The Video Game Thread

I bought a Playstation..

I've always been an xbox guy but I felt like Xbox was a sinking ship and everyone would be switching to Playstation because of all of the exclusives.

My main games are Fifa, Call of duty, & Rocket League.. I usually don't play much single player because I have a group of friends I play games with.

After Xbox's purchase yesterday i'm worried I made the wrong decision.

Gamepass is going to take over.

Playstation can not just sit back and make us pay 70 bucks for their exclusives while Xbox basically gives away any new game that they will have licenses to for 15 dollars or less a month.

Not only that.. The Xbox console is just better than Playstation. The whole point of buying this PS5 was games and those games drawing more users over.

Right now i'm not to thrilled with my PS5 decision.
Outside of the obvious going on with Bethesda you still made the right choice. PS will still be knocking it out with their exclusives for the next couple of years until Microsoft makes any of those big titles exclusives. They will in time, you don't pay that much coin to let playstation users continue to play the games, but that won't likely happen yet.

You're right about the writing being on the wall, but I am also wondering if this game pass is more than what is being advertised.

Will the top games really be on game pass for 15 out of the gate when released at 60/70 to everyone else? That aspect is what holds me back...little too good to be true vibes going on here.

They paid all that money for Bethesda, and will take it on the chin on with game pass price wise, when do they start actually making money on this?
Long term I will get both as well. Im a Bethesda head, and while the purchase doesnt necessarily mean "exclusive", in betting it is. Might get a PS5 when the price comes down, unless the exclusives I want get trashed critically

I think they will get some exclusives but I think most of their games will be available for ps5 users... For 70 Dollars....
Outside of the obvious going on with Bethesda you still made the right choice. PS will still be knocking it out with their exclusives for the next couple of years until Microsoft makes any of those big titles exclusives. They will in time, you don't pay that much coin to let playstation users continue to play the games, but that won't likely happen yet.

You're right about the writing being on the wall, but I am also wondering if this game pass is more than what is being advertised.

Will the top games really be on game pass for 15 out of the gate when released at 60/70 to everyone else? That aspect is what holds me back...little too good to be true vibes going on here.

They paid all that money for Bethesda, and will take it on the chin on with game pass price wise, when do they start actually making money on this?

That's what these companies like Amazon and Microsoft do.. This is a longterm play.
That's what these companies like Amazon and Microsoft do.. This is a longterm play.
Are we gonna be the small town folk in a few years wishing we paid a little more at the mom and pop shops? Joking initially when typing that, but then kinda dawned on me..,we're making out like bandits;...we tend to get burned when big companies do this...down the road.

My initial excitement was "We're getting a Walmart" then all the South Park stuff started rolling in my head, etc. Trey Parker is a wise man
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I bought a Playstation..

I've always been an xbox guy but I felt like Xbox was a sinking ship and everyone would be switching to Playstation because of all of the exclusives.

My main games are Fifa, Call of duty, & Rocket League.. I usually don't play much single player because I have a group of friends I play games with.

After Xbox's purchase yesterday i'm worried I made the wrong decision.

Gamepass is going to take over.

Playstation can not just sit back and make us pay 70 bucks for their exclusives while Xbox basically gives away any new game that they will have licenses to for 15 dollars or less a month.

Not only that.. The Xbox console is just better than Playstation. The whole point of buying this PS5 was games and those games drawing more users over.

Right now i'm not to thrilled with my PS5 decision.
lol then just cancel the preorder. I can understand your justification with what you like and the value xbox currently has for you. For me it's always been about the games ps offers that MS doesn't. PS also has my preferred controller design. Personally I'll never depend on a subscription or streaming service to give me what I want. For now it appears all is well with the xbox game pass, but given their history of how they've supported certain franchises I'd just be a tad cautious. As far as hardware goes microsoft has yet to show anything to fulfill those "superior" hp numbers, and this is for any of their systems.

The good thing about the $70 price tag is that it'll allow more of us to wait for games to go on sale. Luckily not every game is $70, most are $60 and some are even $50.
I could..

But I got a group of friends getting a PS5 and another group that is undecided.

I may have to buy both I don't know. Xbox is just incredible value and it's a better console lol.

My worry is there won't be as many people on xbox and it will just be a lot of PC users buying gamepass.
to me it makes the most sense to play on pc over xbox, but if I was an xbox guy I would opt for xbox simply because I don't like to play on pc, use m&k or rely on steam. If I played multiplayer a bunch I'd play on console over pc due to the extreme amount of cheaters/hackers.
lol then just cancel the preorder. I can understand your justification with what you like and the value xbox currently has for you. For me it's always been about the games ps offers that MS doesn't. PS also has my preferred controller design. Personally I'll never depend on a subscription or streaming service to give me what I want. For now it appears all is well with the xbox game pass, but given their history of how they've supported certain franchises I'd just be a tad cautious. As far as hardware goes microsoft has yet to show anything to fulfill those "superior" hp numbers, and this is for any of their systems.

The good thing about the $70 price tag is that it'll allow more of us to wait for games to go on sale. Luckily not every game is $70, most are $60 and some are even $50.

Playstation has to give us that option now or they will be falling behind Xbox.

All these PS5 exclusives need to be available to us on Playstation Plus at their release because that is what Xbox is doing.

I don't play single player games but I want to try a few. I may try God Of War if it's on Playstation Plus.

Any suggestions?
Playstation has to give us that option now or they will be falling behind Xbox.

All these PS5 exclusives need to be available to us on Playstation Plus at their release because that is what Xbox is doing.

