This is what entitlement looks like (Commish's kid pulled over)

Are you speaking hypothetically? My common sense comment refers to super mom not questioning the children first. She might have avoided speaking with the officers on scene entirely if she had a better grasp of what happened or perhaps postponed stating her grievance until she was in a more appropriate venue, like the police department, etc.

That is how the snowflake culture rolls. When I was a kid and messed up, I was always worried about the consequences at home. Nowadays, many of those helicopter parent-types can never believe it is their child at fault. It's truly a sickening mindset that will leave these kids wetting themselves once on their own and facing conflict.
Wow! If I was that 'incident officer' and upon 60 seconds of her running her mouth& not able to produce valid identification,,, like a freaking drivers license,,, I'd of had her psychotic witch wagon impounded & towed ALSOo_O
Welcome to New Jersey! :omg:
No thanks! If I was that " incident officer" I'd of forced her to do a field sobriety test right there and then once the psychotic behavior was apparent & she got aggressively mouthy,,,but those dudes needed to keep there day gigs,,, typical,,, I know a lesbian Az. State trooper who would've maced that pharmaceutically prescribed over-medicated Creature two seconds after she failed to comply with the instruction of taking a step backo_O
Yes i am just like her. All my neighbors are like her. All the police officers are like her as well. It might be difficult for you to understand or accept but that's how it is here.

Everything is so rushed living here and we are so close to each other in proximity, in thought, and in deed, this is our lifestyle. This part of the country changes the way people live from all over the world. All the immigrants that land here change into what we are in about 3-5 years. We are America's melting pot.
Nuke New Jersey!
I watched my drunk brother slap a flashlight out of a cop's hand, then go slap the floodlight right off another cop's cruiser, then rode home with us without so much as a fine......and we were poor!
:lmao:WoW! They would've had Air#1( police helicopter) on yer' bumper in 5seconds flat out here if that vehicle was still mobile after taking 1-2 Glock magazines of .40 cal projos,,,seriouslyo_O
NYC cops are just the opposite. They won't even answer your questions half the time. Just walk away while you're asking them how you're supposed to know a street is off limits for trucks if there's no sign...or they say, "You're a truck driver, you should just know."...even though I live 150 miles away.
Man,that's got to suck bigtimeo_O
That citation had to be a $150 at least
$250 + 2 points
I've always been fortunate with those height restrictions ( those peaked roofs on mobile homes& low overpasses don't jive,,,if it's questionable, I've always took the exit ramp& rolled over it( there's a trick that while on the interstate if you swerve that floor over into the high speed lane it'll gain you a couple of inches clearance, but that's only if yer' toting the right half side of that house as the road is banked for drainage into the median) hell, even pulling a backhoe across town you gotta beware of that boom height and old 1940's built RxR underpasses

* I kinda feel bad for you now dawg! and I know I shouldn'to_O
I've always been fortunate with those height restrictions ( those peaked roofs on mobile homes& low overpasses don't jive,,,if it's questionable, I've always took the exit ramp& rolled over it( there's a trick that while on the interstate if you swerve that floor over into the high speed lane it'll gain you a couple of inches clearance, but that's only if yer' toting the right half side of that house as the road is banked for drainage into the median) hell, even pulling a backhoe across town you gotta beware of that boom height and old 1940's built RxR underpasses

* I kinda feel bad for you now dawg! and I know I shouldn'to_O
Well, I went to court to fight the ticket.

I stood before Judge Judy with rabies, who screamed at the top of her lungs at most of the people in the room, except the officer who gave me the ticket. She just sat there nodding, starry eyed, as he quickly mumbled his version of events. I was at the scene, and I couldn't understand what he was mumbling, but she just smiled like he was asking her to marry him.
When I told her there was no sign excluding trucks from the street, she just banged her gavel and said, "GUILTY!"
This woman was heinous. If two people were sitting together, such as a defendant and his lawyer,she screamed at them to sit on opposite sides of the room. Lucky me, someone's cell phone rang just before my case was called, so that put her in an extra sweet mood!
The Cops did one hell of a're way off.
I agree. They showed a great deal of patience, without giving in to the shrew's demands, occasionally throwing in a subtle smart*** remark.
They didn't let her "authority" intimidate them at all. Well done!
As soon as she raised her hand towards them,the cops should have dropped her arrogant butt to the ground and had face planted her into the asphalt face first and say "You want to keep running your mouth and interfere"? "Guess what"? " YOUR'E UNDER ARREST"!
As soon as she raised her hand towards them,the cops should have dropped her arrogant butt to the ground and had face planted her into the asphalt face first and say "You want to keep running your mouth and interfere"? "Guess what"? " YOUR'E UNDER ARREST"!
Then she would have gotten a promotion, and they would be sitting at desks right now. (At best)

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