"The Walking Dead" Season 6 - Episodes 1-8

Thanks guys. My bad.

I was referring to:

1. the thousands of dead in the rocks, the trucks holding them back.
2. And the dead being led down the road away from community

That's what I'm looking for?

Rick and Morgan (think it was Morgan) was outside the gates looking around, think they were going to bury someone. They started hearing walkers and went and seen the quarry. They realized that at one time the community, or someone in the community, had trapped a bunch of walkers in the Quarry and that was why there was an abnormally LOW number of walkers wondering around outside the community. They had trapped them in the quarry by using 18 wheelers to block the walkers from coming out of the quarry once they had fell into the quarry or were trapped in the quarry.

They also saw that some of the walkers were starting to make it through the gaps in the trucks and one of the trucks had fell off the side of one of the roads in the quarry. They knew it was just a matter of time before the other trucks blocking the way would fall over and when it did the horde of walkers there would come out and more than likely make their way to the community.

So they decided to herd the walkers out of the quarry and PAST the community and to have them keep going in that direction.

I dont think them finding the walkers had anything to connect it to the last season finale other than the possible idea of them wondering why there was an abnormally low number of walkers around the community.
Who is the bigger coward - the priest or Ron?
Good question. Ron is the bigger coward in my opinion. On one hand, the priest has been dealing with his own fear of death. He is also coming to grips with the necessities of survival in the new world. He hasn't adjusted his moral convictions fully though. I think he still sees walkers as having souls, so he may feel stopping walkers as sinful instead of merciful. He understands the living does evil to survive but he hasn't committed 100% to doing whatever it takes to defend his group from evil acts. For example, his own ingrained dislike of guns and weapons is still a work in progress. Even so, the priest wants to help his group to survive. He doesn't know how to separate what must be done from what he always thought should be done yet. At least he's trying for what it's worth.

On the other hand, Ron was traumatized by his father while being sheltered from the zombie apocalypse. He has seen his mother and brother abused by his father. I think Ron retreated into his own personal fantasy world where he doesn't see his father as the true SOB that he was. Ron may have even accepted that his father's "tough love" helped shield him from the craziness beyond the community's walls. He might be the best example of victimization--existing in helplessness. Ron may not understand (or care) what courage is or even want to embrace it. Death has an iron grip on Ron's testicles and he's not doing anything to prevent them from being ripped off.
I always suspected that Enid was a spy for the wolves. It even seemed like she tried to tell Carl that and he cut her off. She also had the keys. Didn't someone let the wolves in?
Rick and Morgan (think it was Morgan) was outside the gates looking around, think they were going to bury someone. They started hearing walkers and went and seen the quarry.

Ok I went back and watched beginning. Turns out I didn't miss anything but I still don't know where that scene is?what episode? /\ /\
Ok I went back and watched beginning. Turns out I didn't miss anything but I still don't know where that scene is?what episode? /\ /\

It's in this season's premier. Rick and Morgan are going to bury the guy that Rick shot in the face. Actually, Morgan wants to bury him, Rick just wants to dump his *** in the woods. Rick hears a bunch of walkers and they find the quarry.
Loved the last episode, but I do wonder where it will go from here. There's so little depth to the wolves that I don't think they could make for much of a plot line. Then again, I haven't read the comics. Maybe the zombie horde wipes out the remaining wolves and they all end up back in "find shelter" mode. I think the next part of this season will be the most challenging to develop and still remain entertaining.
Has it been revealed on how the walkers were trapped in the quarry? What drew them there?
Loved the last episode, but I do wonder where it will go from here. There's so little depth to the wolves that I don't think they could make for much of a plot line. Then again, I haven't read the comics. Maybe the zombie horde wipes out the remaining wolves and they all end up back in "find shelter" mode. I think the next part of this season will be the most challenging to develop and still remain entertaining.

every pack has a leader. all you saw in the last episode were the pawns more or less. go in, kill stuff, run away. kinda like a recon run. my only question is some of those "wolves" were far too "into" the remains of the freshly killed. no way would i trust them wolf or not.

they set it up with "i don't have a choice" so there will be some depth here. not just a bunch of "olivers" running round looking for more pudding.
Has it been revealed on how the walkers were trapped in the quarry? What drew them there?
Sound draws walkers to its source. There was a human encampment in the quarry initially. Zombies were attracted to the camp but could not wander out of the quarry. Other zombies were attracted by the initial zombies and the cycle continued until there was an impressive zombie herd with nowhere to go.
Sound draws walkers to its source. There was a human encampment in the quarry initially. Zombies were attracted to the camp but could not wander out of the quarry. Other zombies were attracted by the initial zombies and the cycle continued until there was an impressive zombie herd with nowhere to go.

Kinda like here at the Zone. :)
carol is the mamma bear...shes into protecting carl and the baby. Shes always barking orders at carl to protect the baby and then heads out to protect the both of them.

thats why shes so calculated. Everything comes down to the potential increase or decrease in harm to her "kids"
WOW... I kept waiting for a crazy escape but it just didn't happen

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