"The Walking Dead" Season 6 - Episodes 1-8

I personally love the kill anybody that gets in my way Rick.

You think she used him to kill Pete? It seemed like last season she was all wide eyed for him.

I like that Rick as well. I just am thinking they can't take him 100% in that direction with the Negan character coming and him having to deal with someone whose just as cold, evil, and vile as a person can be.

I don't think she really went into it looking for Pete to be killed, more so she just wanted Rick to take the problem away for her. I think she would have been just fine with Pete being forced to live in another house and not be able to bother her. I think she used Rick, cause he clearly liked her, to get what she needed. She got more maybe then she thought, with Pete being killed, but either way I think Rick served his purpose and is no longer needed.
Man i love TWD

me too, I just binge watched all 5 seasons and I'm slightly depressed I'm caught up, I wish I could reset my brain and watch again.

I'm surprised they haven't taken this franchise worldwide to various countries to show whats happening elsewhere. Seems liken African, Chinese,Japanese, Australian, European, etc WD would do well plus I bet a huge chunk of American viewers would gladly watch with subtitles
me too, I just binge watched all 5 seasons and I'm slightly depressed I'm caught up, I wish I could reset my brain and watch again.

I'm surprised they haven't taken this franchise worldwide to various countries to show whats happening elsewhere. Seems liken African, Chinese,Japanese, Australian, European, etc WD would do well plus I bet a huge chunk of American viewers would gladly watch with subtitles

Fear the walking dead
The walking dead
Across the pond with the walking dead
Down under with the walking dead
Walking dead: the Serengeti files

Whats the deal w morgan. Those wolves he let go are gonna come back and kill more residents, and did he leave the town towards the end. The scene showed him walking towards the gate w a blue bag.
I figured it was the wolves. Never really thought it was the son and only a slight possibility of the priest.

The Morgan character is going to cause problems. It's only a matter of time before he gets people killed. I can understand being reluctant to kill, but he won't even consider it. He seems reluctant to even hurt his enemies. Thats not a conscious, that's not being able to come to terms with the reality.

I did think the episode was good. My hopes are the entrances are all made and the major character of the season is revealed by the winter finale at the latest.
It's my belief that Morgan is coming around to thinking the way that Rick's group does. He did finally kill that wolf member that came at him inside the house. At the end of the episode we saw Morgan walking toward the wall with a bag packed which tells me he's going out to kill the wolves he allowed to escape before they come back to cause more problems for Rick's group.

I hope we haven't seen the last of Enid. She's afraid to care about Carl which explains why she ran away again.
Whats the deal w morgan. Those wolves he let go are gonna come back and kill more residents, and did he leave the town towards the end. The scene showed him walking towards the gate w a blue bag.

morgan is having a hard time killing "people". he's not the first and if the show continues, won't be the last. they also had to setup the quote to say the wolvettes (there is clearly someone else and they just sent the pawns in last night) didn't have a choice. you could see a hint of 'help us' in that quote and then right back to calling his people off.

ok, "are they still out there"? you have people running in the streets with knives and others sitting inside with guns hoping no one comes in for the most part. carol once again goes rogue and saves the say with a clever disguise that allows all but her to be killed. she needs to keep that going on.

i thought the "well the killing is over back to our baking" was a bit much. almost trivialized the invasion as a distraction between breakfast and lunch and just a part of the day as solar power and rick killing angry husbands.

its getting to be a twist on the same old story to a degree. crazy people, conflict. crazy people, conflict. oh wait, zombies. now back to the crazy people conflicts.

we'll see where it goes. so far it has been more entertaining than the previous series.
I wondering if/when Rick & co. come back and survey the carnage they'll stage a pursuit.
1.Who mows all the grass on the sides of the roads and highways lol? The grass is still short in some scenes.
2. Have the zombie skulls degraded to the point where a stick will kill them. If so wouldnt the weight of their upperbody break their zombie ankles?

Man i love TWD

You can spear a person through the skull with a plain wooden spear when someone is alive. Not sure why it would be so hard to think one could not easily spear a zombie through the head.

I remember someone early on in the series making the point that the prison yard was mowed and the next season they showed it a little more...un mowed lol
Rick did exactly what she needed him to do. And she got what she wanted out of Rick. Away from her abusive husband, which she couldn't do on her own.

She clearly never wanted more from him then to use him to take care of the problem that she couldn't/wouldn't take care of herself.

The son being upset that his dad is dead isn't really a stretch. I mean anyone whose ever met people who've been beaten by their dads will know that, for whatever reason, the kids still say "Well it's my dad". So it's not in the least bit shocking that the son is pissed off that Rick killed his father.

The son and the priest could be possibilities for ruining the plan but I'm pretty sure its going to be The Wolves. I believe it's very likely the start of the No Way Out storyline. Those people have a plan, and a way, that they deal with the zombies and they are likely doing this so they can get into the community and get all the stuff they have.

I'm thinking more and more the balance between Rick not taking any chances and taking no crap and the more happy, content, Rick is more about keeping him from going too far toward the kill the threat immediately Rick because of the potential arrival of Negan by seasons end.

You can't put Rick too far toward the "kill anyone who gets in the way" persona because then it's going to be a hard sell as to why he doesn't immediately go out and kill Negan once he arrives.

I LOVED the black and white for the flashback scenes. It gave a small look like the comic that way and I loved that. I really enjoyed the episode. I can't wait for this weekends.

"I can call my dad an *******, you can't" mentality.
Whats the deal w morgan. Those wolves he let go are gonna come back and kill more residents, and did he leave the town towards the end. The scene showed him walking towards the gate w a blue bag.
You can spear a person through the skull with a plain wooden spear when someone is alive. Not sure why it would be so hard to think one could not easily spear a zombie through the head.

I remember someone early on in the series making the point that the prison yard was mowed and the next season they showed it a little more...un mowed lol

Oh in regards to the wooden stick: Morgan isn't using a spear but a bo stick and he's killing zombies not with piercing blows but downward and horizontal swings.
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Whats the deal w morgan. Those wolves he let go are gonna come back and kill more residents, and did he leave the town towards the end. The scene showed him walking towards the gate w a blue bag.

Oh in regards to the wooden stick: Morgan isn't using a spear but a no stick and he's killing zombies not with piercing blows but downward and horizontal swings.

Blunt force trauma to the head can kill someone. Pipe, baseball bat, thick staff in the hands of someone who knows how to use it (not being dirty). Heck I have seen people throw chop sticks into wooden doors.

As far as morgan goes...he has that every life is precious mantra going (not the undead of course) where as Carol seems to think that any life is ok to take if it puts her group into danger.

Kind of interesting dichotomy those two will play out. Hence the ending where he is walking one way, she is walking the other and they barely acknowledge each other.

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