This is the final straw

You seriously wake up and have this amount of animosity in you?

I do . I have actual hatred right now for Garett and not the fake “ I hate that guy” kind either . My hatred for him burns with the intensity of a trillion stars across a billion galaxies . I hope when he eventually gets canned after Jerry’s death he is never able to get a job in football again . I want to see this mother****** not able to get employed after this . Yeah I’ve woken up with animosity now for a decade .
I do . I have actual hatred right now for Garett and not the fake “ I hate that guy” kind either . My hatred for him burns with the intensity of a trillion stars across a billion galaxies . I hope when he eventually gets canned after Jerry’s death he is never able to get a job in football again . I want to see this mother****** not able to get employed after this . Yeah I’ve woken up with animosity now for a decade .

I'm with you. I have that hatred for Jerry and Jason. Wish with the intensity of a trillion stars that they were both gone from this team.
I remember one year someone was going to buy time on an electronic billboard near the Death Star that said as much. Nobody would sell the time for such a thing.

Jerry Jones is an extremely powerful person in North Texas. He basically bought off 105.3 The Fan which is the local sports radio channel most listen too down here to lob softballs at the team. Not to mention all the perks he gives to local sports media folks down here.

Jerry basically controls the conversation. And nobody wants to cross him. For obvious reasons.
Guess you haven’t been listening to Shan and RJ (Mike Fisher in for RJ) this morning. Shan is calling out everyone.
We cannot go back to business as usual.

We fans have got to threaten to withhold our support.

Boycott this team. Do not purchase anything!

Do not participate until Garret is gone.

When I am now actively rooting for Dak to move on because I care about him. This is beyond over.

This has to be different than just complaining. We need to use our power.
you think somehow whatever you are wanting done can be done in season? no it can not tickets are sold fans will attend... games will be played and this coaching staff will be completing the season..or at least until we are mathematically this is useless rant of thread because no one in DC world who counts will see it..if it makes you and 100s of other CZ posters happy to once again open up the same subjects after every loss and beat a dead horse to vent..well thats your choice.. im waiting until after the season is over to discus changes, at this point its FUTILE..

hopefully the correct decsions get done after the season, however it turns out..but for 2019 business as usual is going into eb the case..sorry thats the truth
Guess you haven’t been listening to Shan and RJ (Mike Fisher in for RJ) this morning. Shan is calling out everyone.

I listened to them on the way to work this morning (the 6-7am show). It wasn't that bad.

Maybe they got the word from the Dark Lord since then that it's ok to pile on.
We cannot go back to business as usual.

We fans have got to threaten to withhold our support.

Boycott this team. Do not purchase anything!

Do not participate until Garret is gone.

When I am now actively rooting for Dak to move on because I care about him. This is beyond over.

This has to be different than just complaining. We need to use our power.
Y'all say this every year but it always goes back to business as usual :laugh:
you think somehow whatever you are wanting done can be done in season? no it can not tickets are sold fans will attend... games will be played and this coaching staff will be completing the season..or at least until we are mathematically this is useless rant of thread because no one in DC world who counts will see it..if it makes you and 100s of other CZ posters happy to once again open up the same subjects after every loss and beat a dead horse to vent..well thats your choice.. im waiting until after the season is over to discus changes, at this point its FUTILE..

hopefully the correct decsions get done after the season, however it turns out..but for 2019 business as usual is going into eb the case..sorry thats the truth

The vast majority of seats are annual seat licenses, so you are correct, they're paid for in advance. And the few remaining, with well over a million people in the Dallas area alone, they will always be able to sell the few left. I've not been to a game in Jerryworld, but I did go to several in Texas Stadium, many of the fans in the seats are there for the social event, to see and be seen, and enjoy a show. They care little if the team wins or loses. Myself and my family were whooping and hollering during the game and many of the other fans looked at us like we were nuts, or they were amused at our "antics".

People here have to realize, the Cowboys, as well as the NFL, is entertainment, not football per se. Winning or losing bothers those of us who go to these and other sites, argue in the bars and family gatherings, etc. but we're, to cop a phrase from our honored military "the few, the proud, the real fans". But that's not true for the vast majority of those who watch the games or follow the team. They're casual fans, or haters, and once the game is over and/or the season is over, it's not thought of much again until next year.

I don't believe there will never be enough fans who boycott or such to affect Jerry, with 340.000,000 people in the USA alone there will always be new fans or haters who will make up for the ones who become disillusioned and forsake the team...
Will never happen, too many people are fans of the Brand and not the football team.
We cannot go back to business as usual.

