Tick, tock, tick, tock. well?

Absolutely, and for the life of me I don't know why the NFLPA agreed to give the league such wide latitude. As written a mere allegation w/o any proof could be viewed as 'detrimental to the league' and warrant a suspension.

I'll overlook the small detail that such a one sided policy exposes employees to blackmail.
My hunch in why the NFLPA agreed to it is without it the league would just ban these players.

This policy provides the league an out with the perception they're at least attempting to police themselves in an effort to protect their image and the players a path to return despite unfavorable conduct which could considered detrimental to the league.

In other words it protects the players from simply being released and taking the PR pressure away from the teams individually.
I'm not sure. They know there was an incident and a DV or assault case at least initially . That means something happened. And now it's being reported he destroyed evidence . Then throw in the other minor incidents .IDK just speculating.

But It appears the league has broad jurisdiction in determining detrimental to the league .

For one, it's not really being reported he destroyed evidence. Chris Carter is claiming it. I would need to see it from a more reputable outlet before I starting believing there is the possibility he did destroy evidence.
I'm not sure. They know there was an incident and a DV or assault case at least initially . That means something happened. And now it's being reported he destroyed evidence . Then throw in the other minor incidents .IDK just speculating.

But It appears the league has broad jurisdiction in determining detrimental to the league .

There are sworn affidavits from people who were present on these occasions that refute the victims claims. One is even from the accusers best friend who was in the car with she refutes the accusers story. There are threatning text messages that refute the accusers claims.

Again, I don't know what the NFL uncovered but this woman has no credibility whatsoever.
How about Zeke conduct himself like a professional Football player and therefore wouldn't give the NFL constant incidents to investigate, because but for his conduct off the field, he wouldn't be facing an investigation and possible suspension.
The only accusation that is known to be true is pulling a "nice girl's" tank top down. I agree very unprofessional, but does not even play a part in this particular investigation.
League office apparently leaks details of looming Ezekiel Elliott suspension
Posted by Mike Florio on August 7, 2017, 11:57 AM EDT

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Two years ago, someone at 345 Park Avenue leaked to Stephen A. Smith of ESPN the notion that Patriots quarterback Tom Brady had destroyed his cell phone in connection with the #Deflategate investigation. Within a day of the leak, Brady was suspended four games due in part to the allegation that he’d destroyed his cell phone.

Now, it seems like someone at 345 Park Avenue has leaked to Cris Carter of FS1 the notion that Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott is about to be suspended, with some eye-opening details.

Via Ryan Glasspiegel of TheBigLead.com, Carter said on FS1’s Undisputed that “in the next 48 hours I would be shocked if Zeke was not suspended.” Carter added that, “based on the information that’s going to come out, it’s going to be fairly easy to determine that something happened to this woman in her four days of being with Zeke.” (The specific allegation is that Elliott committed five acts of domestic violence in a six-day window.)

Carter described the situation as a case of “assault or domestic violence,” and Carter hinted that “when the information comes out there’s going to be some similarities” to Tom Brady’s suspension, including “information that he had been advised possibly to give up, that was destroyed.”

Carter ultimately suggested that Elliott’s banishment will be in the range of Brady’s four-game suspension. If this happens, it will contradict multiple proclamations from Cowboys owner Jerry Jones regarding the absence of any evidence of domestic violence.

That said, there’s no guarantee that Carter’s comments will be borne out by the eventual facts. He was careful to couch his terms in a way that would protect him from @OldTakesExposed, stopping short of reporting anything but merely sharing what he’s hearing. (Then again, Smith used similar tiptoe terms with Brady, prompting a negative reaction from him to our posts on the issue and generating some of our all-time favorite drops from his daily radio show, including “Mike Florio needs to grow the hell up” and “Would you please break a damn story?”)

If what Carter is hearing is accurate, it’s likely not a coincidence that someone from the league office saw fit to prime the pump by leaking startling information about Brady’s case in 2015 and now Elliott’s case to one of the weekday morning #EmbraceDebate shows. Getting inflammatory information into the public domain now makes it less stunning when the league issues its press release.

