Tick, tock, tick, tock. well?

It's not worth risking losing another 8% in revenue this year league wide so we can prevent players like Zeke not to be suspended .

You really believe the other 31 teams are more concerned what it means for us to go without Zeke for a few games versus the prospects of protecting their image .

Set your Cowboy shades down for a moment and act like your protecting all the teams and business relying on the revenue to maintain.
Right, so the league is losing money because it isn't suspending players that have been found innocent (or in this case, not even tried) in the court of law? The other teams should be concerned with this because if he ends up getting suspended their chances of getting blackmailed by a crazy ex go way up.

La'el Collins should've been suspended too by your logic.
The NFL is based in NY. I wonder if most of the investigators are prob Giant or Jets fans. Would you feel better if it was a Jets fan? C'mon Man.

I'm sure this investigator is going to place their career in law on the line for a favorable decision which could help the Giants in the opener . Wow

I am sure the league is going to risk a potential lawsuit because they are mad at Jerry's public comments in this matter too.

You might want to rethink some of your commentary here.
Calls herself a "rabid Giants fan", appointed by Mara and Goodell, takes more than a year to conduct an investigation over a proven false allegation......
I'd be more concerned with her gender than fandom.
Would Jerry sue the league, too? It would endear him to all players if he did.
Sue for what . An impartial decision ? Lol

It's not like Zeke didn't initiate any of this.

No, I'd expect an appeal and the suspension reduced.

Hopefully they'll keep a better eye on Zeke to prevent further incidents. That's the tick Tock I'd be running .

Even you admitted you can see more coming with him. Maybe this will serve as a deterrent not only to him but Jerry.
It's not worth risking losing another 8% in revenue this year league wide so we can prevent players like Zeke not to be suspended .

You really believe the other 31 teams are more concerned what it means for us to go without Zeke for a few games versus the prospects of protecting their image .

Set your Cowboy shades down for a moment and act like your protecting all the teams and business relying on the revenue to maintain.

If the league has that sort of open and shut evidence against Zeke, it's a travesty that he isn't being prosecuted.
Sue for what . An impartial decision ? Lol

It's not like Zeke didn't initiate any of this.

No, I'd expect an appeal and the suspension reduced.

Hopefully they'll keep a better eye on Zeke to prevent further incidents. That's the tick Tock I'd be running .

Even you admitted you can see more coming with him. Maybe this will serve as a deterrent not only to him but Jerry.
Suspension for proven false allegation.
Sue for what . An impartial decision ? Lol

It's not like Zeke didn't initiate any of this.

No, I'd expect an appeal and the suspension reduced.

Hopefully they'll keep a better eye on Zeke to prevent further incidents. That's the tick Tock I'd be running .

Even you admitted you can see more coming with him. Maybe this will serve as a deterrent not only to him but Jerry.
Please aware all of us on what evidence has been presented that would make this decision appear, in any way, impartial.
Giants kicker Josh Brown beat the crap out of his wife for years, and got what? One game?
I really don't know enough of the details in that case to argue it but at least he received a suspension .

I'm telling ya this has much to do with the Cowboys history recently . I'm not sure why more can't grasp this?
Suspension for proven false allegation.
Remember guilty plea or conviction is not required for a violation.

You guys are much too emotional wrapped up in this. The kid made his bed. And he's on the wrong team for the league to look the other way.

This is the NFL 2017.
Sue for what . An impartial decision ? Lol

It's not like Zeke didn't initiate any of this.

No, I'd expect an appeal and the suspension reduced.

Hopefully they'll keep a better eye on Zeke to prevent further incidents. That's the tick Tock I'd be running .

Even you admitted you can see more coming with him. Maybe this will serve as a deterrent not only to him but Jerry.

If the league overstepped their bounds, which they have done in the past, Jones most definitely can sue.

You seem to be operating under the assumption Elliott definitely hit this girl. Do you know that for a fact?
I really don't know enough of the details in that case to argue it but at least he received a suspension .

I'm telling ya this has much to do with the Cowboys history recently . I'm not sure why more can't grasp this?

The league can't punish Elliott or make him a scapegoat for other Cowboys transgressions. Why can't you grasp that?
A conviction isn't necessary for a violation of the Personal Conduct Policy.

But there has to be some basis for violations under the Personal Conduct Policy.

The league can't say, "well we can't prove you beat that girl, but we think you did, so we are going to suspend you under the Personal Conduct Policy for some minor infraction we think we can prove."
I really don't know enough of the details in that case to argue it but at least he received a suspension .

I'm telling ya this has much to do with the Cowboys history recently . I'm not sure why more can't grasp this?
And that's BS. Why should Zeke pay a stiffer penalty for what other's have done?

That's not fair.

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