This dog will be put down on Sunday Night

You people are going to be disappointed when we get our back busted in 37-3 and garrett along with linehan are still here
I'm more worried that we show up and lose a close game so Jerry can have an excuse to stick up for Garrett. We start to get blown out week after week and Garrett's gone. The only thing that can drive Garrett out is to get blown out week after week on national tv and have the boo birds come out.
This is one of those games this team finds a way to win. They always have a few outliers each season. The Jaguars game being an example.

It’s not like the Eagles are that good. I still don’t understand how they won the SB last year. Ugh.
How did your head coach start off his presser after the game?

"I thought we did some real good things in all three phases of the game tonight "

How many times have we heard this from him? Its almost like he is spouting the stock answer after referring to this. Most any other owner would have fired him long ago.
The Eagles are smelling blood. They know the Cowboys are on the brink of total collapse (if they're not there already). And they also know that they're now in prime position to finish off another team in the division. And the Commanders are about to fall apart due to a huge rash of injuries. They know this thing is once again there's for the taking. And they will happily due so on Sunday Night. If you thought that Titans game was bad? Just wait.

I'm getting the same vibe from this team as when they quit on Wade Phillips and he was canned. Jones might not fire Garrett immediately because he's family, but he will fire him by season's end.
And you my fine sir will be proven correct. Eagles will whip us like step children come Sunday... season is done, no salvaging this mess, and just to add insult to injury, we now have NO 1st rnd pick!!! ROFL!
If they do that, I'd be thankful. more likely than not, we somehow win that game just like we won the pointless game against them last year to give Jerry fuel to keep this circus going

We "won" that game because our starters played for a meaningless win while the Eagles played their 3rd stringers knowing that a loss would do nothing but help them in the draft standings.

They played that game to lose, while our idiot of a head coach "won" another game that served nothing but his own self interests.

These Cowboys are about to get embarrassed again on national television for the world to see.

I hope you like what you've built here Jerry!
I'm no Shannon Sharpe fan but, wow...... he really hits the nail on the head in this piece.

He really did there's no denying it no matter how frightening for an old guy like me. I'll be in a pine box before we ever see another championship under all this clownage.
All roads point to this. However, I think the team would quit on him if he did. The team likes Dak. He's likable but terrible when he has to play like a pure pocket passer. He's not.

I’m not so sure the team ‘likes’ Dak the way they throw each other under the bus. Even Zeke at times this season, seems to be having issues with Dak.

Especially when dude is costing them money..

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