It's called maturity. In my 20's, I would yell and scream at the tv when the games didn't go as I wanted them to. I am every bit as passionate as the next fan, but I seriously can't get too upset over something I have no control over. Other than my time, I have no vested interest in the Cowboys. My livelihood doesn't depend on wins and losses. This is entertainment for me. If they win, great. If they lose, I'll sleep well at night. Trying to organize some stupid boycott will do absolutely nothing to cause Jerry Jones to act. He will make the decisions that HE feels are in the best interest of the organization and it doesn't do any good to get worked into a frenzy hoping he will do what the fans want. I am 100% convinced that we are seeing the end of the Jason Garrett era on the Dallas sidelines (maybe he gets a job in the FO).