We fans have got to threaten to withhold our support.

Boycott this team. Do not purchase anything!

Do not participate until Garret is gone.

When I am now actively rooting for Dak to move on because I care about him. This is beyond over.

This has to be different than just complaining. We need to use our power.

I haven't purchased anything in years, stopped making road trips to see games, and will continue that approach even after Jerry fires/hires another coach.

The Cowboys are a dysfunctional organization from the top down. The next coach won't be any more successful than the five who preceded him. Until that structure changes (it's not going to), anything else is just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
It's just a game. When you have no control over something, you shouldn't stress yourself out over it.
I can’t, don’t, and won’t operate that way. Not how I’m wired. When I see injustice I point it out. I get what you’re saying but sometimes people need to stand up and this is one of those times.
Will never happen, too many people are fans of the Brand and not the football team.
I respectively disagree. Many people are fans of the "football team" because they've witnessed the championships when the Dallas Cowboys were a great team. And that's all it takes to become a fan for life. Witnessing a championship.

Oh, and not dealing with this clown for close to a decade who will NEVER bring another championship to this team.

Y'all say this every year but it always goes back to business as usual :laugh:
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from it!
Dallas isn't going to do anything in season. After this year, barring a miracle, Garrett is out. Jerry would have to be mind numbingly blind to not notice the fact that Dallas is routinely outcoached. A good coaching staff would have this team at 8-1 with this schedule.

A boycott at this point isn't going to change a thing.

As a side note: If you want to get Jerry's attention, do something at a nationally televised game that will make it on cameras. Put on a paper bag over your head with a comment about coaching or something. A small number of people can make a difference when they are seen by 10's of millions of people in a way that hits right at Jerry's ego. Just stopping purchasing stuff would take a ridiculous number of people to sign on to make a difference.
No, the true losers are the people who keep their heads down and give up. Did you ever play sports growing up? I’m glad you weren’t on my team.

Ummm. In your little rant, you called yourself out. You’re the one who is advising giving up. This is so ironic. Thanks for the laugh.

I’m glad you weren’t on my team, mr no passion! Perhaps you’re better suited for chess or pinochle.
What exactly do you suggest we do? What’s your end game here? Do you want a Sean McVay? Remember him? He’s supposed to be the boy genius that can out coach anyone. Look at his record, look at who he lost to yesterday. Would Cowboys fans be happy with that.

What about Andy Reid? I always hear his name come up. He’s soooooo smart and a great coach yet he does nothing but choke. Still want him? Sean Payton looked magical yesterday, didn’t he? He got slaughtered by the one win Falcons at home, I’m sure that would have gone over really well if he were the Cowboys HC.

Oh wait, Lincoln Riley, right? He’s our savior. He has zero NFL experience, just got worked by K State, yet he’s the one that will fix all of our problems :rolleyes: Some of you need to get a grip. There’s still plenty of games left and contrary to what some of you think, our remaining games look easier by the week. Put on your big boy panties and drive on.

Who is the one giving up here???

Lol. What a fool!
After the defense allowed the 2 pt conversion, I sat down and truly spoke these words out loud:
“In 4/5 threads, I predicted the Cowboys to lose. I can't wait for next week's games so that I can watch my Eagles again. ”.

I don't understand how anyone still has this Dak narrative. He played extremely well last night and pretty much every week. Or would you prefer to trade for Goff in the off season? I bet the Rams would take that deal in a second.

I wish you were the Rams GM

We cannot go back to business as usual.

We fans have got to threaten to withhold our support.

Boycott this team. Do not purchase anything!

Do not participate until Garret is gone.

When I am now actively rooting for Dak to move on because I care about him. This is beyond over.

This has to be different than just complaining. We need to use our power.
silver--i am with you 100% on this one....2nd and 2 from the 9 and we are stopped????....the fair catch....Zeke a shell of himself and they keep giving him the ball.....i hope Jones remembers these gaffs and fires Garrett when season over..or even now would be better
:hammer: I stopped caring right after the truth came out concerning the real reason why Jerry hired Bill Parcels. I still watch the games, but the results, win or lose, don't bother me at all. The puppet master is all about making a buck, and that's where it ends.

I'll admit I do get a little giggle over the loses, but not because I'm a terrible fan. I take satisfaction from them because of Jerry's blind faith in Garrett. Nothing will change once Garrett is gone, it will simply be 'next puppet up'. In the mean time I can enjoy watching that worthless clapping carrot screw up over and over.
acr---what was real reason Jerry hired Bill Parcells????

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