows something we don't know, it's the rambling and never saying anything and the poor speaking and thinking his clever little sayings are actually....clever. So, I made the effort to avoid any exposure to him and it worked. The only stupid things I know he says I learn here. I do not watch or listen to him...ever. I saved my fandom by going cold turkey on Booger and have suggested others do the same.
Most aren’t sick enough of him and why Cowboys are still #1 in Revenue .

But I agree with you. We have learned to accept what the Football Idiot means to Cowboys football which has lowered the bar becoming a mediocre football team this era. Sad state of the football franchise.

We grasp on to whatever little piece we can to carry us thru whether that’s been Romo, etc because we’re diehard Cowboy fans despite however blue we are . Hopefully brighter days are ahead as Jerry at 75 draws closer to the end of his stranglehold on our team.


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Doesn’t surprise me you would trade away those three championships. I had you all figured out the other day. There’s no rhyme or reason for what you do you just like swinging for the fences.
I’ve become a desperate unorthodox fan looking for a way to overcome Jerry.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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if you're a realist, why even bother to respond to the op. we can go forward in time, not backwards. when you refer to the rings as a "cherished, precious commodity", I get the feeling there are some emotions involved. the op seems unaffected by your protestations while you seem to be getting more and more angry.

Being a realist it’s a waste of time coming to this board because it attracts some of the dumbest posters i’ve ever seen. I come here and participate because it’s the offseason and it’s a form of entertainment. I certainly don’t take any of this seriously. The OP is unaffected because he could care less what people think of him, he’s merely looking for laughs and reactions. He’s already stated that he’s started more ridiculous topics than this. It’s obvious what his agenda is.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I’ve become a desperate unorthodox fan looking for a way to overcome Jerry.

The best and most logical way to overcome Jerry is don’t buy tickets to the games. If all fans would band together and do that it would bring change.


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Being a realist it’s a waste of time coming to this board because it attracts some of the dumbest posters i’ve ever seen. I come here and participate because it’s the offseason and it’s a form of entertainment. I certainly don’t take any of this seriously. The OP is unaffected because he could care less what people think of him, he’s merely looking for laughs and reactions. He’s already stated that he’s started more ridiculous topics than this. It’s obvious what his agenda is.
you're being expertly toyed with. you just haven't caught on yet. as an avid fly fisherman, I often make this analogy. a trout is believed to have an i.q. of 6. but even a trout has the intelligence to refuse the bait.