The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

You could be right and there's nothing wrong if you're 100% correct. Both actresses are still gorgeous.

I checked out Maxim's 2015 Hot 100 Readers' Choice list. Neither Serratos nor Martin-Green were on the list. It doesn't make either of them less gorgeous than they are. Anyone could've voted both women well ahead of another zombie fighter, Imogen Poots, Tammy from 28 Days Later, but they both would have lost out to her and 99 other "most beautiful women in the world," lol.

Let more perfer Rosita over Sasha. It wouldn't be a bad thing for either of them.

This question of Rosita or Sasha is a few weeks old. I found another site discussing it and found the comments fairly entertaining. So I guess I'll share if you're interested...
Doc got herself killed "experimenting" with surviving in the zombie world. I knew she was going to die as soon as she "forced" herself to look in the pharmacy bathroom.

Zombie apocalypse survivors don't force themselves to survive in the zombie world. They just do. She was begging to die. Only sad part was her not taking a sip of the orange soda before kicking the bucket.

Nerdy Doc chic got herself killed.

She was fine until she took tracks.
Totally exposed. No cover from the trees.
She was fine until she took tracks.
Totally exposed. No cover from the trees.

That was Daryl's decision to deviate to the tracks. The Doc had been following him the whole trip. But she decided to step out of her safety zone and fell behind because she had to see what was in a cooler guarded by a zombie. That delay and then her stopping on the tracks to philosophize put herself at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was so into what she was saying, she was still trying to say it after she got the arrow in the head. I'm glad she saved Carl and the meds they found saved Eugene thanks to her but I don't see her as a great loss. She admitted she was winging it as a doc. Her yapping got her killed. An arrow not intended for her couldn't stand her yapping and found its way to shut her up. I'm glad Daryl got his crossbow back but isn't he low on arrows. He usually retrieves the ones he can, so I wonder if he got the one that killed the nerdy Doc? Probably not since they were in a hurry to get Eugene some help. Which is another thing... they have no Doc now, so who saved Eugene? It wasn't the meds alone that fixed him enough to live. He had a gun shot that that require medical attention. Basic first aide knowledge wasn't going to save him.
That was Daryl's decision to deviate to the tracks. The Doc had been following him the whole trip. But she decided to step out of her safety zone and fell behind because she had to see what was in a cooler guarded by a zombie. That delay and then her stopping on the tracks to philosophize put herself at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was so into what she was saying, she was still trying to say it after she got the arrow in the head. I'm glad she saved Carl and the meds they found saved Eugene thanks to her but I don't see her as a great loss. She admitted she was winging it as a doc. Her yapping got her killed. An arrow not intended for her couldn't stand her yapping and found its way to shut her up. I'm glad Daryl got his crossbow back but isn't he low on arrows. He usually retrieves the ones he can, so I wonder if he got the one that killed the nerdy Doc? Probably not since they were in a hurry to get Eugene some help. Which is another thing... they have no Doc now, so who saved Eugene? It wasn't the meds alone that fixed him enough to live. He had a gun shot that that require medical attention. Basic first aide knowledge wasn't going to save him.

low on arrows?

yea, and water, and bullets, and guns, and food...

whether or not she was a great loss depends on who their focus is. they go through people like halloween candy at times so the best way to watch the show is wonder when, not if, supporting cast members will be killed.

a guy here at work still hadn't watched it yet so i told him yesterday that i was going to spoil it for him and glenn got a sex change. of course he blew me off and later i told him daryl did and he said "wait, i thought it was glenn"

i said "SOMEONE got a sex change..." and will wait for him to come in and see if he remembers my spoiler. :)
low on arrows?

yea, and water, and bullets, and guns, and food...

whether or not she was a great loss depends on who their focus is. they go through people like halloween candy at times so the best way to watch the show is wonder when, not if, supporting cast members will be killed.

a guy here at work still hadn't watched it yet so i told him yesterday that i was going to spoil it for him and glenn got a sex change. of course he blew me off and later i told him daryl did and he said "wait, i thought it was glenn"

i said "SOMEONE got a sex change..." and will wait for him to come in and see if he remembers my spoiler. :)

The Alexandrians have plenty of guns and Eugene can make more bullets. The Hilltop people will provide more food and drink. And Daryl is still low on quarrels(arrows) for his crossbow.
That was Daryl's decision to deviate to the tracks. The Doc had been following him the whole trip. But she decided to step out of her safety zone and fell behind because she had to see what was in a cooler guarded by a zombie. That delay and then her stopping on the tracks to philosophize put herself at the wrong place at the wrong time. She was so into what she was saying, she was still trying to say it after she got the arrow in the head. I'm glad she saved Carl and the meds they found saved Eugene thanks to her but I don't see her as a great loss. She admitted she was winging it as a doc. Her yapping got her killed. An arrow not intended for her couldn't stand her yapping and found its way to shut her up. I'm glad Daryl got his crossbow back but isn't he low on arrows. He usually retrieves the ones he can, so I wonder if he got the one that killed the nerdy Doc? Probably not since they were in a hurry to get Eugene some help. Which is another thing... they have no Doc now, so who saved Eugene? It wasn't the meds alone that fixed him enough to live. He had a gun shot that that require medical attention. Basic first aide knowledge wasn't going to save him.

Daryl was swayed by Rosita.

Falling behind had nothing to do with it, they got ambushed. No matter 10am or 10:05am lol

Look, it was written that way ... I get it.

You are exposed on tracks.
Daryl was swayed by Rosita.

Falling behind had nothing to do with it, they got ambushed. No matter 10am or 10:05am lol

Look, it was written that way ... I get it.

You are exposed on tracks.

