This dog will be put down on Sunday Night

You start the thread, you deserve the heat when the game is over. That’s how it works.

Does it also "work" where people don't have the guts go say it then but come out of hiding afterwards?

If that's the case, gutless is "how it works". But it's not surprising, because the coach they want to support is the poster boy for gutless.
Does it also "work" where people don't have the guts go say it then but come out of hiding afterwards?

If that's the case, gutless is "how it works". But it's not surprising, because the coach they want to support is the poster boy for gutless.

Doesn’t matter. You started the thread. You don’t have any right to get touchy about it when proven wrong.

And had the guts to state my position then, not like some weasel after the fact. But it's no surprise you'd be right in on this. It's right up your alley too.

Bruh, if you had the guts before the game, have some guts after the game.....your team lost! Deal with it
Just because they did not post in your "look it me ..... I am edgy and hate my own team" thread does not mean they are hiding.

No? What does it mean? What does it mean whe the inky time they have the guts to say anything is after the fact with nothing to say before? It's says gutless.

You are getting the attention you desperately wanted.

I'm not the guy who dug up the thread. That was one of the gutless after that fact types.
Does it also "work" where people don't have the guts go say it then but come out of hiding afterwards?

If that's the case, gutless is "how it works". But it's not surprising, because the coach they want to support is the poster boy for gutless.

Come on Stash take your lumps like a man. You don't get to cry victim after you created a thread like this
Bruh, if you had the guts before the game, have some guts after the game.....your team lost! Deal with it

Where were you before the game? Oh yeah, hiding. It takes a lot of guts to take a **** after the fact. Too bad you didn't have any before.
Come on Stash take your lumps like a man. You don't get to cry victim after you created a thread like this

Who's denying anything? I said I was wrong. That's obvious isn't it? But again, it's great to see all of this courage after the fact from people who had nothing to say before, isn't it?
Who's denying anything? I said I was wrong. That's obvious isn't it? But again, it's great to see all of this courage after the fact from people who had nothing to say before, isn't it?

How could they possibly say anything if the game hadn't played yet? We wouldn't know if we won or loss until the games over, but you called this game as a huge loss before they ever touched the field. Now that people are bringing that up, you are getting butt hurt. Come on man you better than that.
This is a really bad look for you, stash.

Oh please, it's no worse than you and the rest of the people who go into hiding and then poke their heads out after the fact. But congratulations on being the leader of the hide-and-seek crowd.

You must be proud.

Here's a clapper for ya.
How could they possibly say anything if the game hadn't played yet? We wouldn't know if we won or loss until the games over, but you called this game as a huge loss before they ever touched the field. Now that people are bringing that up, you are getting butt hurt. Come on man you better than that.

You don't see the contradiction?
Think about it until you do and then get back to me.

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