The Walking Dead-Season 8, episodes 9-16

Yeah, the amount of time-jump will be interesting. It appears "Fear" has time-jumped to the same time as "TWD".
well first he found a car that still started AND had a full tank of gas. we can call that ~400 miles. his walking across texas was interesting. at least we know he's in texas if not already past it.
I just hope we've gotten past the "One group vs. the other" thing and they focus on simply ridding the planet of the undead.

It's time to start asking some bigger questions.

Running around in the woods is getting beyond stale.
I think the gal wanting the records and the helicopter will lead to bigger things for the group.

That's my hope, but if I recall correctly, she said that she'd been traveling around a lot and hadn't found much of any settlements at all.

I worry that it's the producers way of already telling us that little is going to change.

Bigger questions must be asked, and not simply philosophical ones.

Aren't they supposed to be geographically close to Washington D.C?
So did Negan's last utterance about Carl save his life? Because, if Rick had already decided to spare him, slitting his throat probably wouldn't have been the way to go.

I guess Negan will now be like Shane? Offering ideas counter to Rick's (which will probably blow up) and gaining credibility within the group? Hard to see him serving any other role while locked up.
That's my hope, but if I recall correctly, she said that she'd been traveling around a lot and hadn't found much of any settlements at all.

I worry that it's the producers way of already telling us that little is going to change.

Bigger questions must be asked, and not simply philosophical ones.

Aren't they supposed to be geographically close to Washington D.C?

Yep, close to DC.
So did Negan's last utterance about Carl save his life? Because, if Rick had already decided to spare him, slitting his throat probably wouldn't have been the way to go.

I guess Negan will now be like Shane? Offering ideas counter to Rick's (which will probably blow up) and gaining credibility within the group? Hard to see him serving any other role while locked up.
I think it was the look of grief in Negan's eyes about Carl that persuaded Rick and not necessarily anything Negan said. The two of them had a genuine moment just before the throat slashing. They are more alike than either of them care to admit.

lol. I finally appreciate Carl's character highly for the first time but he had to die before I did so.
Then they owe it to us and the story to have someone go there to gave a look at what's going on.

And that includes the audience.

They need to start thinking beyond terms of "get off my lawn!"

That was the only thing that made me wonder if they'd kill Negan. They had already foreshadowed the cell, but if he's kept in a cell then the group can't stray very far. And having a mobile prisoner in a zombie apocalypse would be a huge pita.

I guess they could still have one group splinter out and look if they wanted to go that route.
That was the only thing that made me wonder if they'd kill Negan. They had already foreshadowed the cell, but if he's kept in a cell then the group can't stray very far. And having a mobile prisoner in a zombie apocalypse would be a huge pita.

I guess they could still have one group splinter out and look if they wanted to go that route.

I'm thinking that such an excursion would be made by a small number of the group.

Judging by what I saw in that last episode, you've now got over a hundred people in each of several locations - Sanctuary, Kingdom, Hilltop, Oceanside, and Alexandria.

I would expect a much smaller, expeditionary group to make the trip, rather than everyone leaving their current settlements.

I think it would also allow for more character development being separated than all bunched up together. I feel that the current cast is far too bloated. Characters come and go for weeks or months at a time with nothing to say or do.
Then they owe it to us and the story to have someone go there to gave a look at what's going on.

And that includes the audience.

They need to start thinking beyond terms of "get off my lawn!"

I agree. Time for something bigger in scope than a few houses here & there or an industrial complex.
I think it was the look of grief in Negan's eyes about Carl that persuaded Rick and not necessarily anything Negan said. The two of them had a genuine moment just before the throat slashing. They are more alike than either of them care to admit.

lol. I finally appreciate Carl's character highly for the first time but he had to die before I did so.

I'd like to see the Negan character expanded upon while in captivity.

I'd also hope the Janis/Ann character is expanded upon.
That CDC episode early on still ranks as one of my all-time favorites. I think they need more bigger questions like they asked there.

Me too.

And Kirkman (the author behind the series) supposedly didn't like it because it delved into the bigger picture and trying to answer questions the audience has.
Me too.

And Kirkman (the author behind the series) supposedly didn't like it because it delved into the bigger picture and trying to answer questions the audience has.

Doesn't he realize that the audience has a right to know? And that they'll eventually begin to lose interest if these questions never get answered?

Or is this simply a situation where they'll just try to string along running around the woods for as long as they possibly can, having no intention of ever coming up with answers?

I know it's typical of the zombie genre in that little, if any effort is made to explain what's happening. That's one thing I found refreshing about the World War Z film. It at least started to give some answers.
Doesn't he realize that the audience has a right to know? And that they'll eventually begin to lose interest if these questions never get answered?

Or is this simply a situation where they'll just try to string along running around the woods for as long as they possibly can, having no intention of ever coming up with answers?

I know it's typical of the zombie genre in that little, if any effort is made to explain what's happening. That's one thing I found refreshing about the World War Z film. It at least started to give some answers.

I agree with you.

I'd find it interesting too.

Same thing in "Day of the Dead" (Romero film in '84) they go about trying to explain some of what was going on.
I agree with you.

I'd find it interesting too.

Same thing in "Day of the Dead" (Romero film in '84) they go about trying to explain some of what was going on.

You have to do something at some point. Even if it's just bread crumbs.

Even the Abraham-Rosita-Eugene storyline spiced things up for a little while. Certainly welcomed after that slog to Terminus.

That was the only thing that made me wonder if they'd kill Negan. They had already foreshadowed the cell, but if he's kept in a cell then the group can't stray very far. And having a mobile prisoner in a zombie apocalypse would be a huge pita.

I guess they could still have one group splinter out and look if they wanted to go that route.

I think they need to thin out the cast no matter what they do.

Since everyone is infected, I've always wondered if they'd introduce a government "group" that was working on a cure and experimenting on the living to see if it worked (the ultimate test would be whether they turned). There are a lot of conflicts they could bring about if they brought in elements of old society trying to establish order on a global scale but IDK if the comics ever go there. So far it's just been tribes trying to survive.
I think they need to thin out the cast no matter what they do.

Since everyone is infected, I've always wondered if they'd introduce a government "group" that was working on a cure and experimenting on the living to see if it worked (the ultimate test would be whether they turned). There are a lot of conflicts they could bring about if they brought in elements of old society trying to establish order on a global scale but IDK if the comics ever go there. So far it's just been tribes trying to survive.

Yep, and the tribe thing gets old after a while.
I'd like to see the Negan character expanded upon while in captivity.
JUST as long as their daily warden/prisoner relationship does not include any Jodie Foster/Anthony Hopkins 'I ate his liver with a nice chianti and some fava beans' jail cell conversations. :muttley:
I'd also hope the Janis/Ann character is expanded upon.
I think they have only scratched the surface of her character's depth. Janis is such an enigma in my opinion for them to simply let her character meld into background noise.

Another thing I hope they delve into is any lingering ties with Negan's followers. Surely there was one or two brainwashed loyalists who will not take kindly to their all-powerful savior being locked away. To me it does not make any sense for such a commanding overseer like Negan to not have any Reverend Jim Jones type fanatics. I still remember him surviving the invading Sanctuary zombie herd, appearing before his group and someone yelling, "God bless you Negan." Certainly all the hardcore disciples did not do a complete 180 degree change in thinking..?

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