It's not like the Saviors that ambushed them were watching the tracks. If so then Rosita would never have made it on the tracks going to the drugstore. The Saviors came up on them at that place and at that time because that this when and where the Doc had them be because she cared more about philosophizing than getting home. If the doc would have just stayed with Rosita and Daryl they would have been much farther down the tracks and not crossed paths with that ambushing group of Saviors.
Probably not since they were in a hurry to get Eugene some help. Which is another thing... they have no Doc now, so who saved Eugene? It wasn't the meds alone that fixed him enough to live. He had a gun shot that that require medical attention. Basic first aide knowledge wasn't going to save him.

they explicitly said it was a bullet graze
The Alexandrians have plenty of guns and Eugene can make more bullets. The Hilltop people will provide more food and drink. And Daryl is still low on quarrels(arrows) for his crossbow.

so we can make bullets but not arrows.

got it.

you're a lot more fun when you're not around.
The Carol-character is interesting.

She's killed more humans than anyone on the show and it's caught up to her.

Luv the character. Melissa McBride is top-shelf.

But I question the character surviving the season. My expectations are pretty low.

I think she will live.

I think what will bring her back to the group, to help, is the arrival of Negan and the way he brutally kills someone she cares about.

It has me leaning, more so than ever, toward Daryl being the one Negan kills.

My whole thought on this is that part of this not wanting to kill, not wanting to live this type of life and pretty much feeling guilty about the fact that she's still alive when others (Her daughter) are not is some what like the story they gave Michionne after they defeat Negan.

During the time skip she leaves because of some similar reasons and isn't part of the group. I'm wondering if they're doing this, early and for far less time, with Carol because they're obviously not going to be using Michione for that now that she's with Rick.

Just my guess. I think she will either be there when Negan arrives, and kills, or she will hear about it and it bring her back. My money is on her being there because I think that's how they're going to wind up ambushed by Negan and his men. They're out looking for Carol and that's how he gets them.

Which is way different from the comic because they're chasing Dwight, after he tries to get into Alexandria and that's how they ambush them.
RIP awkward nerdy lesbian doctor girl. Does she count as the non-Negan death?

Like Iceberg, I had no idea who Dwight was. Thought he was someone from the last episode who Carol lit up. Is Dwight's group part of the Saviors? His own group? Dwight didn't seem like group leader material when last we saw him.

Poor guy has a melted face, no ear, and likely had his hot dog dentally amputated by Eugene. Reminds me of Rickety Cricket from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I'd like to see him show up periodically in worse and worse shape due to run ins with Daryl & Co.

He is part of the Saviors only because he feels he has to be. When we saw him earlier in the year, when Daryl saved him and his girlfriend/wife, it was the Saviors they were running from. That's your first, unnamed, glimpse at the Saviors.

They were trying to get away. There is a reason for it, which will also explain the scar on his face, that I'm sure they'll get to next season when they show the Saviors far more with Negan.


What you will find out is that they were running because Negan had obviously chosen Dwight's wife as a wife for himself. Part of the Negan character is that he has many wives. Now their position as his wife is voluntary. They don't have to be there. They can choose to stay with the one they love and work under the points system, that he has in place, with his people. Everyone has to earn points in order to earn food, water, medicine, etc. But his wives don't. The only thing his wives are required to do are obviously have sex with him whenever he likes and they have to be 100% faithful to him. They can not be with anyone else. They do this they don't have to work, they don't have to earn points, etc.

In the comic you find out that Dwight's wife strays and is caught sleeping with Dwight again. That's part of the reason they leave in the show (Or at least that's what I believe will be the reason you find out they decided to leave) because they know if you're caught doing that the man is punished for the violation of the rules. The punishment is the man has a hot iron put to his face. Thus the scaring on Dwight.

If they follow the comic, as I believe they will, you will find this out next season when they actually show Negan doing this to another man, after his wife strays from Negan to be with the man she's really in love with and is caught.
Now for my thoughts on the episode as a whole....

1) SO glad they didn't kill Abraham here like it would have been in the comic. The whole episode I'm fearing they're actually going to kill him because they did the episode almost identical to the comic in that him and Eugene are out looking for the building where Eugene believes he can manufacture bullets. They don't really have the falling out in the comic that they did in the show right there but other than that it was right down the line. So the whole time I'm thinking..."Damn it they are going to kill Abraham after all". Especially when he said "You'd be better off trying to pick up a turd on the clean end." I said, to my son, "Damn it I'm going to miss this guy."

So glad they didn't kill him. I guess Robert Kirkman was very serious when he said one of his biggest regrets in the comic was that he killed Abraham off too soon. Looks like the TV show is going to get him for a while longer at least.

Now if they troll me and let him live there, just to have him be the one Negan kills in the season finale, I'll be mega pissed that they trolled me like that.

2) I was shocked when it was the doctor. Honestly I didn't see it being here that would replace Abraham in that scene but I LOVE that they did the image of the arrow through her head, and how she kept talking exactly how it was in the comic. I love that. Great job.

3) I loved that they had Eugene bite the guy in the dick. That's straight out of the comic as well and I'm glad they kept that in there. That's awesome. Eugene is becoming a much stronger character and I like that.

4) The episode as a whole was great, far as I'm concerned, and has me just dying for the last two. I can't wait.

I noticed someone mentioned above something about making bullets but can't make arrows. They can make arrows, and spears. The hilltop does that now. That's how they defend themselves due to low ammo.

But the point people are missing here, and Eugene made it clear in the show, was the bullets aren't just about having their own ammo. They're not the top currency for trading and such. It's the most needed, and most scarce, commodity for any fellow communities that they might run into.

If you can produce your own ammo not only can you heavily defend yourself against people who are far less equipped with ammo but you've got something very valuable for trade with people who maybe have more medicine, or a type of food, or whatever you might want.

Ammo is your new money in this world.

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