Think any players kneel tomorrow night?

So you hope they abide by what your beliefs are to fit your personal narrative?

I really hope some do kneel so all the flag worshiping Murica fans lose their minds. It's like going to the zoo and being entertained.

America fans won't lose their minds, the'll just take their time and Money elsewhere. This will economically trickle down from the players all the way down to the custodians of the hotels and restaurants that these same fans won't have to utilize. This will affect a lot of the disenfranchised people that this is allegedly about. I hope you're entertained by it.
This is not solely for the benefit of you. I am showing everyone your intellectual courage and honesty. As Aristotle stated, "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it."

It's obvious that you are desperately trying to deflect from what they are actually protesting. I will continue to rejoin whether or not you participate.

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how police investigations and prosecutions are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Your insanity is exposed every time you repeat that line of questioning to me. I've addressed the bigger issue. Now go cray cray on someone else.
You dont protest on your time. You protest on whoevers time is most effective for you to get your point across. There can be risks and potential sacrifices involved , including loss of employment, freedom and life .

Kaepernicks protest has been a success in that it has spread like wildfire and has kept the issue in American minds amd coming out of American mouths.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Your insanity is exposed every time you repeat that line of questioning to me. I've addressed the bigger issue. Now go cray cray on someone else.
Thats not the real definition of insanity
Don't lump them all together. Wouldn't you agree that some of the players kneeling are very fine people?
I think probably most of them are very fine people.

I just think they have made a very poor choice with how to enact change by potentially hurting their own livelyhood.
You dont protest on your time. You protest on whoevers time is most effective for you to get your point across. There can be risks and potential sacrifices involved , including loss of employment, freedom and life .

Kaepernicks protest has been a success in that it has spread like wildfire and has kept the issue in American minds amd coming out of American mouths.
A year later from his taking a knee.... he's unemployed and Trump is president. So good job Kaep.
A cop called into ESPN radio today to say although he supports the players right to protest, the consequences have been extremely maginfied distrust to all cops.
He said even if someone is pulled over for speeding, they cry racism and are hostile.
And he's a black cop.

These guys' jobs--even the routine--have gotten more dangerous due to this stuff. Not that it already wasn't ramping up.
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I think probably most of them are very fine people.

I just think they have made a very poor choice with how to enact change by potentially hurting their own livelyhood.
John Brown helped free the slaves by conducting a poorly planned and executed raid and getting himself hung for treason.

If you feel strongly enough about something, you mat need to make sacrifices to see it through
The collective wars in the Middle East and American foreign policy in general is a greater threat to the "privileged Americans" than the mythical boogeyman we're always hearing about who is waiting to take our freedom from us.

You know what's more disrespectful to the armed forces than kneeling at the anthem? Sending them to die in unnecessary wars.

The same advocates for honoring the flag are the first to call to send our solders into war.

This is about protesting our national anthem, flag and the pre-game tribute given in honor of our service members.

Your political opinions on whether or not our wars are "necessary" is irrelevant.

What IS relevant is recognizing and honoring their sacrifice, because they signed up to protect YOU.
Unfortunately, I do think there will be some Cowboys taking the knee.

And that might be the end of me watching this team since Meredith was playing, unless Jerry cans them (and I don't care who it is)
If Jerry is the marketing genius that everyone believes him to be, he should hand out small American flags to every fan entering the stadium the next home game and encourage them to wave them throughout the game.
This is about protesting our national anthem, flag and the pre-game tribute given in honor of our service members.

Your political opinions on whether or not our wars are "necessary" is irrelevant.

What IS relevant is recognizing and honoring their sacrifice, because they signed up to protect YOU.

Sorry but you don't get to offended for the armed services who have not stated an opinion on the matter or the collective of military personnel. There are diverse opinions amongst the group and the guidebook that they have for flag ceremonies specifically state that it is not disrespectful to sit.

They are protesting the police and have been explicit and consistent in that. Kaepernick and Reid made a point to talk to Military members about it before they started this.

Do you disagree with the following seeing that this is what they are protesting for:

Police enjoy extra rights over the public that protect them from investigation and prosecution.
The standards for use of force need to be reformed.
Police do not receive near enough training.
There is an inherent conflict of interest in how investigations and prosecutions into police misconduct are normally conducted.
Police policies like stop and frisk and broken windows are ineffective and disproportionately target minorities.
A year later from his taking a knee.... he's unemployed and Trump is president. So good job Kaep.
Neil Kaepernick definitely helped get Trump elected along with all the riots of last year...... thanks for that

That dude is a moron. The freedom of speech is protected from government infringement. The Constitution does not protect Colin Kaepernick when he says what he wants and then does not get a job. The Bill of Rights is between the people and government not people and people, not people and corporations/private entities/etc. If the NFL told players that they would be fined or suspended for kneeling there is nothing a player could do except quit/retire from the NFL.

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