It’s nevertheless odd that the league office would see fit to hand such sensitive information regarding crime and punishment to a player who once urged rookies to arrange for a fall guy.
They may have leaked false info, to make Carter look like an idiot.
There are sworn affidavits from people who were present on these occasions that refute the victims claims. One is even from the accusers best friend who was in the car with she refutes the accusers story. There are threatning text messages that refute the accusers claims.

Again, I don't know what the NFL uncovered but this woman has no credibility whatsoever.
Apparently the new discovery or evidence is Zeke destroyed his cell after the incident according to this report?
BTW even with Jerry it's clear there should be no suspension.

There's nothing clear to me, least of all the league's policy on suspensions. I just know when a player is found browsing a weed store, exposes a woman in public, is accused of domestic violence and is at least present during a wee hours bar fight, the league is going to do something, and I'm not surprised at the foot dragging at all. But the idea that the NFL is out to get Jerry, Zeke and the Cowboys just does not make sense to me. When the cowboys are cruising the league is cruising. Success in Dallas means success all over the league, so it makes the most sense to me that Goodell is taking his good old time because he doesn't know what to do. I think if we weren't talking about a hot young star, the suspension would've been handed down a long time ago. According to ESPN, there are a lot of owners in the commissioner's ear.
I fully expect him to be suspended for four games I have though all along that it would be that and with the youth on defense the cowboys will be hard pressed to win many of those games
Destroying a cell phone is not obstruction of justice. The carrier would have a record of all conversations. It got Tom Brady in trouble because the league requested that and they claimed he destroyed it after the request. Did the NFL ever request to see Zeke's phone? If not, he is free to do whatever he wants with it.
I don't understand how destroying a cell phone does Zeke any good. There's a record of those conversations and texts on the other end too.

Which is why.I want to see!the evidence oh which they based their decision to suspend.

Zeke turned his cell over to the police when they were looking into the complaint. There was some exculpatory texts there for Zeke and that is why he saved them. If the league wants texts the DA has them and they csn read them gor themselves.

I suspect if they bring up the destruction of the phone (and when did the NFL serve notice to Elliott to secure all documents?) It'll be because the DV case has very little supporting evidence so they're going to throw procedurals into the mix as part of any suspension.

The NFLs goal here is to be seen as doing something. The foundation upon which the case rests can be as flimsy as wet toilet paper. NFL players signed away due process in the last CBA so Elliott has no recourse.

Moreover I suspect any suspenion, say four games, will be appealed down to 1-2 by an apolitical arbitrator.

The NFL won't complain about that outcome in the least because the goal has always been PR and to show fans and corporate sponsors that they are trying to do something.
Destroying a cell phone is not obstruction of justice. The carrier would have a record of all conversations. It got Tom Brady in trouble because the league requested that and they claimed he destroyed it after the request. Did the NFL ever request to see Zeke's phone? If not, he is free to do whatever he wants with it.

They did. Sometime after the 2016 season. At least that was reported by someone. At the time I thought to myself, if Zeke is worried at all about the league finding anything, he'll probably destroy his phone like Tom Brady. But from what I remember, he turned it into the league.
They did. Sometime after the 2016 season. At least that was reported by someone. At the time I thought to myself, if Zeke is worried at all about the league finding anything, he'll probably destroy his phone like Tom Brady. But from what I remember, he turned it into the league.

So wait. The league requested that Zeke secure documents and communications in January (6 months after the alleged incident occured)!

This is from someone who hasn't bothered to avail himself of the facts.

Okay, so it happened at 9:40 on a Sunday night. My bad. Zeke was there when the fight happened, and whether he was involved or not and whether we like it or not, the league is going to consider the incident when they're deciding Zeke's punishment. No doubt in my mind. That was my point.
It was definitely after the season when I either read/heard it, but I can't recall exactly when.

I just googled it...


June 1. Elliot turned over phone records to league.

The date of formal request for the preservation of documents is what matters.

If Zeke threw his phone into a river on any day before the request was submitted the league is SOL. You can't retroactively penalize someone for a infraction before it became an infraction. Normally any investigative body will formally request the preservation of all documents within days.

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