This is what entitlement looks like (Commish's kid pulled over)

When i was in Dallas/FTW i saw very little traffic except on gameday. So your statement is not true most New Jerseyans would actually enjoy driving in Texas as long as they don't get blocked in behind very slow drivers.

Sorry Sarek. I spent 32 years growing up in Texas and have been here in the tri-state area since January 2005. (still returning to Texas to visit family) Texas is WAY WAY WAY worse than it is here. It sounds like you were just troting around i30 near the stadium. Get on 635 or 75. Jack***es galore! Especially during rush hour.

Not to mention, everyone is packing in Texas rofl. Be careful who you piss off on the road!
I believe it because that's not unusual here, sometimes those people get arrested sometimes they don't. I never cross the line that far, i only speak pissed off for a minute or two if needed. Last time when i got a meter ticket i went to my police station and started a huge scene and all they did was apologize multiple times and everything is fine, no grudges no nothing. They wave when they see me driving and i wave back, no big deal. Living in NJ is stressful and we need to vent sometimes cops here know this.
NYC cops are just the opposite. They won't even answer your questions half the time. Just walk away while you're asking them how you're supposed to know a street is off limits for trucks if there's no sign...or they say, "You're a truck driver, you should just know."...even though I live 150 miles away.
Sorry Sarek. I spent 32 years growing up in Texas and have been here in the tri-state area since January 2005. (still returning to Texas to visit family) Texas is WAY WAY WAY worse than it is here. It sounds like you were just troting around i30 near the stadium. Get on 635 or 75. Jack***es galore! Especially during rush hour.
Your probably right. I don't remember the highway numbers but ya. I will say the city of Fort Worth looked like it was abandoned during work hours. Driving through the city to the OMNI etc there was no people walking around or standing around or anything. It looked deserted to me.
Your probably right. I don't remember the highway numbers but ya. I will say the city of Fort Worth looked like it was abandoned during work hours. Driving through the city to the OMNI etc there was no people walking around or standing around or anything. It looked deserted to me.

Omni Theater or Omni Hotel?

That said, during normal work hours it's not quiet as busy as you can sometimes find here. (i95 doesn't slow down till night time)
NYC cops are just the opposite. They won't even answer your questions half the time. Just walk away while you're asking them how you're supposed to know a street is off limits for trucks if there's no sign...or they say, "You're a truck driver, you should just know."...even though I live 150 miles away.
Oh Yea NYC cops heard it all before so many times over that they are like robots now.
Ok,what I’d like to what part of “License,registration,and insurance” do they not get? This is steps 1,2,3....and these are MIT students with means,and did this during the holidays of all times? Brilliant....let’s here it for the engineering dept.

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