This is the final straw

This is such BS. Fans get pissed in every sport it's called passion, if you can watch this disaster and not get pissed what's wrong with you?
It's called maturity. In my 20's, I would yell and scream at the tv when the games didn't go as I wanted them to. I am every bit as passionate as the next fan, but I seriously can't get too upset over something I have no control over. Other than my time, I have no vested interest in the Cowboys. My livelihood doesn't depend on wins and losses. This is entertainment for me. If they win, great. If they lose, I'll sleep well at night. Trying to organize some stupid boycott will do absolutely nothing to cause Jerry Jones to act. He will make the decisions that HE feels are in the best interest of the organization and it doesn't do any good to get worked into a frenzy hoping he will do what the fans want. I am 100% convinced that we are seeing the end of the Jason Garrett era on the Dallas sidelines (maybe he gets a job in the FO).
Jerry proved he was not "all-in" when he brought Garrett back this year. It was a wasted season, period. No matter what happens with our talent, we aren't winning a SB under these coaches. Ever. Now the question will be if we get stuck with Garrett 2.0 after another unwarranted promotion for Moore.
I can’t, don’t, and won’t operate that way. Not how I’m wired. When I see injustice I point it out. I get what you’re saying but sometimes people need to stand up and this is one of those times.
LMAO. There are way more important things in life and there are real injustices to stand up against. Jerry and the Cowboys shouldn't be on that list.
LMAO. There are way more important things in life and there are real injustices to stand up against. Jerry and the Cowboys shouldn't be on that list.

What do you care if fans take football too seriously? If you want to wring your hands over world matters not related to football, fine. We get it; you're a casual fan. Congrats. Some of us find our release from the real world in football. And some of us fans take it very seriously. Good luck with your crusade against "real" injustices, though.
We cannot go back to business as usual.

We fans have got to threaten to withhold our support.

Boycott this team. Do not purchase anything!

Do not participate until Garret is gone.

When I am now actively rooting for Dak to move on because I care about him. This is beyond over.

This has to be different than just complaining. We need to use our power.

Do you trust the hillbilly father and son crew to actually get this right when selecting a new coach?

Granted, he could flip a coin and do better than Garrett, but who was the guy that thought Garrett was such a genius in the first place?
It's called maturity. In my 20's, I would yell and scream at the tv when the games didn't go as I wanted them to. I am every bit as passionate as the next fan, but I seriously can't get too upset over something I have no control over. Other than my time, I have no vested interest in the Cowboys. My livelihood doesn't depend on wins and losses. This is entertainment for me. If they win, great. If they lose, I'll sleep well at night. Trying to organize some stupid boycott will do absolutely nothing to cause Jerry Jones to act. He will make the decisions that HE feels are in the best interest of the organization and it doesn't do any good to get worked into a frenzy hoping he will do what the fans want. I am 100% convinced that we are seeing the end of the Jason Garrett era on the Dallas sidelines (maybe he gets a job in the FO).

I love how people think we’re getting “worked up in a frenzy”. Who are these people?

I guess the internet is a funny thing. It’s hard to tell depth of emotion.

Still. Never. Never. Let me be the ******* that assumes everyone else is weak or inferior.

Righteousness signaling is just obnoxious.
Ummm. In your little rant, you called yourself out. You’re the one who is advising giving up. This is so ironic. Thanks for the laugh.

I’m glad you weren’t on my team, mr no passion! Perhaps you’re better suited for chess or pinochle.
Where exactly did I say we should give up? Oh, I get it, you’re one of those chumps who makes things up and accuses others of saying things they never said to try and prove a point.
What animosity?

It’s called love you moron!

You seriously wake up and feel the need to kick someone who is down? What does that say about you?
Why in the world are you down? Cause your team lost a game? I know it was an important game but it is just that...a game. No need to call dude a moron. Just sayin.

Hilarious about the individual boycotts working Aviano90. I am telling you that Garrett will not be the head coach after this season. Next year we will have someone brand new to rag on.
So here's the deal:

-Stephen said in so many words that if we don't make it past the divisional round this season, coaching changes will be made.
-The top 4 in the NFC look pretty set: 49ers/Packers/Saints/Vikings.
-We've now lost to 3 of those teams, and no one would favor us to beat San Francisco.
-So even if we make the playoffs, even if we win the WC round, the odds of us making it out of divisional round look pretty slim.

IMO, the Lincoln Riley countdown has already started.
What do you care if fans take football too seriously? If you want to wring your hands over world matters not related to football, fine. We get it; you're a casual fan. Congrats. Some of us find our release from the real world in football. And some of us fans take it very seriously. Good luck with your crusade against "real" injustices, though.
I take football very seriously, I just don't see the cowboys as some "injustice" that needs to be stood up to. That's laughable.
What animosity?

It’s called love you moron!

You seriously wake up and feel the need to kick someone who is down? What does that say about you?

I think you are letting it bother you too much. Everyone is upset but if you are at the point where you punch walls, kick dogs, beat the need to change what you "Love"....
I think you are letting it bother you too much. Everyone is upset but if you are at the point where you punch walls, kick dogs, beat the need to change what you "Love"....
Again. Why would you think that. Do you have something wrong with you?

It’s a god damned website. Do you think people are beating their wives? What sick existence do you live in?
Dak needs to go.

We get rid of him and Garrett and we instantly get better. He's a glorified bus driver.

YOU need to go. We get rid of you and your anti-Dak minions, this forum instantly gets better.

Problem solved.
This site has been a Cowboys fan destination for over 15 years. There have been many last straw and similar declarations made on CowboysZone over that span. If each last straw was an actual straw and could be thrown into a pile, it would literally (no joke) look like this:


That is a lot of last straws.

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