The Video Game Thread


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I think EA fears that people would not only create players that opted out but create brand new classes from future years which could mean a potential loss of revenue when next year game comes out.

I could see that being a big reason. However, they allow it in Madden yet people still buy that game almost yearly, including me lol.

I'm usually a sucker for correct schedules and real images for the players headshot in Madden


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Well, I broke down and bought in last night. :laugh:

By the time it downloaded and I had time to sit down and play, I only got to fit in one game before I crashed out for the night, but I enjoyed it!! Graphics are crisp and I'm super impressed with the stadium detail. Looked exactly like Albertson's Stadium in Boise. The crowd was great and even did the Boise! State! chant.

I'll have to make a deeper dive tonight, but on the face value of it, I'm digging it so far.