ok - 2 more to go now for this season?
i liked michonne talking to rick by the bridge. in her bedroom, not so much. not sure who the little boy is but yea, if ricks, lets see...6 years gone. so if he's 5+ that's not too bad and could be. the question of the day is the X on michonne and i guess someone got a kidney. pretty advanced surgery for what they have i would think. anyone else got a read on the X scar on her back?
i like the dynamics of the new guys. but you have to ask yourself after 10+ years,how many random groups are still foraging in the woods vs. having already found a place? i just wonder about more of their background that had them lost in a field needing an 11 year old girl to save them. twice.
carol has certainly not lost it. as they say, timing is everything. but that clears up the saviors and where they are in life. well, death. they b gone.
hilltop - no idea who the leader is so i guess we'll find out next week.
negan still in prison. i dig the talks judith and have. well had cause we only saw 1 but you can tell negan loves talking to her. she loves math cause it's right or wrong, not like people. smart girl.
she is doing a good job on this part as well.
and now - the whisperers. that explains what turned around the herd; they did. eugene and the chic had to freak thinking it was the zombies talking but as we've discussed in here, it's the next group of bad people to come along. the problem with putting zombie skin on to lead them around is that's easy to flip back on you. i'll keep an eye out for that happening to them at some point but likely next season.
a lot has changed. so far so good. we'll see what carol and daryl have going on next up. training the ninja-knight wanna be?