"The Walking Dead" Season 4– Episodes 9-16...

During the last season, I thought it would be interesting if Karl ended up shooting Lizzie for some reason, but either way I'm glad she's off the show. Nothing against the actress, who did a great job playing a one-dimensional character, but there was no where left for her to go except the ground.
I don't think they, the present Daryl group, took the girl. The "trap" was too thought out and the cleanliness of the house... Well to me it doesn't fit the M.O. of the group that found Daryl. Like it was predestined that Carol come across the Tyreese group, the marauders will come across Rick's group and that's when things will get interesting.

Yeah I don't think they're the ones either but I was just curious as to whether that's why Darryl so easily joined people who seemed somewhat shady right out of the gate. Of course we know they are because we've already seen Rick's brief encounter with this group but even without that knowledge just listening to the main guy talk should give away that they're pretty shady.
Yeah I don't think they're the ones either but I was just curious as to whether that's why Darryl so easily joined people who seemed somewhat shady right out of the gate. Of course we know they are because we've already seen Rick's brief encounter with this group but even without that knowledge just listening to the main guy talk should give away that they're pretty shady.

I think he joined them so readily because he was toast if he hadn't.
Where was Judith at the end? Tyrese's back? I couldn't make her out. Not even a doll.
finally, they trust us with multiple story lines in 1 hour.

finally, we have a reunion.

but the division they create isn't worth the time it takes to see it through. being strange for the sake of being strange isn't a story, it's a cop out. we find a mortuary with coke in it. trap. terminus, unlocked gate, twice, and a sweet lady offering a cold one after a hard day.

inventing drama.

the only compelling relationships are daryl and the dude who has rules. and for the life of me where do they keep finding bullets?

when i got into script writing one of the books i read talked about "suspension of disbelief". how much will you allow the show to take over common sense. in my mind, they've strayed too far from this and are just ******** on the wall and hoping a story comes out.

major issue with the "suspension" of tonight? great. unload your pistol and bring down some concrete. the space gone doesn't rep the mounds that either keep zombies out, or don't. depends on the writers mood. they had to crawl over HUGE amounts of rubble from a pistol shot in the air to see the dead. yet they walkd around it to create drama.


i hate that. they never used to do that.

the writers, producer, director or whoever now seems to be taking every shortcut they can find to be bad.

the story isn't the issue. they way they're telling it, sucks.
finally, they trust us with multiple story lines in 1 hour.

finally, we have a reunion.

but the division they create isn't worth the time it takes to see it through. being strange for the sake of being strange isn't a story, it's a cop out. we find a mortuary with coke in it. trap. terminus, unlocked gate, twice, and a sweet lady offering a cold one after a hard day.

inventing drama.

the only compelling relationships are daryl and the dude who has rules. and for the life of me where do they keep finding bullets?

when i got into script writing one of the books i read talked about "suspension of disbelief". how much will you allow the show to take over common sense. in my mind, they've strayed too far from this and are just ****ting on the wall and hoping a story comes out.

major issue with the "suspension" of tonight? great. unload your pistol and bring down some concrete. the space gone doesn't rep the mounds that either keep zombies out, or don't. depends on the writers mood. they had to crawl over HUGE amounts of rubble from a pistol shot in the air to see the dead. yet they walkd around it to create drama.


i hate that. they never used to do that.

the writers, producer, director or whoever now seems to be taking every shortcut they can find to be bad.

the story isn't the issue. they way they're telling it, sucks.

I think it is obvious that It's time for you to walk away from the show.
It was probably by design to have groups arrive at Terminus initially, who aren't the most skeptical, i.e. Michonne, Rick, Daryl.

It didn't take Michonne long to realize that the Woodbury was rotten... I doubt it will take her long here IF that is the case.

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