"The Walking Dead" Season 4– Episodes 9-16...

Wow.....call me naive, but I just assumed they would leave without her. Maybe that would be more cruel, but I thought Carol was going to take her out far enough away and leave her.
Was going really well until they killed off Lizzie - the most compelling character on the show right now - yet allow Daryl to be turned into a sap.
See, now unlike all the other crap so far this season, tonight's episode actually DID have character development, and pushed the story forward. That is how you do it! It's about damn time!
Interesting episode. I honesly didn't see the death of the two girls coming. That was pretty crazy.
I thought it was the best episode of the season.

Ice should be pleased... some long-time questions answered.

zipper approach. they can spend weeks developing a character and toss this one away to get to a goal. the purpose of the rats being fed to the zombies was to advance a plot. break through with an idea. this kinda got tossed aside in an after thought. they'll spend hours on hours building a character yet 30 min to build a reason to kill one.

carol and tyrese was the story and that is sad.they were all part of the story but i'm tired of twd throwing away anticipation so they can drag out mediocrity. in it's prime this was the best show on tv. today, no.

banshee is doing well.
vikings,i'd watch first if i had to make a choice.

the walking dead has lost contact with their audience and they started telling a story, not keep bringing us in.

so you told me who in a time of apathy killed someone, you made me watch an entire episode of carl before that.

twd is fragemented and to me, dunno if it can recover. but to me, it really isn't worth the anticipation put on.

I like banshee for the action but otherwise it is so bad it is comical.
My DVR cut off before the scenes from next week's episode were shown. Anything of note?
My DVR cut off before the scenes from next week's episode were shown. Anything of note?

Looks like they will be showing stuff from the Abraham group and also with Daryl and the group that found him.
twd is fragemented and to me, dunno if it can recover. but to me, it really isn't worth the anticipation put on.
Yet, you'll keep watching it every week and giving us these riveting critiques.

Can you do Honey Booboo for us next?
Yet, you'll keep watching it every week and giving us these riveting critiques.

Can you do Honey Booboo for us next?

I kinda get what ice says about the long build-up and the short reveals. But that's how it is in real life too for many things or occurrences.

I rewatched the episode last night. And I personally think that it was as good as season one's, episode one. We saw what this zombie apocalypse could do to those well adjusted like Carol and Mika, but what it'd done to those, Lizzy, that were unstable before this all went down.

Melissa McBride's acting was terrific.
I kinda get what ice says about the long build-up and the short reveals. But that's how it is in real life too for many things or occurrences.

I rewatched the episode last night. And I personally think that it was as good as season one's, episode one. We saw what this zombie apocalypse could do to those well adjusted like Carol and Mika, but what it'd done to those, Lizzy, that were unstable before this all went down.

Melissa McBride's acting was terrific.

In retrospect I wish Lizzie's character had lasted longer and that her end had happened with the entire group together, but it was a good episode - best of this season for sure.

The ending was definitely Old Yellerish...in that it seemed like a mercy killing by Carol. Leaving her alone to fend for herself would have just been cruel.
In retrospect I wish Lizzie's character had lasted longer and that her end had happened with the entire group together, but it was a good episode - best of this season for sure.

The ending was definitely Old Yellerish...in that it seemed like a mercy killing by Carol. Leaving her alone to fend for herself would have just been cruel.

Lizzie's character was so one-dimensional that her sticking around longer wasn't going to tell us any more. Nor was she likely, to borrow a wrestling term "face turn". Carol, Rick, Michonne... even Daryl have changed. In some respects it was the characters who didn't change, Dale, Andrea, Rick's wife, Shane, Herschel who didn't change or weren't given a chance to change by the writers and were killed off. The writers seem to prefer characters like Carl, Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carol who can be one way in one episode and another way in another episode.
It was not really old yeller-like...it was Of Mice and Men with the flowers replacing the rabbits.
I thought it was a pretty good episode. It's the best one in a while, IMO, and it's the first time afterwards that I wasn't lefting just saying...damn I wish it was September so I could be watching SOA instead.

Of course I'd still rather be watching SOA but this weeks episode was pretty good. I am also interested to see what they're doing with Darryl and that group because we know that those people are horrible people from the episode where they came into the house while Rick was alone. Obviously those people will just kill eachother just to kill eachother over absolutely nothing. I'm not sure how Darryl is supposed to fit in with that group and if it's being done like that because they're wanting to change him completely now or if he's going along with these people because he believes that maybe they're the ones who took the girl.
I thought it was a pretty good episode. It's the best one in a while, IMO, and it's the first time afterwards that I wasn't lefting just saying...damn I wish it was September so I could be watching SOA instead.

Of course I'd still rather be watching SOA but this weeks episode was pretty good. I am also interested to see what they're doing with Darryl and that group because we know that those people are horrible people from the episode where they came into the house while Rick was alone. Obviously those people will just kill eachother just to kill eachother over absolutely nothing. I'm not sure how Darryl is supposed to fit in with that group and if it's being done like that because they're wanting to change him completely now or if he's going along with these people because he believes that maybe they're the ones who took the girl.

I don't think they, the present Daryl group, took the girl. The "trap" was too thought out and the cleanliness of the house... Well to me it doesn't fit the M.O. of the group that found Daryl. Like it was predestined that Carol come across the Tyreese group, the marauders will come across Rick's group and that's when things will get interesting.
I don't think they, the present Daryl group, took the girl. The "trap" was too thought out and the cleanliness of the house... Well to me it doesn't fit the M.O. of the group that found Daryl. Like it was predestined that Carol come across the Tyreese group, the marauders will come across Rick's group and that's when things will get interesting.

Based on the little snippet they showed during Talking Dead Daryl is gonna kill the marauders...at least the one talking filth about Beth anyway.
Based on the little snippet they showed during Talking Dead Daryl is gonna kill the marauders...at least the one talking filth about Beth anyway.

I don't have any *spoilers* to share about what's going to happen with the marauders, but I wouldn't be surprised to see this group, with Daryl, come across Rick, Carl and Michonne. And ultimately the marauders get their heads handed to them... figuratively in one sense, literally in another. :D

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