My friend I eye would play that came on the Commodore 64 all the time. It's amazing the number of fun games you could play on limited memory.
Fun Story: The same friend and I would play Jeopardy on his Commodore 64. I quickly discovered the games were in sequential order. My friend went out of town and asked me to take care of his house and dogs. He also said I could use his computer. I copied the original game disk and I started playing the game by myself. I played a few games, so I knew the answers when I played the game from the original disk. When my friend returned we played Jeopardy using the original game disk. Obviously, I blew him away. I would answer some questions incorrectly so it wouldn't look too suspicious. The guy was getting majorly upset on how badly he was playing and how well I was doing. After only a couple of games I confessed, but instead of getting the joke my friend got even more upset. I thought it was funny and if the tables were turned I would find it just as funny. This guy wasn't having any of it. Sad to say it was never the same after that.