Think any players kneel tomorrow night?

Unfortunately, I do think there will be some Cowboys taking the knee.

And that might be the end of me watching this team since Meredith was playing, unless Jerry cans them (and I don't care who it is)
We'll see if Witten allows anyone to go rogue
Unfortunately, I do think there will be some Cowboys taking the knee.

And that might be the end of me watching this team since Meredith was playing, unless Jerry cans them (and I don't care who it is)
I'll be turning in my season tickets if they protest tonight.
Anybody notice who just took over the lead in Jersey sales?

Alejandro Villanueva

Let that one sink in.

What's ironic, is many feel that NFL players don't have a right to protest while at work. That while they are at work, the owners can dictate whether they stand for the anthem or not. However, Mike Tomlin, Villanueva's supervisor per say, told all players to remain in the locker room. So far, he's the only player to defy specific instructions, so let's see how many people call for him to be cut or suspended.

And in case it's not obvious, I 100% believe he should be allowed to do as he wants on the issue.
Best case scenario for any player kneeling is benching any game they kneel
Yeah, but Jerry doesn't bench players. That's on the coaches.

And you know a team like the Bears can't wait for Jerry to "fire" Dez Bryant.
And the NFL stops when there are no players playing.
you give some of these players too much credit. Are there some that would forego their golden goose for social issues, you bet, but I would think a vast majority would go where the money is.
It doesn't matter what skin color you are, people living in depressed socioeconomic communities are exposed to incredible rates of violent crimes.

We should be focused on solving the poverty issue in America, not driving a racial divide.
kind of hard to do when the politicians in those areas push the whole racial divide as the reason why.
People are kneeling to spread awareness of the oppressed in this country.......and people want them to shut up and bash their heads in. People claim kneeling for the anthem is anti-American yet those critics of the ones kneeling during the anthem are the ones who sound anti-American. This country may have been built on hate but that doesn't mean we should continue that same hate for stuff we don't understand or agree with.
you give some of these players too much credit. Are there some that would forego their golden goose for social issues, you bet, but I would think a vast majority would go where the money is.
Then those players should start there own league. Put all of those millions together and see if they can start their own league that will allow them to have a voice.
I'll be turning in my season tickets if they protest tonight.

I don't think they will. You may see some join arms or something like that, but I don't think anybody will kneel. Maybe Kellen Moore, but that's it. Kellen hates America, the Dallas Cowboys, crisp passes, puppies, and himself so he's the wild card here.
A cop called into ESPN radio today to say although he supports the players right to protest, the consequences have been extremely maginfied distrust to all cops.
He said even if someone is pulled over for speeding, they cry racism and are hostile.
And he's a black cop.

These guys' jobs--even the routine--have gotten more dangerous due to this stuff. Not that it already wasn't ramping up.

My father's side of family were police officers. Because of that I know that any routine stop can result in danger for the officer-- never know who you're pulling over for a busted tail light or what they have in their vehicle.

But the answer to settling this issue is fairly easy; a concerted national outreach campaign.

People who feel targeted need to know that the Police are not against them, and while there are a few bad apples in badges that doesn't represent all officers.

These people need to see officers as the authority, but also as people just trying to do their jobs and serve their community. Put it on billboards. Air commercials. Have a slogan.

Stop being dismissive and/or flat out combative and start breaking down the damn barrier in communication.
That dude is a moron. The freedom of speech is protected from government infringement. The Constitution does not protect Colin Kaepernick when he says what he wants and then does not get a job. The Bill of Rights is between the people and government not people and people, not people and corporations/private entities/etc. If the NFL told players that they would be fined or suspended for kneeling there is nothing a player could do except quit/retire from the NFL.
I'm assuming you are referring to me as the moron.

There is nothing that you just stated that I didn't already kniw and state.

Who is the moron?

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