I don't play single player games but I want to try a few. I may try God Of War if it's on Playstation Plus.

Any suggestions?
But right now they don't have any 1st party stuff compared to Sony. When I can play the next Doom day 1, then Sony may feel that type of urgency. But right now, it's a lot of 3rd party stuff that's been out awhile. The quantity over the quality, etc. I feel like this would decentivize companies to make good exclusives.

PS5 is making all those old PsPlus games free to play with their subscription so you could play God of War day one. Top 5 for me, I liked it over Horizon Zero Dawn but both were great. You will be able to play a lot of their exclusives day 1 on plus with your Ps5:

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Playstation has to give us that option now or they will be falling behind Xbox.

All these PS5 exclusives need to be available to us on Playstation Plus at their release because that is what Xbox is doing.

I don't play single player games but I want to try a few. I may try God Of War if it's on Playstation Plus.

Any suggestions?
A PS Plus Membership on ps5 ($60 a year, or $40-$50 a year when it's on sale) will get you God of War and some others.

Not a bash, but the games will sell which is why PS isn't worried about turning into netflix of gaming, same thing with Nintendo. Sure I'm all for discounts, but I know they'll continue to support us with great games in a market that's been degraded with low quality mobile-esque games with microtransactions, so I have zero issue paying $60 a game for a masterpiece. But for any game that looks fun, but isn't an immediate must buy I just wait for a sale.
Phew...snagged a series x from Target. That was ROUGH. Now the hunt for the PS5 doubtful on that one.
when I tried to preorder a ps5 from target I had one in my cart, but the stupid site wouldn't give me the option of a guest checkout and none of my autofill worked when registering. By the time I was done registering it was sold out
But right now they don't have any 1st party stuff compared to Sony. When I can play the next Doom day 1, then Sony may feel that type of urgency. But right now, it's a lot of 3rd party stuff that's been out awhile. The quantity over the quality, etc. I feel like this would decentivize companies to make good exclusives.

PS5 is making all those old PsPlus games free to play with their subscription so you could play God of War day one. Top 5 for me, I liked it over Horizon Zero Dawn but both were great. You will be able to play a lot of their exclusives day 1 on plus with your Ps5:

yup, of those games I would say all are very good or great, but I can't speak for Mortal Kombat and BF1 is definitely one of my least favorite in the series
Playstation has to give us that option now or they will be falling behind Xbox.

All these PS5 exclusives need to be available to us on Playstation Plus at their release because that is what Xbox is doing.

I don't play single player games but I want to try a few. I may try God Of War if it's on Playstation Plus.

Any suggestions?
Witcher 3 is amazing. One the best single player RPG's ever. You could definitely make a case for it being the best
when I tried to preorder a ps5 from target I had one in my cart, but the stupid site wouldn't give me the option of a guest checkout and none of my autofill worked when registering. By the time I was done registering it was sold out

Same thing happened to me with the PS5 AND the xbox today. I had to spam the "preorder" button constantly and even when the series x was in the cart I kept getting purchase errors on the app, so I quickly went back to the website on my pc and it was still in my cart and the order processed. I was shocked. Wasn't lucky enough for the PS5.

I can't believe the amazon and bestbuy consoles didn't even go live until like an hour later today. And I hear the Microsoft store purchasing was just a mess. People are using bots to collect multiple purchases for scalping. Ridiculous.
Phew...snagged a series x from Target. That was ROUGH. Now the hunt for the PS5 doubtful on that one.

Woohoo!! Glad you got one. I did too. That was definitely rough. lol I had about 4 pages open and all were having issues. Walmart was the smoothest actually, but by the time I got to check out, they were sold out. Best Buy, I think they screwed up big time, their preorder button never highlighted (or "turned on"). Saw a ton of irritated people about that online. I got mine straight from the Microsoft website and it was far from smooth sailing. The page kept crashing on me or taking forever to load. I was getting seriously concerned I was going to get burnt. Finally, after lots of refreshing and waiting, my final confirmation page loaded and I got an e-mail WHEW!

Bring on November 10th! :cool:
I don't know everything zenimax is involved in, but just for games I'm just trying to figure out how they'll recoup that money in this century alone.
They have Elder Scrolls Online which has very.

However its best selling series, Elder Scrolls and Fallout come out with a new game once a decade.

One thing that I could see happening is them bringing people in to remake Morrowind and Oblivion as well as the older games Bethesda owns (Which I think os 3 and New Vegas) for Streaming.

Even if they do those things, and Starfield and ES6 live up to expectation, its hard to imagine them turning a profit anytime soon
Woohoo!! Glad you got one. I did too. That was definitely rough. lol I had about 4 pages open and all were having issues. Walmart was the smoothest actually, but by the time I got to check out, they were sold out. Best Buy, I think they screwed up big time, their preorder button never highlighted (or "turned on"). Saw a ton of irritated people about that online. I got mine straight from the Microsoft website and it was far from smooth sailing. The page kept crashing on me or taking forever to load. I was getting seriously concerned I was going to get burnt. Finally, after lots of refreshing and waiting, my final confirmation page loaded and I got an e-mail WHEW!

Bring on November 10th! :cool:

Awesome mannnn!!!! I was wondering if you'd snag one! Good to hear. Yeah People might have had more nightmares with this launch than the PS5. Im hearing some pretty brutal stuff and im just thankful. I still need to physically hold it in my hands to actually believe it happened haha. Lots of next gen preorder cancelations already. But cheers for now! I'm super stoked!!!
The only way i get an xbox series x is if they are having a new gears of war

Thats my favorite series of video games but Its mandatory i get a ps5 sometime

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